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Recent content by scott-fs

  1. scott-fs

    My game has become "me vs. them"

    What I've done when I've found the campaign turn into a me vs the players, is stopped, and took a break from the campaign. In my situation though, I was losing interest in D&D, and before we returned to the campaign (minus two players), I got into another game called HarnMaster, but that's for...
  2. scott-fs

    Will you be purchasing PDFs from DriveThruRPG?

    True. In the past, I've played shareware games, without paying for them (more to do with financial situation, laziness, and a philosophy of if you can get it for free, why pay for it). On the other hand, I have a different financial sitution, and a different philosophy. I'm still somewhat...
  3. scott-fs

    Will you be purchasing PDFs from DriveThruRPG?

    Rejoining this thread after being unable to use my computer for a couple days due to computer problems. In a sense true, and it's probably better to compare them as such: The cd holds data; a HDD holds data. An audio cd has cda files; a HDD could hold cda files (though for space purposes, mp3...
  4. scott-fs

    Will you be purchasing PDFs from DriveThruRPG?

    The only question I have now is in regards to my proposed business model. Would consumers support a publisher who provided content on a shareware basis. One in which you can use for as long as you want, but if you like/use the content enough, to reward the publisher. To be more specific, the...
  5. scott-fs

    Will you be purchasing PDFs from DriveThruRPG?

    I stand by my statement that Ideas are free. It is the expression of those ideas are what have value. I don't place value on an mp3 that exists solely on my harddrive, and which was downloaded from Kazaa. I do place value on the cd in my cd binder, and of which contains the music that I...
  6. scott-fs

    Will you be purchasing PDFs from DriveThruRPG?

    Jumping into this thread just now so I'm not sure how much the discussion has mutated. I have a friend who has a program which lets you open an .ISO* file from your hard drive and make your computer think that the cd is in your drive, and thus will run a program requiring a cd without ever...
  7. scott-fs

    Romance in RPGs

    Heh, for a d20 Modern character I wrote it into my character's background that he had a significant other. My character was a rock musician, and the SO was part of the band. I really liked that character, unfortunately the GM knew little about running a "city-based" campaign, which is what it...
  8. scott-fs

    Do you feel cheated if an encounter isn't hard?

    It really depends, but my most recent opinion is that combat as encounters is unnecessary, and really gets in the way of what is important. I suppose D&D is geared to the heroic fantasy where characters take on hordes of evil creatures, slashing, burning, or killing those they encounter. The...
  9. scott-fs

    Yet Another Gestaut Post

    In many ways Gestalt characters are a min-maxers wet dream. They give a player the ability to reduce or eliminate any weak points, while maxing out their strengths. Ideally you select two classes which overlap very little, while each complements the others abilities and drawbacks. For...
  10. scott-fs

    Hit points: High side, average, straight roll, what?

    I'm wondering why you wouldn't just roll the following: d4: 1d2+2 d6: 1d3+3 d8: 1d4+4 d10: 1d5+5 d12: 1d6+6 I had a player who had this weird luck with dice that using a particular rolling method, allowed him to get incredibly high scores. When rolling stats, he would usually roll a couple...
  11. scott-fs

    Do you have auditions for your gaming group?

    In general, it has come down to a group vote, usually with votes along the lines of "if he's going to be playing, I won't be." Where I live, there isn't many to choose from, and my current group is myself and three others. There are some others that we could allow to play but they fall along...
  12. scott-fs

    Are the official WotC forums worth going to?

    I took a look at WotC's forums, and noted that there weren't any forums that I'd have the slightest interest in. Atleast here, there is a general rpg forum where I atleast know that most threads won't be about the D&D rules, but about gaming in general. I have a feeling if I started talking...
  13. scott-fs

    Players creating new spells?

    Heh, this reminds me of a little story of a session I joined a few years back. I had just rejoined the group after an absence. The DM as I learned beforehand was going to (as usual) run FR. Now, I despise the FR, but I wanted to play, so I decided to simply ignore the FR references, and play...
  14. scott-fs

    A crapload of new users?

    I returned to these forums, mostly as a result of googling for an Unearthed Arcana SRD, and got pointed to what was a 21 page thread that devolved into posts about copyright infringement, and filesharing, etc. Before then, I "joined" and apparently I had made about 10-15 posts before...
  15. scott-fs

    What's the deal with half-orcs?

    Or Half-Orc* and Dwarf brothers. :\ * Well, more specifically, the Half-Orc was part Orc and part Dwarf (rather than Human). The weird part about the relationship was that the Half-Orc wanted to be accepted by society, and be good an honorable. The dwarf just wanted to fight, touch shiny...