• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by senna

  1. S

    What app do you use to read your PDFs on tablets?

    Documents by Readdle I realy like Documents 5 by Readdle. Fast, simple, dont corrupt the view, support anotations and syncs via dropbox, one drive and google docs. Best reader for iOS, in my opinion.
  2. S

    What system would you run Assassin's Creed in?

    I think that 7th sea would make a great match, with its rules for brute squads and its simple resolution system for skills. If you have the time, creating new swordsman´s schools would make the diferentiation between character´s even more interesting.
  3. S

    a different take on Moradin, and dwarven religion in general

    Wow, i am playing a dwarf in my current campaign and the DM asked my character if Moradin died would i still follow him, because he was just a great and powerful creature not a god. I gave answered that Moradin was a way, a point to achieve and not "simply" an inspiration. That every dwarf want...
  4. S

    What Do The languages Sound Like?

    My Dwarves speak German for the most part, with a few Russian cues here and there, i play one named Erbeck Dracheneisen.
  5. S

    Oots 642

    Probably the childrem dont speak common yet, so its easier for them to speak im common so that they dont listen to the conversation.
  6. S

    Oots 642

    No, but if s/he find Roy and Haley and brings them back, s/he will not ask for forgiviness, but stand pride and say that s/he just made everything by herself. S/he wiil just stay mum about the situation and carry the truth as a new burden.
  7. S

    Awesome Flavor for HP & Healing Surges

    Care to elaborate? It apears to be a good compromisse. Do you use the desease condition table?
  8. S

    Do you read RPG books all the way through?

    Man, thats though. The oWOD books are some of the most repetitive rpg books i ever see, the changeling book for example has the houses information in three formats in three diferent parts of the book. The begining fluf is top notch, but the way information is formated is a nightmare to me, i...
  9. S

    Excerpt, Manual of the Planes: Types of Planes

    But rituals can be willpower based, its just that they are a formula for that end. Most cases of taming unwielding planes that i remember, make use of foci or other kinds of itens that are central to the maintenance of the plane in that particular state. These foci could be made from the...
  10. S

    Have we seen only one controller?

    This is all true insider knowledge, or it is speculation?
  11. S

    So I have the Martial Powers book.

    you are a lucky guy!!! What are the new epic destinies? What caught your eye? So far so good for questions.
  12. S

    Versatile Fighter (for lack of better name)

    Good Start!! First, i liked your ideas, but there is some ways of improving the work: - you can gain both bonusses at the same time? I dont think it was your idea, so put that every turn the character choose witch one to have. - the level 17 power does too much damage, even for a throw...
  13. S

    Is DDI going to be retro?

    A buy-in period is the best way to prevent people to buy a month and download all of the magazines from a certain period, and those will certainly fall to torrents. The best way to handle this is to give people who made the 12 or 6 months deal full back access, while demanding at least a two...
  14. S

    WotC to Revise D&D 4th Edition GSL and SRD

    Wotc is going to revise the GSL because of the poor suport from the 3PP! Good news to a lot of people!! http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/4news/20080811
  15. S

    The "complete" list of announced 4E products for 08 and 09

    The initial plan from Wotc is to initialy release only three books for every campaing seting, one seting book, one player guide and one adventure. Future releases may only ocour after demand from the costumers. This was done to make the release of one campaing seting a year a fesible business...