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Recent content by Sephiroth

  1. Sephiroth

    D&D T-Shirt Giveaway - done and over with a winner

    Count me in as well.
  2. Sephiroth

    Our (as in ENWorld's) tribute to Gary

    Great idea, Michael. Thank you.
  3. Sephiroth

    Campaign Wiki recommendations

    We have been using PmWiki for some time. It should do all the things you ask for.
  4. Sephiroth

    Which Wiki?

    We are using PmWiki for our campaign site. It wasn't very hard to set up. http://pmwiki.org/ The link to the site is in my sig.
  5. Sephiroth

    What is your icon?

    Mine is Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children.
  6. Sephiroth

    Dice Rollers

    Here is something I wrote. It's small and stays on top of other windows. I can't roll dice when you press a button yet, but I'll look at adding that when I have time (proberly this weekend). It is a Java program, so you need to have the Jave Runtime installed. Get it at www.java.com. It has to...
  7. Sephiroth

    The Official PS2 games nomination Thread (2005)

    Resident Evil 4 A great remake of the Gamecube classic. Great graphics, controls and story. An instant classic... http://www.gamespot.com/ps2/adventure/residentevil4/ Haunting Ground A much overlooked survival horror game from Capcom. http://ps2.ign.com/objects/704/704950.html Gran Turismo...
  8. Sephiroth

    ZIP/Compression Utilities

    You could give 7-Zip a try. It's opensource, so there shouldn't be any spy-/adware in it. I haven't tried it myself since I use WinZip, but I have heard good things about it. http://www.7-zip.org/
  9. Sephiroth

    What are you listening to?

    Right now: "Wolfshade (A Werewolf Masquerade)" by Moonspell Listening to the "Wolfheart" CD...
  10. Sephiroth

    Because I couldn't resist a good flame war - the programming language debate

    Hey Steven Here are the links for the files you need to get started with Java... First you need the Java Development Kit (JDK), which includes the Java compiler and core classes. Get it here: http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/download.jsp You can also download the documentation at that page. In...
  11. Sephiroth

    RPG shops in Kuala Lumpur

    Ok... I'll be going to Singapore either next weekend or the weekend after. I'll check that shop out. Hope they still have a sale when I get there... Any other shops in Singapore that's worth mentioning? (Game shops. I guess there are thousands of shops worth mentioning...)
  12. Sephiroth

    RPG shops in Kuala Lumpur

    Hi... I'm doing a semester in Computer Science at a university in Kuala Lumpur. So I'm wondering if anybody knows whether there are any shops that sells RPG books here. I've seen a couple of books in the large bookstore in Petronas Towers, but there was only 10 or so titles and it was mostly...
  13. Sephiroth

    The offical ENWorld The Return of the King Extendend Edtion DVD reaction thread.

    "Offer good only in the U.S."... Damn. I really wanted one of those. Any word on where you can get it in Europe/Denmark???
  14. Sephiroth

    Chronicles of Dragonlance Trilogy: Casting Call

    Raistlin Majere: Gary Oldman. Caramon Majere: Some big, dumb dude. Maybe The Rock... Tika Wayland: Gina Davis. Kitiara: Isn't in Dragons of Autumn Twilight, but Milla Jovovich could play her later in the series. Tanis Half-elven: Willem Dafoe, with a beard. Sturm Brightblade: Ron Pearlman...
  15. Sephiroth

    Who's a Hotty?

    The ladiez... 1. Britney Spears (she got that boom boom) 2. Maria Sharapova (looks fine, can play tennis and has a million) 3. Third is split between Halle Berry, Monica Belluci, Anna Kournikova, Kate Beckinsale, Stacy Keibler (from the WWE), Mikkeline Kirkegaard (danish ice skater), Camilla...