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Recent content by Sereg

  1. S

    FAVORED SOUL: This doesn't seem right...

    ... While I agree with you about the Sorcerer vs Wizard point KarinsDad, the check on the Favored Soul other than its lack of turn undead is.... TWO CASTING STATS. This alone balances it. Having to have both wisdom and charisma (useless for the class) is horrible. Sereg
  2. S

    Does Spell Immunity (Cleric) work vs Wind Wall?

    My questions is whether casting Spell Immunity upon oneself for the spell Wind Wall would allow a cleric to fire arrows through a wind wall? Spell Immunity specifies that it works against spells that allow spell resistance, which Wind Wall does. Some of my friends argue that Spell Immunity...
  3. S

    What's a good ECL race for a fighter/sorceror?

    Can you use Dragonlance? Sereg
  4. S

    Overpowered/Underpowered Spells?

    Thanee Common misconception here. Geas is tagged as: Enchantment (Compulsion) [Language-Dependent, Mind-Affecting] Note: and You are in fact, COMPELLED to follow it. The penality text is there in case your friends knock you out and place you in a jail cell until they can find a high...
  5. S

    Casting Disjunction while IN an antimagic field?

    How would this work? The wording of anti-magic field seems to be that it supress's effects within it... but disjunction is an instantaneous effect that has a chance to disjoin the antimagic field... So the real question is, does it supress the casting itself, or just the spell/effect? If so...
  6. S

    Help Build An Uber-Tank!

    In a word: Don't The only way to make a viable tank type character is to *HEAVILY* abuse armor class. Does your DM allow Book of Exalted Deeds / Dragon Magazine? Don't take my word for fighters (and tanking) sucking the big one in D&D however. Listen to what one of the main designers of the...
  7. S

    Issues with Summon Monster/Summon Nature's Ally (2004 Thread)

    Sorry, but... In a distorted, biased view of the game and the facts, perhaps. In FACT, the summary of the thread is: 1) Monks as written are the weakest of all melee combatants, and melee combatants are in fact the weakest of all class's in fights at high levels (and out of fights...
  8. S

    Issues with Summon Monster/Summon Nature's Ally (2004 Thread)

    Uhhh When was the fighter ever NOT weak? 3.0? Give me a break, are you seriously saying the fighter is a strong class? The *fighter*. Not fighter5/prc10/prc5. The *fighter*. A strong class? I really needed the laugh I got off this. ROFL. Monks and Fighters, quick nerf them before...
  9. S

    What viable paladin PrCs are out there?

    Paladins get abilities past level 6? News to me :D If you care about the two paladin abilities that scale with level, there are two excellent prc's for you: If you care about your mount, Cavalier from complete warrior stacks with paladin levels for it, and gives tons of great stuff. If you...
  10. S

    Issues with Summon Monster/Summon Nature's Ally (2004 Thread)

    Hong, Have my babies. Seriously. Logic, honest assesment and not degenerating to name calling, all rare qualities on an internet message board. Let me address This statement is really illogical. I could just as easly say "I find it odd that people are still claiming that a monk CAN...
  11. S

    Issues with Summon Monster/Summon Nature's Ally (2004 Thread)

    jgsugden Those are all interesting and valid adventures, but there's a point I'd like to make here, that I believe you'll agree with me on: When a large part of the *core* rules is only balanced through *specifically targeting it, due to being so powerful*, its not balanced. Yes, sometimes...
  12. S

    Issues with Summon Monster/Summon Nature's Ally (2004 Thread)

    Oh and I wanted to address this briefly: No, this is NOT completely ok. THIS, my friends, is whats wrong with D&D for fighter types. Hello, a druid can dominate (according to this logic) two out of the three combats in a day, but its ok because he's out of spells? Can a monk wake up and...
  13. S

    Issues with Summon Monster/Summon Nature's Ally (2004 Thread)

    Well What it comes down to, is this... You're comparing arguably the strongest class in 3.5 to the weakest. Its not gonna be pretty. I've played monks on and off since 3.0, and almost all fail horribly. The one's that almost kept up with other players invariably used external shots in the...
  14. S

    D&D 3E/3.5 Incorporeal vs Blindsight (3.5)

    Aye Thanks for going through all that, reiella, I appreciate it a lot. I have been going over the same material with even less conclusions to draw. This is where i'm stuck, actually. Lets say the blindsight had vibrations and scent as two of its types: What the heck does that mean vs an...
  15. S

    D&D 3E/3.5 Incorporeal vs Blindsight (3.5)

    Well It's in a few places: Savage Species, Magic of Faerun, Players Guide to Faerun. I knew I should have had the example be a monster WITH blindsight, to avoid further confusion :D . So, lets change the example: A manifested ghost on the material plane (incorporeal) vs a monster with...