Recent content by Shervyn

  1. S

    Pathfinder 1E Razor Coast/Pathfinder Help

    Thanks guys. I will go spend some time on the Paizo fora! Dunno why I didn't think of that in the first place.
  2. S

    Pathfinder 1E Razor Coast/Pathfinder Help

    Hi, So here's the thing, I have not DM'ed in almost 25 years and never a Pathfinder game and my gaming group has never played Pathfinder although most have experienced the OGL rule-set somewhere. I really would love to run at least the first part of the Razor Coast campaign and I since we are...
  3. S

    You and Your Characters: Gender and Sexuality

    I'm a CIS male, but have defaulted to playing female characters for as long as I remember. And since most of my gaming has been D&D or it's variants, that has generally meant a female shape to hang armor and weapons from and hasn't really had much affect one way or another.
  4. S

    Gamehackery: Magazines, Apps, and Getting Your Gaming Content

    What GM Toolkit app do you use? And is it available on the iPad?
  5. S

    Gamehackery: Magazines, Apps, and Getting Your Gaming Content

    Honestly I really love the shift to digital. When available I always pick up books in the digital format. Right now I am carrying around a ridiculous amount of gaming goodness on my iPad. Pathfinder, Mutants & Masterminds, D&D 3.5, Spirit of the Century, Stuff by John Harper and Vincent Baker...
  6. S

    Some notes on Spam Control & New Users

    You know, I keep forgetting this is actually a forum and I get to do things like post...So here's the first one.