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Recent content by Sidereal Knight

  1. Sidereal Knight

    An Indy Insider’s Guide to Gen Con

    An Indy Insider’s Guide to Gen Con My friends over at The Illuminerdy asked me to write up a local guide to attractions, eateries, useful businesses, and how to get around Indianapolis. Here is the result: http://www.theilluminerdy.com/2015/07/28/an-indy-insiders-guide-to-gen-con/ I hope...
  2. Sidereal Knight

    GenCon Pub Night Tuesday

    The Ram Restaurant & Brewery is located at 140 South Illinois Street. Google Maps
  3. Sidereal Knight

    Sunday AM: The Secrets of the Kombai - (Hollow Earth Expedition)

    I can only speak for myself, but I had an absolute blast! Everyone at the table was "on" (in a good way), and The_Galaxy kept the pace wonderfully. Kudos to a great GM! I'll never look at a harpoon the same way again, after using it to hitch a ride on a hovercraft. Good times!
  4. Sidereal Knight

    Saturday AM: Alma Mater (Dresden Files) (Full -- Accepting Alts)

    I really enjoyed playing this session. I feel like it was a good introduction to the Fate system, although I agree that not all of us understood or were able to apply the aspects as well as we probably could have. That comes with time and practice, I think.
  5. Sidereal Knight

    Saturday PM: Hellpocalypse - Aftermath of the Aftermath (M&M2e) - FULL, taking ALTS

    Thanks for a great game, JC. I enjoyed it at least as much as the GenCon prequel. :D
  6. Sidereal Knight

    DC Gameday VII -- October 9th and 10th, 2010

    Thanks to everyone for a great game day! It was certainly worth coming out for, and if time and money are right we plan to return.
  7. Sidereal Knight

    Saturday PM: Hellpocalypse - Aftermath of the Aftermath (M&M2e) - FULL, taking ALTS

    Ben and I are confirming our spots, too. Thanks!
  8. Sidereal Knight

    Sunday AM: Old School Hack

    Ben would like a spot, please.
  9. Sidereal Knight

    Sunday PM: A Most Murderous Tea Party (Dread)

    Curses! I have to miss the Sunday PM session to catch a flight home. :(
  10. Sidereal Knight

    Friday night party

    My partner and I are also interested.
  11. Sidereal Knight

    Whatcha gonna run? Whatcha wanna play?

    So are we calling "dibs" yet? If we are, then "dibs!" ;)
  12. Sidereal Knight

    Group Dinner - Saturday Night

    My partner and I would like to attend.
  13. Sidereal Knight

    Going to GenCon Indy for the first time

    One other bit of advice: If you're staying at a hotel that isn't connected to the Convention Center by the skywalks, you may want to bring an umbrella. Recent weather has been unpredictable, with pop-up showers and thunderstorms ranging from possible to likely.
  14. Sidereal Knight

    Going to GenCon Indy for the first time

    This is very true. August in Indianapolis regularly brings temperatures above 30C (86F), and occasionally reaches 33C. However, the Convention Center and many hotels are very aggressively cooled. If you're sitting at a gaming table for 2-4 hours, you might get a bit chilly.