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Recent content by SirKerry

  1. SirKerry

    Level Up (A5E) Culture names without Heritage references

    Hill Dwarf - Hillfolk Mountain Dwarf - Mountaineer Tunnel Halfling - Tunnelfolk
  2. SirKerry

    Level Up (A5E) Fantasy Grounds

    And it's pretty awesome!
  3. SirKerry

    OSR-3.x-ACKs Conversion Table

    Yep, I noticed it was a post from just under a decade ago, but it was literally exactly what I was looking for as I'm converting a bunch of ACKS stuff for (personal) use with the OSE ruleset in Fantasy Grounds.
  4. SirKerry

    OSR-3.x-ACKs Conversion Table

    Thanks for posting, just what I was looking for.
  5. SirKerry

    Sources of Prepainted Miniatures?

    Ah, thanks. I was wondering if anyone carried the e-M4 prepainted miniatures in the US. Kerry
  6. SirKerry

    Sources of Prepainted Miniatures?

    Could anyone recommend me some sources for prepainted miniatures? Any genre. Any scale. Pewter, plastic, etc - doesn't matter to me. Kerry
  7. SirKerry

    [Houston, TX] RPGer Meet & Greet on Saturday January 12th, 2008

    There's going to be a general roleplayer meet & greet for the West Houston area on Saturday, January 12th, 2008 at the Pizza Factory on North Eldridge Parkway and West Little York Road. All gamers welcome. Starts at 11:00am, if interested in attending please RSVP at...
  8. SirKerry

    Adventurer Party Roles

    Hmm, didn't catch the tongue in cheek bit, but yeah I found it useful (my google searches just weren't turning up what I was hunting for and I never even thought to try looking at MMORPGs as I don't play them). Okay, so basically a well rounded D&D type party would be (to put it in Modern20...
  9. SirKerry

    Adventurer Party Roles

    Thanks, that's kinda what I was looking for. I came across a d20 derived game, Charles Rice's =9"]Modern20 which uses adventurer party roles as character classes and was wondering how complete/comprehensive this was (it only has 6 classes), the following is excerpted from the Modern20 rule book...
  10. SirKerry

    Adventurer Party Roles

    Are there any blogs, wikis, magazine articles, etc that discuss and define adventurer party roles? Roles like bricks, powerhouses, healers, etc? Kerry
  11. SirKerry

    Your favorite d20 System variant?

    Here's a list of d20 variants referenced in this thread's poll and posts: A Game of Thrones Advanced Quick20 Arcana Evolved Basic Fantasy BESM d20 Call of Cthulhu d20 Castles and Crusades (SIEGE Engine) Conan d20 Modern Eclipse Etherscope Fantasy Concepts Grim Tales Iron Heroes Judge Dredd d20...
  12. SirKerry

    The Odyssey System -- Stripped-down Hot Rod d20 rules

    Yes, but what would stop the players from using it on the big bad and then just slitting his/her/its throat - kinda anti-climatic. Kerry
  13. SirKerry

    The Odyssey System -- Stripped-down Hot Rod d20 rules

    Huh, I wasn't aware of that. Never bothered to play or even buy any of the AD&D 2nd edition stuff. Kerry
  14. SirKerry

    The Odyssey System -- Stripped-down Hot Rod d20 rules

    While I don't like this, it's not a show stopper for me by any means. What I would really like to see is an effects-based power system for modelling magical abilities, spells, superpowers, etc along the lines of Mutants & Mastermind's Ultimate Power (it doesn't need to scale to the high-end...
  15. SirKerry

    The Odyssey System -- Stripped-down Hot Rod d20 rules

    Great news. What about allowing other publishers to produce materials using system, a license system like M&M Superlink would be tops. Kerry