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Recent content by slimykuotoan

  1. S

    Once you go C&C, you never go back

    bored and seeking players for one stop starting in a few mins http://www.freeyabb.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=4004&mforum=trolllordgames
  2. S

    So today you wake up and learn the world will end....

    I find real life pretty boring, so I'm honestly not sure how I'd react. Initially, I'd be excited at the news. Cooool! As long as I'd get to see the raging blasts, bands o' gamma worldy, mad max people on the highways, etc. (I'm the kind of guy who secretly wishes computers would become...
  3. S

    Merry Christmas everyone!

  4. S

    PHB comes to life!

  5. S

    Geek Survival Guide:

  6. S

    How do you pronounce Drow?

    Like 'cow', and that's from the horse's mouth.
  7. S

    Late night gamer fun: (must see!!!)

  8. S

    Once you go C&C, you never go back

    I pretty much play C&C btb with the exception of using critical hit/fumble tables.
  9. S

    Once you go C&C, you never go back

    Hi Frost: You might consider a 'one nighter' through SKYPE to get a handle on the rules as well. They pop up all of the time on the Troll Lords site,
  10. S

    Once you go C&C, you never go back

    I think Mr. gideon_thorne's sig says it all: "Castles and Crusades. The game so cool that even people who hate it can't stop talking about it."
  11. S

    Once you go C&C, you never go back

    I actually got into C&C after I found SKYPE (a free voice chat program) and wanted to try some online gaming with a few old friends. We couldn't imagine playing 3.5 over the internet -being more miniature focused than some other rpgs- so I searched for a 'rules lighter' alternative. Honestly...
  12. S

    Once you go C&C, you never go back

    What's RQ?
  13. S

    Once you go C&C, you never go back

    Just to be sure we're clear, C&C rolls aren't just random things the DM pulls out of nowhere: http://www.trolllord.com/newsite/downloads/pdfs/phdownload.pdf The number to beat follows logically from the difficulty of the task: If I save vers a spell, it's based upon the hit die of the caster...
  14. S

    Once you go C&C, you never go back

    I totally realized why I gravitated away from D20, after I was youtubing and came across this game of mutants and masterminds -they recorded their whole session: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7XV21u4gR4&feature=related For me, as new D20 player accessories came out, characters became more...
  15. S

    Once you go C&C, you never go back

    Has anyone tried Mutants and Masterminds? Sorry to be off topic again but those gaming geek reviews are addictive.