Recent content by SPE825

  1. S

    What songs make you think of DND?

    Led Zeppelin as that's what I remember listing too as I was reading as a kid when I read the Dragonlance novels by Weiss and Hickman.
  2. S

    Thoughts on Setting

    Of course it is :) I randomly found this scenario online funny enough as to what would happen to the earth if we stopped rotating on our axis, but still spun around the sun: And from actual scientists. Though it's extremely...
  3. S

    Thoughts on Setting

    Yeah, there's a ton of AL activity and other games going on around where I live. And as for realism, I'm not too concerned since we're already talking about a game with magic, dragons, undead, etc... :)
  4. S

    Thoughts on Setting

    I wasn't even really knowledgable about the Feywild and Shadowfell until you guys started mentioning it, now I'm throwing around the idea in my head of the world being half Feywild and half Shadowfell after watching some stuff on YouTube and reading a few things. Too many options! :)
  5. S

    Thoughts on Setting

    I also really like the idea of the twilight region. I was thinking that the dark side would also be heavily clouded right at the mid-point, meaning that there was a more distinct line between the darkness and the light. But the idea that the remaining population of the light half of the planet...
  6. S

    Thoughts on Setting

    I am trying my best to not go into too much detail as of yet and just build the general idea of the setting as you all have mentioned. But if I have spare time, and I enjoy doing it, I feel like I'll flesh out the ideas around geography and climate a bit. As for the climate, I had already...
  7. S

    Thoughts on Setting

    Well, there are always still dungeons, right? :) And maybe some on the dark half of the world opted to continue living underground, meaning that there could be civil war/discord among the denizens of the deep that remained underground and those that moved to the surface.
  8. S

    Thoughts on Setting

    I'm super new to D&D (or RPGs really), but want to jump in head first as a DM. I've DM'd a couple of home sessions that were super fun and basically one-shots. But now, I'd like to start creating my own world. Since everything's been done before (like the Simpsons), I wanted see if my general...