• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by SpiffyOne

  1. S

    Sage Advice: Sneak Attacks, Breath Weapons, and Magic Weapons

    Thanks for the clarification! I don't have the book at work with me!
  2. S

    Sage Advice: Sneak Attacks, Breath Weapons, and Magic Weapons

    I assumed that 'thrown' weapons were Strength to hit & Strength to damage based on the weapon description in the PHB. This makes it sounds like it Dexterity/Dexterity as well. That's unfortunate IMO. It makes Strength even less useful.
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    New DRAGON+ Delves Into Ravenloft; Includes CURSE OF STRAHD Preview Adventure

    v*This!*v I made a similar observation when "Rage" came out & we were looking at it. It's bordering on ridiculous.
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    A New Kickstarter From Monte Cook Games!

    Imagine being able to sell your product to 20,000 people at pretty close to (if not more than) full retail & have virtually NO middlemen taking their cut. $CHING$
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    veteran gamer looking for a home game in the Des Moines Iowa area

    Hello, I'm an experienced gamer looking to play in a home campaign in the Des Moines area. I am married and I have a child but I can devote a couple days a month to a home game. Please message me or post for further details. Thank you, James