• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Steffen_the_Wolf

  1. Steffen_the_Wolf

    D&D General B3 Palace of the Silver Princess, and why (I think) it's great

    I am starting to run the green cover as a 5e conversion. Feb 6th @ 4 pm-8 pm Central time on FGGL (Fantasy Grounds Gaming Lounge) It is a pick-up game I use Pre-gens to keep the story continuity but anyone can join a session, grab a character and play. I am hoping to get some newbies because...
  2. Steffen_the_Wolf

    D&D 5E OAR #8

    on the other side Gary Gygax's personal copy of B3 (The orange Cover has 5 more hrs on bid) is up to $10,112
  3. Steffen_the_Wolf

    D&D 5E OAR #8

    I think this is the same seller on ebay and the only copy on either site I could find
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  5. Steffen_the_Wolf

    D&D 5E OAR #8

    As I read these I just happened to pull up my Amazon and found OAR 4 they are asking $500 glad I have mine
  6. Steffen_the_Wolf

    X2: Castle Amber (Chateau d’ Amberville) MAPS

    I am doing Isle of Dread OAR 2 for Fantasy Grounds Unity and revamping all the maps (for my Personal Use) and should be running it this summer on discord FGPUG
  7. Steffen_the_Wolf

    X2: Castle Amber (Chateau d’ Amberville) MAPS

    of course, you can do almost anything for your own personal use.
  8. Steffen_the_Wolf

    X2: Castle Amber (Chateau d’ Amberville) MAPS

    There are definitely some copyright restrictions. I can't just convert a 1st ed module to 5e and resell it
  9. Steffen_the_Wolf

    X2: Castle Amber (Chateau d’ Amberville) MAPS

    These are fantastic unfortunately I am running OAR 5 ver by Goodman games which has a second floor above the east and west wings so I would have to add the stairs but these are nice maps
  10. Steffen_the_Wolf

    I need a 3.5 conversion for an Otterkin

    I need a 3.5 conversion for an otterkin these are the 1e stats:any help here would be great thanks
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  13. Steffen_the_Wolf

    Some notes on Spam Control & New Users

  14. Steffen_the_Wolf

    D&D 3E/3.5 Converting old Modules to 3.5 help.

    I figure the hard part is behind me