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Recent content by Steven7

  1. Steven7

    For More Than Glory (Emiricol's Campaign)

    gonna be really late tonight
  2. Steven7

    For More Than Glory (Emiricol's Campaign)

    Working tonight status: Up in the air. Don't know if I'll be there or not, but if I were betting, I'd put it on no.
  3. Steven7

    For More Than Glory (Emiricol's Campaign)

    I hate to say it but it looks like I'm going to be working this coming monday night too. If things keep going this way, I may simply be forced to withdraw from the campaign. I honestly really truly hope this is not the case since even though I have mentioned that I'm semi-probably planning on...
  4. Steven7

    For More Than Glory (Emiricol's Campaign)

    My coworker is still super ill so we're all having to pick up the slack on his shifts. I'll likely be able to catch the last hour-half hour of the game on monday, but again that's about it.
  5. Steven7

    For More Than Glory (Emiricol's Campaign)

    I don't believe I'll be able to make it on time this coming Monday, I'll try to get out as early as possible, but I'm going to be working late regardless. By late I mean, quite late, I might be able to make the last hour, might not. Let me know if you need me to log in and send you an updated...
  6. Steven7

    For More Than Glory (Emiricol's Campaign)

    If you hadn't disconnected, you would have moved out of the cluster$#@% that Ak'man, Szitha, and Szenthrass currently find themselves in correct? Because well... Mr. Cerys' lack of familiarity with Raletaus lead him to overestimate his fortitude and Raletaus may or may not have been caught in...
  7. Steven7

    For More Than Glory (Emiricol's Campaign)

    Going out of town this weekend might be there, might not. Return trip is a 3 hour flight, arrives in houston at 10:45 P.M. so give an hour and half to get through airport and get home, I'll be there either at teh very end or not at all. If I can I'll get an earlier flight but doubtful.
  8. Steven7

    For More Than Glory (Emiricol's Campaign)

    I'm so sorry, I totally forgot we had a game today, I went to see Inception and forgot all about it. I'm really sorry.
  9. Steven7

    For More Than Glory (Emiricol's Campaign)

    well...guess we're still on the island, good night
  10. Steven7

    For More Than Glory (Emiricol's Campaign)

    Unless...you guys already voted me off the island and are just trying to make me feel better. *Stares accusitorily*
  11. Steven7

    For More Than Glory (Emiricol's Campaign)

    So it's not just me, I've been trying to figure out whats going on, I've reset my router 3 times, restarted pc twice, contacted my ISP to see if they blocked it. The only thing I can think of is the server itself is offline.
  12. Steven7

    For More Than Glory (Emiricol's Campaign)

    HELP!!!!!! It's saying server could not be connected to, I've done nothing different. openrpg.wrathof.com right?!
  13. Steven7

    For More Than Glory (Emiricol's Campaign)

    I'm going to be stuck at work till 10:30 P.M. on memorial day, central time, so I think thats 8:30 pacific. Regardless I'm going to be late, hopefully this is the last time for a while, it should be.
  14. Steven7

    For More Than Glory (Emiricol's Campaign)

    If you kill someone in premeditated self-defense, is it a crime? Because I'm thinking I might accidentally kill this First A**hole Gaylantyr in premeditated self-defense.
  15. Steven7

    For More Than Glory (Emiricol's Campaign)

    Going to be a little late tonight, not sure how long but I'd say between 10-30 minutes.