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Recent content by subourbonite

  1. S

    What are your five post-apocalyptic RPG books?

    Heart: The City Beneath Dungeon Crawl Classics core rulebook Mongoose Traveller 2e Pathfinder for Savage Worlds Ultimate Core Box Set Index Card RPG
  2. S

    Five (or so) favorite RPG books for lore/reading pleasure

    Vaesen - it’s gorgeous, and I also enjoy the system and setting / lore. Dungeon Crawl Classics: Lankhmar - I’m a sucker for Lieber, and the DCC artwork is pretty amazing. RuneQuest - anything Glorantha related, really Mongoose Traveller 2e AD&D Greyhawk Adventures sourcebook
  3. S

    OSR Old-School Essentials and Basic D&D Campaign Building

    Don't forget the already-extant Advanced Fantasy rules, which give you AD&D classes / races expertly converted to maintain B/X power levels. I can't stress enough how well Gavin handled that.