Recent content by SuddenImpact

  1. S

    RPG Evolution - The AI GM: Worldbuilding with Dwarf Fortress

    I severely dislike world building. I've been DMing and GMing rpgs for 15 years, running a game every week. Everyone enjoys the game differently.
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    Who in the World is James M. Ward?

    Thank you Jim for sharing this story. I'm waiting with baited breath for each additional installment.
  3. S

    Who in the World is James M. Ward?

    Thank you Jim for sharing this story. I'm waiting with baited breath for each additional installment.
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    James M Ward: Meeting Gary Gygax and Learning D&D

    Thank you Jim for sharing this story. I have a list of about 14,200 articles I want to read stored in OneNote and when I saw this article today, it moved to the top of the list! And I loved every minute I spent reading it!
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    TSR James M Ward: Meeting Gary Gygax and Learning D&D

    Thank you Jim for sharing this story. I have a list of about 14,200 articles I want to read stored in OneNote and when I saw this article today, it moved to the top of the list! And I loved every minute I spent reading it!
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    Gaming At The Kids Table With Medusa's Guide For Gamer Girls: Gaming With Kids

    Very intriguing, I have 3 daughters and 1 has snuck by without getting bit by the gaming bug, but with the help of these essays I should be able to change my GM style to make sure the other 2 don't get away.
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    Chicago Gameday 31 is 3/17: SIGN UP TO PLAY!

    Howdy, My wife has been sick all week with a cold and it is just not clearing up. So unfortunately, after spending about 20 hours building 7 sixteenth level characters, I am going to have to cancel my trip to the awesome game store Games Plus and my Enworld game day visit. Please cancel my AM...
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    Chicago Gameday 31 is 3/17: SIGN UP TO PLAY!

    Marvel Hero RPG afternoon please, under my real name, Stuart Helm. Thanks.
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    Chicago Gameday 31 is 3/17: call for GMs (i.e., event planning)

    AM or PM event, D&D 4e, 16th level adventure Howdy, I would like to run a game, prefer morning, but evening is ok also. System: D&D 4e (pre-Essentials characters) Players: up to 6 Table: no preference, bigger table is better. Title: Raid into the Shadowfell (with homemade Hirst Arts 3d...
  10. S

    Only ten articles in Dragon this month?

    Always look on the bright side of life, na na, na na Well, in case you don't feel there is enough content, keep in mind that the CB terms of use and license agreement is now larger then the entire contents of the Jan and Feb Dragon magazines. Hows that for value!
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    Why did you stop subscribing to DDI?

    I actually still have my DDI subscription (it renewed in December) but here are my issues: Character Builder has moved to Internet access mode only. * I sit on a communter train without access for 6 hours a week when I use this feature the most. Character Builder features have moved backwards 1...
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    I killed a character, twice!

    My thoughts: It's the DM's job to run the adventure and make it fun. Monsters should not focus fire because regardless if it is 'logical' the result is to kill the character. You should give the characters a chance to retreat, so even if that situation is going on, have the other monsters...
  13. S

    Chicago Gameday 25 is Feb 27th: SIGN UP NOW!

    Sign me up! Please sign me up for: 0. Breakfast 1. Morning Game 6: Crestfall and/or Bust Medieval Fantasy Combat Miniatures Game, Mark 2. Afternoon Game 6: The Lost Library D&D 4e, buzz Thank you, Stuart Helm 815-793-7124