Recent content by Switchblade

  1. S

    Any Rugby fans here?

    Only 5 years of disappointment. Heh, I’ve got you beat there. Try supporting Wales. At least under Gatland Wales seem to be reliable. I can finally watch matches without indigestion tablets on hand. 2005 and 2008 have not made me forget the intervening years. England took every...
  2. S

    Any Rugby fans here?

    Cricket? What's cricket?;) Lets put it this way, come saturday when England play Wales it won't be England I'm cheering on.
  3. S

    Any Rugby fans here?

    Next time boyo, next time:) This message was brought to you by the campaign for blind optimism. Not affiliated with the lions tour or WRU in any way.
  4. S

    Any Rugby fans here?

    After all the superbowl threads: Anyone following the 6 Nations tournament? (And will union fans from the tri nations please try not to point and laugh too loudly :)) Never mind who wins (Wales, obviously), I’m wondering which manager will have to fall on his sword after this is over. The...
  5. S

    Digital Telivision Conversion: Ready Yet?

    Analoge is being switched off region by region this year. Most places it's mid to late 2009 I think. Quite frankly I'm getting sick of the adverts informing people of the change over.
  6. S

    Digital Telivision Conversion: Ready Yet?

    That's pretty much where I stand. Got the gear. Ain't got the signal. Any signal. Not that the analoge signal in Swansea is particularly strong. I only use TV for the BBC news and rugby matches, both of which can be replaced (by internet or pub respectively).
  7. S

    My life as a song

    "The Scottish Trip" by Max Boyce, ah well, maybe for the next 6 Nations.
  8. S

    Non Conventional Ways to Get your Players into the Mood...

    I dunno, it might help bring on the fear and/or paranoia
  9. S


    I get the sudden urge to shout FOIP for some reason. ;) If you don't know don't ask, it's not worth the bother. Ah yes, the LT. Locational body hits, locational armour hits, attacks that may or may not ignore armour body and pattern and a weird mix of immunities against a plethora of damage...
  10. S

    The Three Thousand Elf Mach 2 Army

    I wonder how much damage an elf would take hitting an invisible wall of force at mach 2? Now where did I put those caltrops?
  11. S

    Forked Thread: Remember This... Time Travel... What would you do?

    If I could time travel what would I do? Try learning latin, helenic greek, old english and many other dead languages. Either that talk very loudly and slowly. That always works.
  12. S

    The Day The Earth Stood Still

    I so want to see that film.
  13. S

    Suggest a system for adjudicating space combat

    Well if you are a masochist prehaps. ;) I once made the mistake of asking to borrow the rules from a friend. After seeing him pull out the SECOND large ring binder :eek: I decided to stick to Babylon 5 Wars for space battles. Well, after several hours of cross referencing, foul language and...
  14. S

    Adventure Group Names

    Never really had a group name in DnD, we’ve tried but nothing was ever agreed on. I did lumber a Shadowrun group with “forlorn hope” as the GM after one too many high collateral, high profile bloodbaths with a high PC turn over. From that point on they started getting the missions they...