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Recent content by Tantra

  1. T

    Wizardru's Story Hour (updated 11/21)

    Aethramyr's Stat block. Aethramyr; Elf Pal20: CR 20; ECL 20; Size M; HD 20; hp 189; Init +1; Spd 20 ft (base 30 ft); AC 27, touch 15, FF 26; BAB +20/+15/+10/+5; Atk: +28/+23/+18/+13 melee (1d3 + 8, Unarmed), +33/+28/+23/+18 melee (2d6 + 17/crit 17-20, Shatterspike, GrSwd +5 (Bane, Holy, Keen))...
  2. T

    Avonshar: The Horror is in the Knowing. Updated 8/8/03

    Hey Gang! Guess what? We disposed of the Shadowtaker. We're all still alive, but bolo has been turned into a paladin mount for Zira (eh. it happens. Go read "Wizardru's Story Hour" somewhere around here...) Anyway, we're going to be playing this game for a few weeks, so you'll still get updates...
  3. T

    Is Coup de Grace an evil act?

    True Fair enough, and I do apologize if I sound a bit heavy handed in that as well. This is more in terms of trying to keep this thread from getting a little too out of hand. It's been turning over scenarios for a few pages now, and thought I'd try and give people an out, before we end up with...
  4. T

    Is Coup de Grace an evil act?

    CDG Enough of this folks. Stop looking for a rule that lets you (player or DM) off the hook, and role play it out. The fact that there are 5 pages of Examples of is / is not pretty much means what everyone is saying, That it's all Situational Ethics. So no cop-outs folks, don't try and...
  5. T

    Wizardru's Story Hour (updated 11/21)

    Lendore Isles. No place has ever really felt like home, but this came close. Even in the bright daylight on the Lendores, Her power is strong, almost a tangible thing. Kayleigh said That there was a Curtain, slowing her arrival from the teleport, but I felt drawn here. Odd as it seems, I had...
  6. T

    Creation of the Order of the Oaken Shield

    Of course, having said all that, if you want to go for Verisimilitude, By all means let those creative juices flow. I'd go for a few awakened rasts, that way whatever drags us there doesn't end up being too powerful. And don't let those creative juices get on the carpet, it might stain.
  7. T

    Creation of the Order of the Oaken Shield

    Your missing the simpelest of ideas, here, young gamer. If the DM wants the grove attacked, The grove is going to be attacked. If the DM wants the PC's to come to the grove's rescue, the grove is going to be attacked by something more powerful then the defenders. If we had the forces to...
  8. T

    Wizardru's Story Hour (updated 11/21)

    ShatterSpike ShatterSpike, Currently: +3 weapon. Keen Bane: Evil Outsiders Holy Special Abilities: "Imbue" the weapon: Spend a turning Check to add Charisma bonus to Hit and Damage. (Normal rules applying here; weapon cannot go above +5) For a number of rounds equal to the max hitdice...
  9. T

    Wizardru's Story Hour (updated 11/21)

    Excert from Aethramyr's Journal It has been some time since I've written anything in my Journal. After the Debacle at Nightfang Spire, and the Loss of two of my companions, My heart was not into writing. Even their subsequient re-birth, though a cause of rejoycing, was still not enough to...