Recent content by Temporalgod

  1. T

    D&D General Tieflings

    Why not take the extreme approach by playing as a floating mass of Horns, Eyes, Teeth, Skin and Limbs, just Herma Mora it up and you'll probably get the reactions you're looking for.
  2. T

    D&D General Tieflings

    I'm fine with it, I mean if all important parts are covered by scales your character wouldn't technically need to wear clothes, the scales would be like a chainmail bikini except that it's actually part of your body.
  3. T

    D&D General Tieflings

    I get what you're saying, it's like how Elf Tieflings are called Fey'ri and Orc Tieflings are called Tanarukks, at the end of the day they're just Tieflings but under a different name.
  4. T

    D&D General Tieflings

    No, there is still the Glowing Eyes, Pointy Ears, Fangs, Claws and Tail, Could more likely pass for a Half-Elf than a human, if they wrap their tail around their waist like a saiyan.
  5. T

    D&D General Tieflings

    Fellow Tiefling Players, how do you design YOUR Tieflings? Personally I prefer a more subtle approach to designing them, I give them human skin tones, 0 horns and white hair, no hooves or digitgrade legs and leave the rest of their bodies your stereotypical tiefling design, pictured below are...
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  9. T

    D&D 5E Sticking with D&D?

    That might be up to my DM, Ironically enough I started my TTRPG experience and met the majority of my D&D group at a Pathfinder game, though to be fair most of them were also DMs, we're familiar with the game, but we haven't heard from the guy who DMed Pathfinder games in awhile, we could switch...
  10. T

    Congratulations WotC...

    Since WotC shot themselves in the foot, are we going to make another Pathfinder then?
  11. T

    D&D 5E Reflavoring races

    Some guy that has bull legs, only human part of the Minotaur was the torso, it still had the lower half of bull.
  12. T

    D&D 5E Reflavoring races

    Does anyone else do this?, Like for example I reflavor Half-Orcs as Three Quarter Orcs, mechanically they're still Half-Orcs but flavorwise they're the byproduct of what you get when Half-Orcs mate with pureblooded Orcs, sure it's really not as groundbreaking as Reflavoring Tieflings as Fey'ri...
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  14. T

    D&D (2024) All about Ardlings

    We're getting off topic people, derailing thread we should get back to talking about Ardlings Specifically Monkey Ardlings, did you know that Egyptian, Mayan, Hindu and Chinese pantheons all have Monkey deities, it's pretty cool TBH, Personally Monkey 🐵 Ardlings should be a thing and be aligned...
  15. T

    D&D (2024) All about Ardlings

    I might play a human character if I can be a cannibal named Shia LaBeouf.