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Recent content by Thamior

  1. T

    Lore storyline/plot (Disclaimer - Very Long)

    Well if you have a slot open I wouldn't mind joining, but my availability is... hectic right now, soon to be Leavin' on a jet plane.. ahem. As it looks like no one has openly picked the Lykae, I could imagine being a vagabond who wonders in and out of thing (ie to explain the absence durning a...
  2. T

    Bardic Lore

    The dark man approaches the board, and his usual smirk grows only slightly, tacking up his own reply So it seems that someone is attempting to pull the strings around here. Comicial in it's own deviousness perhaps, though in light of the responses so far it seems all this force has managed to...
  3. T


    Well I shall do it for Harebrim, my newest of characters but not so good with finding the picture... the Jolly Roger flag would do though the swords would perhaps be more scimatar -esk. 1. I wanna be a pirate too (Jolly Rogers) 2. Free Bird (Lynard Skynard) 3. Hero of the Day (Metallica) 4...
  4. T

    A holiday card exchange

    You two already have my address, I don't wanna put it out though later gators
  5. T

    How many old players are still out there

    Hmm some where around 10 years or so... back in Wizards... back then it was Calgar and Fox.
  6. T

    Real Life Rogues Gallery - Revived

    I see some one revived this post, and I also see my link is dead... so I shall bring up a more recent one... and also not in as much pain... http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=viewImage&friendID=61406324&albumID=0&imageID=15518649 er guess it's long... eh if you want to see...
  7. T

    How busy are you?

    yeah... in Iraq... I spend most of my time sweeping sand out of my hooch. Then of course there's work... some dog and pony shows that comes along with that, working out, Video games and o course some isrp on the side
  8. T

    What's the real reason we RP?

    Why do I play eh? Well because with days like I tend to have (more so lately in this lovely oven of Iraq) I find it's too expensive to drink constantly during the hours that I am not either a) at work or b) asleep. So I use it as an escape, though I admit like most of ya'll I find it very...
  9. T

    ISRP Convention??

    In NY, about 20 min to Canada.... and across the lake from VT well that is if I wasn't over gut' dern' seas...
  10. T

    The "Whatever happened to X?" thread.

    Aww man no one misses me... well guess what... I'm BAAACK. Ok not really but I have net access now in the great sand box... oh and I hate sand. Oh and to keep this related to the topic I miss... me...
  11. T

    Isrp RL Event

  12. T

    A mess

    I'd offer to come help 'cept I gotta go to Wisconsin before I go and play in the big sand box... as of Wednesday I doubt I'll be around...
  13. T

    At the end of July...

    Well lets see... I live in NY... work in VT, have lived in GA, TX and KY... I'll stick with NY.
  14. T

    taking a poll

    Hey hey hey, Edena was not the sole orignator of the alliance, Draco and Calgar where founders as well.
  15. T

    The "Whatever happened to X?" thread.

    She got a promotion or new job or ect, she's here and there.. the character is 'retired' from last I heard.