Recent content by The Hermit King

  1. T

    Free Burning Planets ~ A free wargame

    Thanks to a friend that volunteered, now the rule book is available in russian too! You can check other details of the new update in this page: A note about the facebook profile I talked about in the last post, since you won't...
  2. T

    Free Burning Planets ~ A free wargame

    Since I know pretty well that most people aren't used to not find any reference of a project or a person inside Facebook, and they aren't used to follow someone outside the common social networks either, I created a Facebook page to make it easier for everyone and encourage people to follow my...
  3. T

    Free Burning Planets ~ A free wargame

    Someone told me that Burning Planets should have space themed background tiles. That's obviously true, and it was a planned feature, I just didn't put it in the free set for the sake of easily and cheaply printing many background tiles, but how do you want backgrounds is a choice that should be...
  4. T

    Free Burning Planets ~ A free wargame

    Hello everyone! I'm here to show you the fruit of my latest efforts: Burning Planets, a strategic tabletop war game, with a space colonization setting, where the players fight using fleets of spaceships to get control of planets and, in the end, become the final conquerors of a planetary system...