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Recent content by The_Old_one

  1. T

    Did someone declare January "Edition Wars" month?

    I don't see it as reaching out to old school gamers, so much as they were using the stuff from earlier editions that they figured newer gamers would like. WoTC made the right call by trying to appeal to new blood and revitalise the gaming hobby IMO. Well, that's because they are meant to be...
  2. T

    Core Religion Survivor - Round 3

    Fharlanghn, he's sooo dull. Gods can be many things, vengeful, proud, enigmatic. But dull is not one of the suitable traits for a deity. Almost went for Vecna though, as I agree that he should be the shadowy boogeyman of D&D, not a god. Then again, at least he's interesting. :D
  3. T

    Dungeonworld any good?

    It's a shame really, because I recall quite liking a lot of his 2e stuff back in the days of TSR. It might have been a better decision for him to be an 'ideas man' and have somebody well versed in D20 provide the mechanics. Still, he did bring back Metamorphosis Alpha, and I'd like to see him...
  4. T

    WoTC Gelatinous Cube Mini - Empty or not?

    I'd like to see one with a lift off top, so I can use it as a combo mini/dice tub. If it comes full of dice, all the better.
  5. T

    The funny thing about paladins of wee jas...

    The idea of a paladin of Wee Jas came up in my Age of Worms campaign recently, and all at the table agreed that it's a pretty cool idea. Then again, my group seem to be developing a fascination with the wee one in general...the elven mage in the group is trying his best to woo Amariss, the head...
  6. T

    Is it acceptable for a DM to use disjunction on the PCs

    Yes. It's a spell that PCs have access to as readily as NPCs of equal level, and it's a perfectly valid tactic for a caster facing death at the hands of magic toting enemies. It's up there with saying that NPCs can't use Wish, Power Word:Kill or any number of 9th level spells. By the time the...
  7. T

    Good Dragon Articles II

    Another couple that I'm surprised I forgot, The Plunderer's Handbook (#331) is seen as required reading by my players, being chock full of good advice for dungeon crawling players. Cults of the Dragon Below (#332) is also excellent, and is not necessarily useful only for Eberron campaigns. I'd...
  8. T

    Good Dragon Articles II

    I'll second 'Not for the living', and I'd also add in;Birth of the Dead (#336 again), which very nicely expands the origins of undead nasties beyond 'just because'. It's served to inspire several recurring villains in my Eberron campaign, between both former PCs and villains who considered...
  9. T

    Nasty trick with Planar Binding spells!

    I like it. I'll be filing that one in my 'nifty ideas for bad guys' mental folder. Just imagine the looks on the players' faces when the dragon they're fighting in the midst of the royal coronation ceremony suddenly erupts into a horrific mass of tentacles and cancerous growths :]
  10. T

    Babylon 5 in Eberron (contains a few Babylon 5 spoilors)

    I like this, I like it a lot...so now I'm stealing it. ;) I reckon having the Shadow/Vorlon conflict switched with Quori/Dragons would work, and especially having an Inspired ambassador in the Morden role. Bester and the Psi-Corps become The Twelve, simply wanting to cement their hold on ALL...
  11. T

    224 page book on Drow yet...

    I've always had a soft spot for Drow in D&D, despite the occasional player who sees them as angst filled renegades. My drow are more like the Skaven in Warhammer. People believe they're out there, but nobody really knows how many there are, or how dangerous they truly are... Occasionally...
  12. T

    Statting Jarlaxle?

    I've just popped open my copy of the 2e Villains' Lorebook, and his stats there are in line with the Menzoberranzan boxed set. 17th level fighter, with a rook of magic items.
  13. T

    New listings on the WotC 2007 product page!

    I'm going to have to pick up MMV, just because of the tentacled monster-thing on the cover. I loves me some tentacle/mind flayer goodness, and this looks promising. The adventures I'll be all over, especially the FR trilogy, even though I'm planning to run a Scarred Lands campaign...they can...
  14. T

    The Night Below - your experiences?

    I bought and loved it, but never got around to running it. I ended up giving it to one of my players to run, but couldn't find the time to play in the campaign for myself. Shame really, although I have yoinked a great many elements from it for games since then.
  15. T

    World's Largest City [Merged]

    I can't see a page count on the Paizo listing, which seems odd to me. Anyone know how big this sucker is?