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Recent content by Thengil

  1. T

    Worst D&D products ever.

    The Horror Beneath by Nightshift Games. Easily the worst piece of offal I've ever paid good money for.
  2. T

    Experiences with In the Belly of the Beast [spoilers]

    I ran this adventure for two of my players in our Freeport campaign (one of those nights when only a few players can show up) and we had a lot of fun with it. Since we were on a tight time schedule I probably rushed things a bit to be able to run it in one evening, which led to less NPC...
  3. T

    Eberron`s internal consistency.

    I was under the impression that London had something like 45,000 inhabitants in the Roman era, and 18,000 inhabitants in the 13th century?
  4. T

    New DM seeking a good premade campaign

    If you want a piratey, Chtulhu-esque setting why not run the Freeport adventures, continue with Tales of Freeport and then Black Sails over Freeport? After that you could run Hell in Freeport I guess but it IS a troublesome module.
  5. T

    Campaign quotes

    We're playing Aeon Trinity and the team is on the Moon and are chasing the bad guy who hijacks a lunar vehicle and tries to escape. The team steals another vehicle and I (the DM) try to describe the exciting chase. Half-way through my exciting description, one of the players say: Player 1...
  6. T

    looking for a module with command over a strike force/army whatever !

    The Dark Sun Module "The Road to Urik" has a nice battle where the characters are commanders of a scouting force that ends up in dire circumstances. If memory serves it could be played with the old AD&D 2nd edition tactical warfare rules (the name of that supplement escapes me). Sure it's tied...
  7. T

    Vote for your Favorite D&D Artist [World Championship Edition] LOCKWOOD vs. ELMORE!!!

    Brom is the master. Of these two, I'd say Lockwood.
  8. T

    [Kinda OT] Computer Games Banned in Greece

    That article is wrong. Only gambling devices such as fruit machines, and PC gaming in internet cafes are prohibited. The last part is weird and wrong but there's nothing in the greek law that prohibits GameBoys etc. Funny that so many "serious" internet news sites research their sources so...
  9. T

    NWN: Questions

    Regarding the "alerting" of others in a dungeon, it should be fairly straightforward to implement something akin to the Alert Factor system in "The Giant's Skull", the adventure where the PCs are ogres that attack a castle. Basically, you have a global variable that could be called alertFactor...
  10. T

    Neverwinter Nights impressions?

    Whoa, ADSL sure is expensive in the UK! :eek: :( I pay 249 Swedish Krona a month for mine, which is roughly £18 a month I think... Anyway, STAY AWAY from the single player game! It's nowhere near the multiplayer experience, especially after you tweak the rules a bit to be more challenging...
  11. T

    Neverwinter Nights impressions?

    As for lag when using 56k modem - with just an upgrade to ADSL it runs like a dream even for 6 players and one DM. I love the game btw. The single player campaign sucks but who cares, it's multiplayer that is this game's appeal. With just a little amount of script-borrowing (HardCore Ruleset)...
  12. T

    (OT) Does anyone out there play Dark Ages of Camelot?

    If you're into Elite-type space sims I can sort of recommend Jumpgate, was fun for a while. Good part about that game is that you download the game for free, get to try it for a few days and only then you have to pay for it. Then again, at least the european server was severely hampered by a...
  13. T

    What's Hot? What are you playing besides 3E

    I play Machiavelli (Avalon Hill), Republic of Rome (Avalon Hill) sometimes. Used to play BloodBowl as well but it's been on the back burner for a while since a lot of the people in my league moved to other cities for a while. Skavens rule in BloodBowl! One turn touchdown woohoo! Also you can...
  14. T

    What's Hot? What are you playing besides 3E

    RPGs Vampire: Dark Ages Cyberpunk (soon at least!) Computer games Grand Theft Auto 3 (woohooo!) Pro Evolution Soccer (the best sports game ever) Baldurs Gate2 SojournMUD (rarely nowadays) Looking forward to Secrets of Freeport but that doesn't count does it?
  15. T

    [OT] Strange verdict in Swedish court

    We DO have freedom of speech in Sweden, with one exception: It is not legal to publicly express racist views. What happened in this particular case was that due to technical difficulties the moderators could not remove the offending posts which were up on the site for some time. It all boils...