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Recent content by theodinheadbasher

  1. T

    Again with the Undead? OY!

    that right there is the explination for the archlich. it isn't some run of the mill lich that people can simply turn themselves into. now I'm not completely sure of all the info on archliches, but im pretty sure they are pretty special. and as for the elves, they are supposed to be incredibly...
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    Turning PCs into Lycanthropes

    I have actually gotten to do this very senario with my group for 2e. They were walking through the forest, and heared a piercing cry through the night, and found this large group of werewolves surrounding one damsel in distress. Battle ensues, and one of the PCs(an elven ranger) gets bitten by...
  3. T

    How would you take over the modern world if you had magic?

    True that would be the safest route, but no one can tell me that an Invoker wouldn't be more fun. And hey, if you go down, you at least go down in a blaze of glory, destroying as much as you can before the FILTHY organization takes you down from your seat of power and domination.
  4. T

    How would you take over the modern world if you had magic?

    The specs of the spell are quite simple. If the missle(arrow/bullet/sling bullet) is not enchanted, it will not affect you. So yes, it would. Now to be protected from missles as well, you would need like, protection from fire as well. possibly some other protection spells, but those are the...
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    Why Are Bards...Bards?

    I dont think Saruman would have or need any levels in Bard. There is a difference between inspiring and terrifying people into servitude/action.
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    Medieval Town Size

    The surface area is all dependant on how dense you want the population to be. It wouldn't be that dense because there are only 2000 people, and im guessing that a large number of them are the garrison. In a medieval-style town, i dont see them packing themselves into tiny little shacks, 2 or...
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    to Follow or not to Follow..

    I'm currently running a 2nd ed FR campain and the ranger PC in the group is now 10th leve and has started to attract followers. Now I never know how to deal with these little critters that follow her around like lost puppies. I tend to forget about them until it is convinient, saying something...
  8. T

    Is it just me, or is evil winning in the Forgotten Realms?

    A simple solution to people who say that FR is too good ruled. Don't use the NPC's. Its a big realm, simply dont encounter them. What kind of ass DM tosses Elminister in whenever there is a BBEG? How fun is that to yer PC's? Not only fun, but how fair is it? I can understand why people...
  9. T

    Town in Peril...

    even better than a terrorist attack by the lich, it could have been a contagion that was encased inside his phylactery, and when he is defeated, and it is destroyed, hence releasing the contagion into the town and surrounding area. and not only must they find it to save the village, but also to...
  10. T

    Town in Peril...

    Bigus, thanks fer the wicked link, and thanks everyone fer the awesome ideas. This should get me through till they finally head on towards the next piece of the fist. All i needed was a start, and you guys helped out tons. thanks
  11. T

    Town in Peril...

    Ettercaps? Their 10th level and ettercaps have all of 4HD. Ya, eventually one of them would fail their save, but two of them are dwarves, and one of them is a cleric, so there goes the poison right there. Fiend Template? Note the note at the bottom, stating 2nd edition campain?
  12. T

    Town in Peril...

    I'm running a campain right now where the PC's are searching for an ancient artifact(Delzoun's Fist). They are currently at 10th level, and I am trying to figure out stuff to delay them actually finding the Fist. They have saved this one town, Serpent's Cowl, at least two times before, once...
  13. T

    Would you allow this paladin in your game? (new fiction added 11/11/08)

    In a realistic setting? In a "realistic" setting, there are no paladins that can channel the power of their god. There are no wizards flinging fireballs. There are no fighters going out and killing dragons. So many people are taking a Paladin in a fantasy game, and then conviniently...
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    Would you allow this paladin in your game? (new fiction added 11/11/08)

    excellently put good sir. He is still a paladin, so it is assumed that if he is visiting a brothel he would look into its ownership/running. He's not going to go to just any brothel, and as DonaldRumsfeld said, if he did find a brothel that enslaves and forces its prostitutes into servitude...
  15. T

    When PCs Die When the Player's Not There

    Does the party not have enough money to simply get him ressurected? You could simply give them a discount, and negate the con loss, seeing as how he was not the party to blame, and neither were you. It's not your fault the die fell where they did. A DM shouldn't forced to fudge a roll simply...