Recent content by Thorin Stoutfoot

  1. T

    No Macs? Holy crap did WotC do the math wrong!

    That might be true, but let me assure you, this is but one of many reasons why after my current Mac dies, I'm replacing it with a PC. It's too annoying to deal with software incompatibilities with the rest of the world all the time. Buy a Garmin GPS? Oops. No Mac support. Share a printer with...
  2. T

    What's been your longest break from playing RPGs?

    13 years From 1988 to 2001. Came back because I got hit by a car and needed to do stuff other than outdoor pursuits for awhile.
  3. T

    Pulp Cthulhu - what happened?!

    Tell me about it. I wrote the entire Masks of Nyrlathotep d20 conversion, they sat on it, and then didn't put it out. At least they allowed me to release it on the 'net. I was then supposed to help out on a supplement to Pulp Cthulhu, but nothing came out of it as well. I'd definitely think...
  4. T

    Selling loot for half price - why?

    In our world, the soldier carries around several times the annual income of many 3rd world villages on a regular basis. The regular M-1 Abrams tank driver is driving the wealth of entire nations... And don't get started on the F-16 pilots. :)
  5. T

    LOTR from a gamer's perspective

    Indeed. This is a well-recognized plot hole and has been discussed many times. Books are books, RPGs are RPGs. My players are definitely smarter than any fantasy author would be.
  6. T

    Would you be satisifed with d20 as your only RPG? [Ties into RyanD's blog entry.]

    Me too! Ditto. As a long time lapsed RPG-er, d20 was what brought me back into the fold (anyone still remember that old Salon article about Ryan?), and the crap load of systems I've bought and read since then (Blue Planet, Nobilis --- games that couldn't tell you what to do with them for...
  7. T

    What third-party d20 settings should I investigate?

    +1 on the Black Company It's an amazingly well done campaign setting. If only there was a prebuilt campaign for it --- I'd be running it by now.
  8. T

    What do you think about magic item creation times?

    Yep. Giving control of the PCs to the players is bad. The game was so much better when the PCs were at the mercy of the DM. :lol: I like the magic item creation rules as they stand. They explain why anybody would ever make a +1 sword, as well as ensuring that just because your DM doesn't put a...
  9. T

    So, how's your Ptolus campaign going?

    The campaign's been going great. They are currently going through Queen of Lies. Check out the group's in character blog.
  10. T

    Monster Gift Set

    They are exactly the same books Not even second printings. Just packaged together, so you can qualify for the $10 off $30 coupon from
  11. T

    Is Ptolus living up to the hype?

    You'll find (2) to be much less useful than you expect with the Ptolus PDFs compared to the paper. The paper copy of the book is extensively indexed at all the right places in the margins, so it turns out that I haven't felt the need for an electronic index. In any case, I definitely think I...
  12. T

    Savage Tide AP not intriguing me

    a vote for high level adventures I'd like to see an AP 10-20, or 12-20, rather than 1-12 or 3-12. Low level adventures are easy, and there are plenty of sources for them. It's high level adventures that are difficult to design, build, and run. I feel that Dungeon doesn't adequately provide high...
  13. T

    What's the big deal with point buy?

    I give them a choice. There are some players that believe that they're incredibly unlucky with dice, so I give them a choice: 25 point buy, or 4d6 drop lowest. It works great. about 30% of my players choose point buy.
  14. T

    PC Creation: Pointbuy or Roll?

    I give players a choice... 4d6 drop lowest standard (rerolls as per PHB rules) or 25 point buy (in case you really suck at rolling or believe the dice have it in for you) In practice, about 2/3rds of the players roll, and the last 3rd point buy, which is good. (It would have sucked if nobody...