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Recent content by Tyberious Funk

  1. T

    D&D 3E/3.5 Combining d20 modern with 3E

    I posted this on rec.games.frp.dnd but I think there is more active (and intelligent) discussion here on enworld, so I'll post here too. Our little Friday night group has been trying to develop a D&D campaign without some of the traditional D&D flavour or genre. We started making some rules...
  2. T

    Please help me build a knowledge-based character

    I have a character that began very much like this. He's an abjurer/loremaster. The protection magic of the abjurer is nice and the loremaster fitted the character concept nicely too. He also has a swag of divination spells too. Yes, you might want Bardic knowledge then you can't always get...
  3. T

    I like rpgs and all but...

    Different strokes for different folks I suppose... My weekend game: The DM arrives with a car boot full of stuff including a crate of books, his own table, a laptop, a backback full of campaign material, several cardboard battlemaps and a box of cardboard miniatures. Most of the others in the...
  4. T

    Do You Like Gnolls?

    Ahhh, so Gnolls are sort of the Gnomes of the NPC races :)
  5. T

    Websites run by DM's for their groups

    Agreed. Our group has been using Yahoo groups for over a year now and it works very nicely. Ok, ok, not as slick as a dedicated campaign site, but it handles all the important stuff pretty well... ie, email communications, file hosting, scheduling game sessions etc. We could make even better...
  6. T

    The necessity of figurative figurines

    Our group has had some joy using Character Artist, a plug-in for Campaign Cartographer... or more specifically, I've learnt how to make characters pretty quickly and the rest of the group have enjoyed the benefits :) Having got over the basic learning curve, I can churn out a character based on...
  7. T

    [DM gripe/rant] I'm beginning to notice some trends...

    I spent many years playing with a guy (one of my best friends actually) who always played a slightly derranged barbarian/fighter type. Didn't matter the game system, campaign or character class he chose. In D&D he tended to favour rogues because he liked the *idea* of being sneaky. More often...
  8. T

    d20 Modern classes in pseudomedieval fantasy

    Care to give us a few snippets? Approximate dates? Anything? Pleeeease?
  9. T

    d20 Modern classes in pseudomedieval fantasy

    One double-decafe capuccino please... with a twist of lemon :)
  10. T

    My ranger Poll results: See last post. (was beating the Ranger with a better stick)

    Very interesting and informative, particularly the modes. Was quite surprised about the spellcasting issue... personally I've always thought the spellcasting was a bit out of place, but acknowledged that most others probably liked it. Guess my views are reasonably consistent. I wonder if...
  11. T

    d20 Modern classes in pseudomedieval fantasy

    Don't own the d20 Modern rules but have been looking over the SRD. Have been thinking of using the 6 base classes from d20 modern and then re-tooling the 3E PHB classes to be PrCs or "Advanced Classes" to use the d20 Modern parliance. ie, you could take a few levels of Strong Hero before going...
  12. T

    Low-magic settings

    Our group picked up one of the recommended rule guidelines from a Middle Earth d20 conversion. Basically, spellcasters can't take two consecutive levels in the same spellcasting class. So, for example, I can take a level of wizard followed by a level of sorcerer and then another level of...
  13. T

    Cohorts and all that Jazz...

    Not if the cohort is lamely designed. Or designed purely to help his/her master. Besides, even if the cohort is quite powerful, I don't really want any Mary Janes busting up my adventure. EDIT: Mary Jane? Or is it Mary Sue? Whatever.
  14. T

    Cohorts and all that Jazz...

    So our party, which is pretty damn big already, has got a couple of cohort NPCs hanging around these days. The DM has ruled that the NPCs warrant a share of the loot and xp. I don't think his ruling is particularly unfair, but I do get a little bit riled that they are sucking up my gold and...
  15. T

    Top 20 Posters Observations

    That's coz most of us don't have anything interesting or intelligent to say :)