• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!


I've been playing and DMing roleplaying games for a little over 25 years. Our introduction was AD&D, Second Edition, with both myself and my current roommate alternating who DM'd any given campaign. In the last decade or so, I'm almost exclusively a DM, although I often roll up a character who supplements the party's weakest area, without really volunteering any action or direction.

Our group has fluctuated a little over the years, but we currently have myself and two others who have basically been there the whole time. My current roommate no longer games...
The current group is myself and three players, one of whom is relatively new to the paper and pencil version (but has been an avid computer RPG player over the years); we have another player who is off and on... off more than on, lately. I wouldn't mind another player in the group, as four is a nice number to have.

Over the years, we've played AD&D (2nd Edition), 3.0, 3.5, Rifts, the Super Heroes (for Rifts), Gurps, Vampire/Werewolf/Mage, and most recently Pathfinder.

Tons of settings over the years... Birthright, Dark Sun, Dragonlance, Eberron, Forgotten Realms, Planescape, Ravenloft, and multiple home-brews.

We're delving into the Necromancer Games/Frog God Games worlds next.

We'll be using Gestalt rules (two classes, fractional BAB/Saves/Progressions), 15-point stat buys (with base races or Advanced Race Guide 10-point build-your-own-race), or optionally Savage Species type racial classes (which occupy both sides of the Gestalt Build, until finished). The characters will be low-mythic, Rank 2 but without any Mythic Power (so 2/1 Mythic Abilities and/or Mythic Feats).

It should be challenging, but with stronger characters... Wizard's Amulet > Crucible of Freya > Tomb of Abysthor > Rappan Athuk & Slumbering Tsar cross-over...