Recent content by UniversalMonster

  1. U

    I don't get the dislike of healing surges

    "Retracted" section removed by moderator. But lets put that aside. I retract it (I know this will get moderated to pieces, but I do retracxt it), because, as I said, it's an unfair argument., and it's not good manners to just keep on about your own inability to get what other people get. Mod...
  2. U

    Mearls' Legends and Lore (or, "All Roads Lead to Rome, Redux")

    Are you sure? Spoiler alert: It's a bunch of caves with trolls in them. Here, have a look:
  3. U

    Gencon and D&D?

    I don't think that's the reason.
  4. U

    Mearls' Legends and Lore (or, "All Roads Lead to Rome, Redux")

    In the end, everyone is free to be as unhappy and resentful as they like. I just wish they picked some other place to do it, really. Because here the conversation about gaming will always be trumped by this conversation we have here about resentment, and there's just no answer for it.
  5. U

    Gencon and D&D?

    I've gone to every Gen Con since 2000 except 2002 and the very first one in Indiana. So this will be my 9th. D&D is a huge part of why I go because I DM for almost the entire show (usually 4-7 slots) and play in as many slots as I can manage. Most, but not all RPGA. Just to counterpoint...
  6. U

    Mearls' Legends and Lore (or, "All Roads Lead to Rome, Redux")

    Maybe someone will make a D&D retro-clone and put it upon the internet for free one day. I just don't think this happens very often. The history of the hobby is interesting, but in the end, it's still history.
  7. U

    Mearls' Legends and Lore (or, "All Roads Lead to Rome, Redux")

    I'm not calling anyone names. I'm just tired of all of the negativity.. aren't you? It's been constant for nearly three years now. If the evidence of being marginalized amounts to "they stopped selling a certain thing" then yes, it's a fantasy. If the evidence is that they ran insulting ads...
  8. U

    Mearls' Legends and Lore (or, "All Roads Lead to Rome, Redux")

    Nobody has been marginalized. The edition warrior idea that "I've been marginalized!" is a paranoid fantasy and then it gets turned around and used as the justification for constant negativity. Because once you've been marginalized, of course any response is justified. I'm saying, no, it's not...
  9. U

    Mearls' Legends and Lore (or, "All Roads Lead to Rome, Redux")

    I started playing D&D with 1st edition in 1978. I love AD&D 1st edition. I sort of dropped out in AD&D2e.. but came back for a girlfriends campaign when Tome of Magic came out. I had a wild-mage, and I learned about Spelljammer. I got the Rules Cyclopedia in the 90s and was a huge fan of the...
  10. U

    Encounters- Essentials Only, Moving Forward...

    No, it's not "what they are doing". It's how you interpreted an article. I have my suspicions why people (who generally come down on the negative-on-4e side) are really pushing this interpretation (for one thing, it will show that D&D 4E players are "forced" to play Essentials) but I really...
  11. U

    Encounters- Essentials Only, Moving Forward...

    You realize that Encounters is a marketing program that focuses on whatever it is they are trying to showcase, right? Locking it down to a very narrow selection of player content..forever..just doesn't make any sense. Now, it's not going to matter for a long time since this season is going to...
  12. U

    Encounters- Essentials Only, Moving Forward...

    Look for the same dudes on forums to try to put the most unlikely alarmist spin on everything related to 4e imaginable. Seriously, guys. This next season is the "try out D&D Essentials" season. That doesn't mean every season will be.
  13. U

    Best Forgotten Realms books (any edition)

    The 4e Campaign Guide and the 4E Players Guide to the Realms are hands down the best sourcebooks for actually gaming in the Realms. I like Haunted Halls of Eveningstar (it's thin and includes Tressym and helplessly sleeping female captives in a dungeon..which gives me extra Greenwood). I also...
  14. U

    D&D 4E Making themed Random Encounter Tables in 4e

    I've been going through the same issue lately- I want some random tables to help with procedural generation for some of my dungeon projects, and as we speak I am casually hunting around for some examples of encounters in the feywild along a rover, swampy morass, and primeval forest type places...
  15. U

    Wed, Fri, Sat.. Low-Level (1st-4th) D&D4e

    These are all original adventures but they were constructed using the MyRealms guidelines and take place in the Forgotten Realms (all of these are situated along the Fire River, east of Raven's Bluff..). So, they are Living Realms if people want them to be! But they are also just regular D&D...