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Recent content by Veigle

  1. V

    New FAQ: What's different/added?

    You could say "It is just magic" and be done with it. There are far too many instances that prove that statement true. I was trying to show from a logical, not just physical reference why inertia has to be conserved, and what reference frame has to be used. While the net momentum of an object...
  2. V

    Movement, falling damage, Dim Door

    Simply put, in order for a Teleport (or any dimensional travel for that matter) to work, a point has to be established at the start and destination that have a 0 inertial frame of reference in that space and time. (Neither would be moving in relation to the point on that plane or point in...
  3. V

    New FAQ: What's different/added?

    Hmm Simply put, in order for a Teleport (or any dimensional travel for that matter) to work, a point has to be established at the start and destination that have a 0 inertial frame of reference in that space and time. (Neither would be moving in relation to the point on that plane or point in...
  4. V

    How can a Wall of Force be made frictionless?

    Even a perfectly smooth wall has a surface. A wall of force does not. Hence: No Friction (not even with suction cups :) ) Resistance to movement at DM's Distrection :) Heck, for fun I might even rule that all non-metal objects experience 0 friction and 0 resistance. All metal (or objects...
  5. V

    How can a Wall of Force be made frictionless?

    I believe Helium at -400 is frictionless to itself, or to anything passing through it. It would not, however, act as a perfect lubricant. It in fact has a lubrication effect of nearly 0. Instead of acting as a "Go between" for 2 surfaces, it would be extremely good at getting out of the way...
  6. V

    Help me find a very specific weapon !

    I still think it was a spell or psionic power. (older version though)
  7. V

    Help me find a very specific weapon !

    Perhaps it was a spell
  8. V

    Overcoming 'True Seeing'

    Always wear a set of full plate armor with the visor down? Always wear a heavy cowl, gloves, and mask? (don;t forget the goggles) Cover yourself in a lead based actors makeup? "True seeing, however, does not penetrate solid objects. It in no way confers X-ray vision or its equivalent."
  9. V

    Help Me Design a Better Multiclass System

    Interesting point to the balance of Melee and Casting in a multiclass character. The reason that casting has to be "Upped" a bit to balance things is that, regardless of what classes you choose when you multi-class, your BAB, Saves, and all other basic Melee abilities continue to climb, but at...
  10. V

    Tricks of the Trade

    Cribbage anyone? We typically use a cribbage board. Each player rolls initiative every round, and places markers on each fo their actions. The boards are designed to make counting easy and it gives a very visual representation of who goes when. After your move, you remove your peg. Although...