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Recent content by velvetlinedbox

  1. V

    Crash Course in 4th ed.

    I think the most important thing to do is keep things descriptive during combat. allot of the combat can lag, and this is really shows when player are still learning there characters powers. So if you can make sure you stay hyped and spice things up with narratives it speeds up the flow of the...
  2. V

    Does your DM hide their rolls?

    I can not hide mine. My players are very VERY paranoid. So I let the dice fall where they may and the players will have to deal with it. Some time the red dragon can not even hit the wizard. Other days the Orc is butchering the paladin with a critical after a critical.
  3. V

    New Wizard Summoning Spells!

    I really was happy to see this one. I really want one of my players to roll one up. Maybe I need to kill off the war wizard and hint he should make one of these...
  4. V

    WotBS WotBS play-through thread, with 4E newbie goodness

    We started monday night. The pub fight dragged on. Thou at the end they blocked kathor and he did not escape. Opps. They ignored half of the mini quests on the way to the depository. The paladin as the party spiritual liaison said to stop and stay one life would slow us down from doing the...