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Recent content by VL Darling

  1. V

    News Digest: Empyrea Canceled, New Stranger Things Game, Warhammer 40K Comics, and more!

    Price is not arguing anything anywhere near that. It is disingenuous to even paraphrase what she and others have said about responses to trauma as anything like that. It takes weeks and months of training to get something into muscle memory rather than relying on your adrenalinised response...
  2. V

    News Digest: Empyrea Canceled, New Stranger Things Game, Warhammer 40K Comics, and more!

    She's not though - and has stated that clearly. And Mentzer set the tone with his 'flirting' which, look, I know it can be hard for people who are not women in professional environments to understand this, but this kind of 'flirting' is unwelcome, obnoxious, and it demands you play nice or you...
  3. V


    We play online, and I live in another country entirely, so we provide our own snacks. Playing IRL we usually combined it with larger gatherings so hosts provided most of the food, visitors provided dessert, or drinks, or snacks. That said I posted my GM some white chocolate Timtams, some...
  4. V

    Kudos for the Inclusivity clause

    It was the impetus for me to join, I'd avoided it until now.
  5. V

    #RPGaDAY Day 25: What is the best way to thank your GM?

    Maybe it's just my group but we all thanked our GM post-game, dude did an enormous amount of work for us and it was amazing. I'm running a new game and he's doing guest stars because his schedule is a horror show, but the concept of not even thanking him is weird. I mean, I also bought him a...