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Recent content by Vonotar

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    7th Sea Hits ONE MILLION DOLLARS (AKA The Top 100+ RPG Kickstarters Ever!)

    This is the kind of thing that would normally be a red flag to me for a Kickstarter campaign, although in this case given that John Wick has been in the RPG industry for a long time I figure he wouldn't want to trash his reputation by overpromising (too much at least). Of course, it seems like...
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    7th Sea Hits ONE MILLION DOLLARS (AKA The Top 100+ RPG Kickstarters Ever!)

    I think what's drumming up excitement is the quantity of material you receive as a backer, plus pent-up excitement by a subset of RPG fans that really like 7th Sea. PDFs of all 1st edition material and all 2nd edition stretch goals for 40$? I'm thinking of backing it myself, and I never even...
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    Sean's Picks of the Week (0215-0219) - Savage x3, CoD Demons, and Bundle Filling Goodness!

    It's my understanding that this new guy was very active in the Vampire LARP scene, so I don't doubt that he has strong views on the subject. Of course, even if you think you know better, it's not very professional to come out and actually say that the way that he did. As you said, it just...
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    Sean's Picks of the Week (0215-0219) - Savage x3, CoD Demons, and Bundle Filling Goodness!

    I can't post a link, but I believe the interview in question was posted on the Imagonem website on February 15th. Near the end of interview is the following quote, in response to a question about where the old White Wolf Publishing went wrong: It doesn't seem like a stretch to conclude that...