Recent content by wingsandsword

  1. wingsandsword

    Best Forgotten Realms books (any edition)

    I'd agree with all these and add Aurora's Whole Realms Catalogue. With those 6 books you've got everything you need to run the Realms for a lifetime, regardless of edition.
  2. wingsandsword

    RPG Evolution: Don't Play This Class!

    Honest answer? Because not all combat in the game world is between PC's and NPC's. Imagine if the PC's have to defend a town during an invasion by a hostile force, and they're trying to prevent civilian casualties. . .knowing how strong those civilians are impacts that battle. Also...
  3. wingsandsword

    RPG Evolution: Don't Play This Class!

    I really preferred 3e's way of dealing with NPC's by giving them character classes. . .but classes that were clearly inferior to heroic PC classes. It was a good way to show that typical people still had abilities and skills, and could be useful, but weren't anywhere near as good at most things...
  4. wingsandsword

    D&D (2024) RD&D MM will have nearly 500 Monsters, and new NPCs.

    Well, if we can have 3.5 as 3rd edition revised, we can have a 5th edition revised. At least this is WotC moving closer to a proper version number for this edition rather than call it "one D&D"
  5. wingsandsword

    D&D Movie/TV The D&D Movie Reviews Are Coming In

    I'm sure Hasbro would love for it to launch a film "franchise". . . .and D&D is built on the backs of Lord of the Rings, Conan, and a half-dozen other fantasy series that didn't get big film deals. OF COURSE a D&D movie will resemble other movies. If it didn't at least halfway remind you of...
  6. wingsandsword

    D&D General What D&D Religion Is Your Favorite, And Why?

    Somehow I'm imagining essentially a D&D version of Yes, Minister/Yes, Prime Minister. . .where a Lawful Good monarch who is very adamant about his beliefs has a very Lawful Neutral vizier who is pragmatic about running things but very good at bamboozling the monarch into thinking everything is...
  7. wingsandsword

    WotC Hasbro's CEO Reports OGL-Related D&D Beyond Cancellations Had Minimal Impact

    The new OGL they tried to force on 3PP's was such an obvious trap that it seems screamingly obvious that it was an attempt to destroy them. That absurdly open-ended content approval clause, where they could revoke the license for any publisher at any time on their judgment of the content alone...
  8. wingsandsword

    WotC Hasbro's CEO Reports OGL-Related D&D Beyond Cancellations Had Minimal Impact

    In fact, WotC explicitly used to think they could do whatever and the D&D fans would indeed eventually come back. I remember that was one of the things said during the 4e marketing, one of the things that very much offended me during those Edition Wars, was when one WotC executive likened the...
  9. wingsandsword

    WotC Hasbro's CEO Reports OGL-Related D&D Beyond Cancellations Had Minimal Impact

    Let's not kid ourselves, D&D is by far the largest tabletop RPG, it's practically synonymous with tabletop RPG in many circles. The entire rest of the industry, especially when you move beyond products that are supporting, compatible with, or closely derived from D&D, is dwarfed by D&D. The...
  10. wingsandsword

    WotC Hasbro's CEO Reports OGL-Related D&D Beyond Cancellations Had Minimal Impact

    Hasbro is publicly traded on NASDAQ Their common stock is trading at $58.46 as of the close of the market yesterday afternoon.
  11. wingsandsword

    D&D General What D&D Religion Is Your Favorite, And Why?

    Oh, that's a really good one too. I'd honestly say, going across edition lines, to get a really good set of Realms books you'd want: Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting (2001) A Grand History of the Realms (2007) Faiths and Avatars (1996) Demihuman Deities (1998) Powers and Pantheons (1997)...
  12. wingsandsword

    D&D General What D&D Religion Is Your Favorite, And Why?

    The only one I'd say is close is the 3.0 Forgotten Realms Campaign Guide. It's probably the best single-book campaign sourcebook I've ever seen. Even when you're not playing 3.0, it's still the best one-book description and guide to Faerun, and the best campaign setting book I've seen done.
  13. wingsandsword

    D&D General What D&D Religion Is Your Favorite, And Why?

    The Faiths and Avatars books for Forgotten Realms have indeed held up wonderfully well. A quarter-century and three editions later they're still the gold standard for religion in Faerun.
  14. wingsandsword

    D&D General What D&D Religion Is Your Favorite, And Why?

    I thought that was St. Cuthbert. . .since he's literally the 7th century Anglo-Saxon Saint Cuthbert of Lindisfarne transplanted into Greyhawk (to the point his backstory literally says he was a mortal on an unknown world long ago and after death was raised to divinity and sent to Greyhawk to...
  15. wingsandsword

    D&D General What D&D Religion Is Your Favorite, And Why?

    Well, I've always seen the difference being that a Warlock derives arcane power from a very powerful outsider that is either not a deity (like an archfiend or genies), or does not grant divine spells despite technically having divine status (like some Lovecraftian Old One), and in exchange for...