Recent content by Xombie Master

  1. Xombie Master

    " we tossed the jerk out...."

    Last sunday, a guy showed up and told everyone he was changing his character's sex to male, because he didn't want to play a female anymore. I (the DM) said no, unless he found a spell or item to do that then he would be staying female. He said he would leave if I didn't let him change. I...
  2. Xombie Master

    What books did you use last session?

    I DMed last session, let's see... Player's Guide World's Largest Dungeon
  3. Xombie Master

    Sigh ... more anti-D&D nonsense

    Actually not to get too off track. I had a conversation with a guy who used d6s (monopoly dice) and ran DnD without books, while he was locked up. He was explaining how he changed the rolling conventions to deal with the single die type. Basically it sounded rather GURPSy to me. Pretty funny...
  4. Xombie Master

    Movie Zombies...Not Really Zombies?

    Zombie 101 Ok, since I love me some zombies, I'll explain that just this once DnD has got it backwards a bit, and a bit more right than the movies at the same time. While the ghoul and the zombie are related the basic differences are this. Ghouls are not cannibalistic. They eat long dead...
  5. Xombie Master

    GM's What do you do to prepare for a game?

    I start by designing the first major villain, then I have the party make characters together. As they make their characters I associate them in some way with the future actions of said villain. From there everything just falls into place.
  6. Xombie Master

    How much equipment can a PC carry?

    My new character is a weaponsmith, he specializes in longswords and has made 5 that he carries, but they are in a bundle not Rambo'ed out all over his body.
  7. Xombie Master

    Given Unlimited Time, I'd play/GM...

    Sounds pretty sweet! You could take a little side trip to siberia to be carried away by Ithaqua.
  8. Xombie Master

    World's Largest Solo

    That's cool I'm running that dungeon now for 7 players. :D
  9. Xombie Master

    Woo-hoo! Heroes of Horror preview!!

    Hey for the first time in a while I'm excited for a book. Heroes of Horror better be good.
  10. Xombie Master

    Suggestion on a mount for a Dwarf Paladin?

    Deep Roth would be good for underdark, and if I remember correctly Deep Roth are smaller than the above ground ones.
  11. Xombie Master

    How much equipment can a PC carry?

    Bah! right back at ya, it wasn't weight I was talking about it was size and shape. The only thing you listed that's as long as a long sword is the M-16. Clips don't stick out all over like swords, and bows. My dad's an ex-marine, I'll ask him if he wants to have to lug around two M-16s...
  12. Xombie Master

    Player vs player hostility

    Rock on! \m/ I would like to add that I'm cool with people "kissing and making up". As long as my game runs smooth, hate who you want to hate.
  13. Xombie Master

    How much equipment can a PC carry?

    Try and climb anything with all that stuff protruding off of you. You might have the potential weight limit, but let's be real. The occasional "armed to the teeth" character is cool, but enough is enough. Also, when a character with that many valuables (weapons are expensive to the poor)...