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Recent content by yoda8myhead

  1. Y

    The Crapification of Organized Play - Unavoidable?

    Everyone has a different definition of what makes a campaign good or bad. In the case of the OP, that seems to hinge on the amount of rules made legal in the campaign, and that's fair. But Pathfinder Society is growing at an exponential rate, and much of that growth is likely due to people who...
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    Pathfinder 1E Paizo wants its monsters back!

    If they mentioned a monster and no one cares enough about the beast to mention or even remember it, why should they go to the trouble of statting it up in a future product?
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    Pathfinder 1E Looking for Fan Pathfinder RotRL (spoilers) material

    Lilith also drew these excellent sketches of Nualia from Tsuto's notebook. (NSFW in both cases): 1 and 2.
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    Sept 2nd News - I wont be doing Scales of War

    All things considered, I'm not surprised by either WotC's lack of providing adequate support material for GMs or the outcry that is coming from gamers as a result. But they are right in one regard, though. I don't need an overview for SoW--Their lack of quality and support for the path is...
  5. Y

    Nick Herold's Pathfinder Bestiary Project!

    These are truly awesome! Thanks. Keep them coming.