• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by zegerman

  1. Z

    Tiny PDFs - not a fan.

    Sure, obviously if you're happy with having many smaller PDFs there's nothing that needs changing. I only meant the suggestion to folks that were unhappy with many small PDFs they found difficult to organize and manage.
  2. Z

    Sedition Wars - tracking damage and status

    Any Sedition Wars players that have advice for tracking damage and status in this game? It's been fun playing so far, but since most of your generic troopers can't be readily matched to a specific card, tracking damage on the card has been ineffective at times. The number of status effects...
  3. Z

    Experience Point: Become a Fit-Beard

    I wouldn't mind some advice on managing the insatiable hunger that follows the early phases of my "I'm really going to get fit this time and stay that way" workouts. In the first 2-3 weeks, when I'm most in need of seeing results, my appetite pretty much explodes and even focusing on vegetables...
  4. Z

    Tiny PDFs - not a fan.

    I'm surprised no one has mentioned "PDF Split and Merge", a free tool that allows you to easily merge individual pages from many PDFs into a PDF of your own creation. It would not be legal to distribute it that way, but it would easily allow you to create some structure around a large...
  5. Z

    Broken Earth for Savage Worlds

    Thanks for this heads up, I'm in. I hope they can make the next few stretch goals, sounds like it will really enrich the experience.
  6. Z

    Kickstarter Kickstarter for LCD minis

    Thanks for pointing this one out, I'd have been sad to miss it. Any sense on how well prepared the project creator is to execute the idea?