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Pantheon of The Grey Mist


Thy wounds are healed!
ok a little RG to put some godlings into so they aren't all over the OOC thread.

Post them here and send a link to me in the OOC I will edit the first post there with a link to each character and this thread as well.

Also posting the character gene rules below for easy finding and changing as needed.


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Thy wounds are healed!
Character Generation Rules

Not carved in stone these are still being looked over for now:

Ability Scores 35 Point Buy (think that is what I used in Off to War)
20 Hit Dice of Outsider

This provides the character with:
160 hit points (+Con mod x 20)
+20 BAB (may add 5 and lose one feat or subtract 5 an add an additional feat) note: 4 attacks max +25/+20/+15/+10
+20 Base saves
184 + (Int bonus x 23) skill points (max ranks 23 for class skills, 11 1/2 for cross-class skills)
10 Class Skills of the player's choice
7 Feats
5 Level Based Ability Score increases (+1 at 4, 8, 12, 16, and 20 HD)
20 (1 per HD) Special Traits

Special Traits
These can be any special ability possessed by a monster in the SRD (though not class features). Run special traits by the GM before taking it, just in case.

Notes on specific abilities follow.

Ability Score Increases - Each time this special trait is taken the character may add +2 to any ability score. Note that the Monstrous Size trait can affect ability scores as well. Each size category larger than Medium gives the character a cumulative +4 to Str, -2 to Dex, and +2 to Con. Each size category smaller than Medium gives the character a cumulative -2 to Str and +2 to Dex. So, a Huge character has a +8 to Str, -4 to Dex, and +4 to Con. A Tiny character has a -4 to Str and a +4 to Dex.

Monstrous Size - All characters start at Medium size and may take Monstrous Size to increase or decrease their size by one stage. This special trait can be taken more than once to advance to larger or smaller sizes. For example, in order for a character to be Huge, they would need to take the Monstrous Size trait twice.

Spell-Like Abilities - Characters can take any spell from the SRD as a spell-like ability, with certain limitations. A 0-3rd level spell can be taken as an at-will spell like ability. A 4th-7th level spell can be taken as a 3/day spell like ability. An 8th or 9th level spell can be taken as a 1/day spell like ability. Spells with an XP cost or material or focus component cost higher than 1 gp can be taken but take up one special trait slot per 1000 XP or 1000 gp of their cost. For example, wish would take up five special trait slots. All such expensive spells, regardless of level, can only be used 1/day. Caster Level for spell-like abilities is 20. Save DC is 10 + Spell level + Charisma mod.

Subtypes - Any subtype can be taken as a special trait, but the character is limited to two alignment subtypes (Good or Evil + Lawful or Chaotic), one element subtype (Earth, Air, Fire, Water, or Cold) and one species subtype (Angel, Archon, Baatezu, Eladrin, Goblinoid, Guardinal, Reptillian, Tanar'ri, or any of the standard races [Elf, Dwarf, Orc, etc]) and one other subtype (anything not listed above, such as Aquatic, Incorporeal, Psionic, or Shapechanger). Note that the Extraplanar and Native subtypes cannot be taken because they depend on where the character is, not what the character is. The Swarm subtype can be taken (the character thus being a sentient collective of creatures) but the character must also take the Monstrous Size special trait at least twice (to become Tiny or smaller). Note that a character with an alignment subtype can bypass damage reduction with its attacks as if wielding a weapon of the same subtype (for example, a character with the Good subtype can bypass damage reduction as if it were wielding a good aligned weapon).

Base form: Bipedal humaniod- But your character does not need to stay that way, you may add anything you wish cosmeticly to your character. So go crazy if you wish (VV and FM sure did), six arms, horns, or wings. BUT if you want the extra attacks, gore attacking. or flight you will need to spend your special trait points to receive any abilities.

Natural Attacks - The character can choose any sort of natural attack, claws, bite, gore, slam, etc. Damage is dependent on size (see page 296 of the Monster Manual).

Movement Modes - Character base land speed is 60 feet (though this will vary based on size if the Monstrous Size trait is taken). Special Traits can be spent on other movement modes, such as flying, climbing, swimming, or burrowing. Base speed for flight is double base land speed with maneuverability based on size (Medium = Average, Large = Poor, Huge or larger = Clumsy, Small = Good, Tiny or smaller = Perfect). Maneuverability can be improved by spending another special trait. Base climb speed is 20 feet. Base swim speed is 20 feet. Base burrow speed is 5 feet. Any movement mode speed can be increased by increments of 20 feet per special trait.

Fast Healing: May be purchased for one trait point per 5 points of healing. To a maximum of 3 trait points and Fast Healing 15.

Divinity Template:

Divine Rank
Every character starts with a Divine Rank of 0. This provides the following traits.

Divine Bonus to AC equal to Divine Rank.
Natural Armor Bonus to AC equal to 13 + Divine Rank.
Deflection Bonus to AC equal to CHA modifier.
Divine Bonus to attack rolls equal to Divine Rank.
Divine bonus to saving throws equal to Divine Rank.
Luck bonus to saving throws equal to CHA modifier.
Divine bonus to skill checks, ability checks, caster level checks, turning checks and other sorts of checks equal to Divine Rank.
Immunity to Transmutation (including polymorph and petrification, though the deities own abilities used on itself work normally), Energy Drain, Ability Drain, Ability Damage, Mind-Affecting Effects.

Damage Reduction = 10/epic
Fire Resistance 5 + Divine Rank.
Spell Resistance 32 + Divine Rank.
Immortality (the character does not age)

Domains and Spell-Like Abilities - Each character can choose three cleric domains. The deity can use all of the spells in those domains as at will spell like abilities with a Save DC of 10 + the level of the spell + the character's Charisma mod + Divine Rank. The character's caster level is 10 + Divine Rank.

Portfolio - The character does not gain any special abilities related to its porfolio yet, but choose one aspect of existence that the character favors.

Please chose a Favored Weapon and holy symbol at character creation.

Starting Equipment- everyone starts with their favored weapon only (max vaule = 128,000gp) left over gp will be used for bonus items I will hand out in game. So really you have 128k to spend on one weapon and if you let's say spend all but 2,000gp of it I may give you (or have you find) a ring of protection +1.

Character Level 1
Finally, the character has one level in a regular character class. The character recieves a feat for 21st level, skill points as a multi-class character, maximum hit points for the class's hit die, and the class features of the class's 1st level. However, BAB and Base saves are handled for your character level.

Note that this 1st character level may be a Prestige Class level if the character qualifies for it via its Outsider HD and abilities.

Note that characters are considered Epic level and may take epic level feats (assuming they qualify for them).

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First Post
Lavaria Goddess of Fire and Chaos
[sblock=Basic Info]Medium Sized Outsider Fire Being 20/Sor 1/Fighter 1
Alignment: CE
Divne Rank 0
NoF: 0
Domains: Fire, Chaos, Destruction
Holy Symbol: Fiery Bow with Jet Black Arrow (+4 Anarchic Flaming Longbow of Distance)[/sblock]

Special Trait Points Spent: 20
[sblock=Traits]Con +6 [3]
Cha+16 [8]
Fire Subtype [1]
Flight (120 ft. Good Mauv.) [2]
Flaming Body (Su, From Balor) [1]
Blindsense 60 ft (From Dragons) [1]
Scorching Ray at-will [1]
True Seeing 3/day [1]
Flamestrike 3/day [1]
Firestorm 1/day [1][/sblock]

[sblock=Core Stats]Str: 10 +0 [2 Points]
Dex: 14 +2 [6 Points]
Con: 18 +4 (+6 Divine [3]) [4 Points]
Int: 12 +1 [4 Points]
Wis: 12 +1 (+1 Level) [3 Points]
Cha: 38 +14 (+4 Level, +16 Divine [8]) [16 Points][/sblock]

[sblock=HP, AC, BAB, Init, and Saves]HP: 262 / 262
AC: 39 [10 +2 Dex, +13 Natural, +14 Deflection]
BAB: +16/+11/+6
Initiative: +6

Fort: +38 [20 Base, +4 Con, +14 Cha]
Refl: +36 [20 Base, +2 Dex, +14 Cha]
Will: +35 [20 Base, +1 Wis, +14 Cha][/sblock]

Melee Attack: +16/+11/+6
+4 Anarchic Flaming Longbow of Distance: +22/+17/+12 to hit, 1d8+4+1d6 [fire] (+2d6 to lawful beings) dmg, 20x3 Crit, Range 200 ft.
Spell-Like Abilities: See Spell-Like Abilities sblock[/sblock]

[sblock= Special Qualities, Spell-Like Abilities]Special Qualities (Including Special Traits Purchased And DR Abilities): Fire Subtype [1], Flight (120 ft. Good Mauv.) [2], Flaming Body (Su, From Balor) [1], Blindsense 60 ft (From Dragons) [1], Immunity to Transmutation (including polymorph and petrification, though the deities own abilities used on itself work normally), Energy Drain, Ability Drain, Ability Damage, Mind-Affecting Effects. DR 35/+4, SR 32, Immortality.

Spell Like Abilities (Caster Level 21): Scorching Ray (No Save) at-will [1], True Seeing 3/day [1], Flamestrike (DC 30) 3/day [1], Firestorm (DC 33) 1/day [1][/sblock]

[sblock=Skills]Skills: (213 Total Skill Points) [Class Skills: Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Knowledge [Arcana], Knowledge [The Planes], Search, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot, Use Magic Device]

Bluff +34 [20 Ranks, +14 Cha]
Concentration +28 [24 Ranks, +4 Con]
Diplomacy +42 [20 Ranks, +14 Cha, +8 Synergy]
Knowledge [Arcana] +25 [24 Ranks, +1 Int]
Knowledge [The Planes] +24 [23 Ranks, +1 Int]
Search +21 [20 Ranks, +1 Int]
Sense Motive +24 [23 Ranks, +1 Wis]
Spellcraft +25 [24 Ranks, +1 Int, +4 Synergy]
Spot +21 [20 Ranks, +1 Wis]
Survival (Other Planes) +5 [+4 Synergy, +1 Wis]
Use Magic Device +33 [15 Ranks, +14 Cha, +4 Synergy][/sblock]


Quicken Spell-Like Ability (Flamestrike)
Empower Spell-Like Ability (Firestorm)
Quicken Spell-Like Ability (Scorching Ray)
Empower Spell-LIke Ability (Scorching Ray)
Spell Penetration
Greater Spell Penetration
Ability Focus (Flamestrike)
Ability Focus (Firestrom)
Improved Initiative[/sblock]

[sblock=Domains and Domain Spells]Domain Spells:

Caster Level for All Domain Spells: 10 + DR = 10
DC's for Domains Spells: (0th) 24, (1st) 25, (2nd) 26, (3rd) 27, (4th) 28, (5th) 29, (6th) 30, (7th) 31, (8th) 32, (9th) 33

1. Burning Hands: 1d4/level fire damage (max 5d4).
2. Produce Flame: 1d6 damage +1/ level, touch or thrown.
3. Resist Energy: Ignores 10 (or more) points of damage/attack from specified energy type.
4. Wall of Fire: Deals 2d4 fire damage out to 10 ft. and 1d4 out to 20 ft. Passing through wall deals 2d6 damage +1/level.
5. Fire Shield: Creatures attacking you take fire damage; you’re protected from heat or cold.
6. Fire Seeds: Acorns and berries become grenades and bombs.
7. Fire Storm: Deals 1d6/level fire damage.
8. Incendiary Cloud: Cloud deals 4d6 fire damage/round.
9. Elemental Swarm (Fire Elemental): Summons multiple elementals.


1. Protection from Law: +2 to AC and saves, counter mind control, hedge out elementals and outsiders.
2. Shatter: Sonic vibration damages objects or crystalline creatures.
3. Magic Circle against Law: As protection spells, but 10-ft. radius and 10 min./level.
4. Chaos Hammer: Damages and staggers lawful creatures.
5. Dispel Law: +4 bonus against attacks by lawful creatures.
6. Animate Objects: Objects attack your foes.
7. Word of Chaos: Kills, confuses, stuns, or deafens nonchaotic subjects.
8. Cloak of Chaos: +4 to AC, +4 resistance, SR 25 against lawful spells.
9. Summon Monster IX (Fire Elemental): Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you.


1. Inflict Light Wounds: Touch attack, 1d8 damage +1/level (max +5).
2. Shatter: Sonic vibration damages objects or crystalline creatures.
3. Contagion: Infects subject with chosen disease.
4. Inflict Critical Wounds: Touch attack, 4d8 damage +1/level (max +20).
5. Inflict Light Wounds, Mass: Deals 1d8 damage +1/level to any creatures.
6. Harm: Deals 10 points/level damage to target.
7. Disintegrate: Makes one creature or object vanish.
8. Earthquake: Intense tremor shakes 80-ft.-radius.
9. Implosion: Kills one creature/round.[/sblock]

[sblock=Sorcerer Spells and Info]Sorcerer Spells (Known)

0th: Detect Magic, Light, Flare, Touch of Fatigue
1st: Shield, Comprehend Languages

Sorcerer Spells (Per Day)

0th: 5
1st: 8[/sblock]

[sblock=Portfolio, and SDA's]Portfolio: Goddess of Lava, Fire Beings (Elementals, Azer etc.), Revenge, Hatred, Creativity, Destruction, Earthquakes etc...

Possible SDA's:
Alter Form
Alter Size
Alter Reality
Divine Blast
Divine Fire Mastery
Lay Quest
Wave of Chaos[/sblock]

[sblock=History]Brief History: Lavaria was 'born' eons ago on the plane of elemental fire and even from birth she showed her talent to create chaos and fire and much much more. Even from a youngling, her talents with her massive amount of unmatched powers were far beyond her time. As she 'aged' her powers reached nearly every tendril of the plane of fire in some fashion or another, and before long her downfall at the hands of her rivals was underway. Nearing her 1000th year of power the trinity of sisters whom of which were her closest rivals, gifted their power to Lavaria as a show of trust and 'pledged tribute' to the lava goddess. Sadly the power they had gifted to her was tainted and when she went to use it as a show of reign in her power she was sucked into and cast forever to the Grey Mist never to return to the elemental plane of fire again. Sense she was betrayed Lavaria has learned to pull from the plane of fire to the Grey Mists, however she has still not learned a way to return herself to her beloved home. Her demeanor changed considerably when she was expelled from her home plane. She turned cold and selfish wanting nothing more than her old home back and will stop at nothing, even trying to recreate her home plane if she has to, and will go through anything in her way to get what she wants. Lavaria sees this new opportunity as her first step in her struggle to have her home back by any means possible.[/sblock]


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Voda Vosa

First Post
[sblock= The one and the Many]
Name: The One and the Many
Class: Druid/Monk
Race: Plant
Size: Huge
Gender: Male
Alignment: Chaotic neutral

Level: 20 outsider / 3 monk / 3 druid / 1 DR
BAB: +19(/14/+9/+4) +1 for DR
    Initial(Cost)       Race      Level Size    Misc   Total  Bonus
Str:    8   (0p.)                         +8             16     +3    
Dex:   16   (10p)                   +3    -4     +6      25     +7
Con:   16   (10p)                   +2    +4     +2      24     +7
Int:   12   (4p.)                                        12     +1
Wis:   13   (5p.)                   +1           +2      16     +3  
Cha:   14   (6p.)                                +2      16     +3

HP: 160+(7x20)+8+7+8+7+(12x2+14): 368      Dmg Red: 15/Epic
Grapple: +36            Spell Res: 53
Speed: 120'(tree form) 80' (swarm form)  Spell Fail: 0%
Init: +11                 Spell Save: +3
ACP: 0

              Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total
Armor:          10    +0    +0    +7    +4    +14    +6    41
Touch: 21              Flatfooted: 26

                          Base class  	Mod  Misc  Total
Fort:                      21    6	+7    +3    +37
Ref:                       21    4 	+7    +9    +41
Will:                      21    6 	+3    +3    +33

Weapon                  Attack   Damage          Critical
(SM)Slam          +25/+20/+15/+10  2d6+5             x2

Add another attack with flurry of blows



Immunities: Electricity, Cold, Acid, Polymorph, Petrification, Energy Drain, Ability Drain, Ability Damage, Mind-Affecting Effects, Disease, Poison, Stunning, Sleep, 

Paralysis, Death Effects, Disintegration, Not subject to death from massive damage. Immortal.
Damage Reduction 15/Epic.
Fire Resistance 5 + Divine Rank.
Spell Resistance 32 + Divine Rank.
Domains: Plant, Earth, Chaos
Domain Powers: usable DR/day times or more if stated in the description. For those requiring Cleric levels use your DR level instead if you don't have Cleric as a 

Save DC for Domain spells is +1 (for DR 1)
Senses extended to 1 mile around him for DR 1.
Remote Sensing (2 locations)
Remote Sense Blocking (2 locations + self)
Portfolio Sense
Automatic Actions (2 free actions/round)
Create magic items related to portfolio up to 4,500 gp.
Divine Aura (10 ft.)
Grant Spells
Spontaneous Casting (for divine spells we can grant if we have Cleric levels)
A deity of rank 1 or higher can understand, speak, and read any language, including nonverbal languages. The deity can speak directly to any beings within one mile of 

itself per divine rank.
Remote Communication
Greater Teleport at will 

[B]Salient Divine abilities:[/B]
Improved spell resistance: +20 to spell resistance
Divine Earth mastery

Druid: 1)Animal companion, nature sense, wild empathy, spells
2) Woodland stride
3) Trackless step

Monk:1) flurry of blows (+0/+0), unarmed strike, bonus feat (Stunning Fist),
2) Bonus feat(Deflect Arrows), evasion
3) Still mind (+2 bonus on saving throws against spells and effects from the school of enchantment.)

Distraction DC 26
Damage Aura (5d6)
Immune to Critical hits
No Weapon Damage
Immune to individually targeted target spells (like disintegrate)
Vulnerable to area affect spells (50% more damage).

Low-light vision.
Immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects).
Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, polymorph, and stunning.
Not subject to critical hits.
Plants breathe and eat, but do not sleep.

[B]Shambling Mound:[/B] (Inmediate effects: Grants smlam attack, raises STR, lowers 4 in AC and ref, lowers 80 max HP)
Str 21, Dex 10, Con 17, slam attack,
Improved Grab (Ex)
To use this ability, a shambler must hit with both slam attacks. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If 

it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can constrict.
Constrict (Ex)
A shambler deals 2d6+7 points of damage with a successful grapple check.
Immunity to Electricity (Ex)
Shamblers take no damage from electricity. Instead, any electricity attack used against a shambler temporarily grants it 1d4 points of Constitution. The shambler loses 

these points at the rate of 1 per hour.

[B]Special Traits: [/B](20 points)
Monstrous Size: Huge (1 points) Diminute parts (2 points)
Subtypes: Swarm (1 Point) Plant (1 Point)
Fast healing 5 (1 Point)
Paralysis (1 point) DC: 28
Poison: Black lotus extract: Contact DC 28 3d6 Con initial damage and 3d6 Con secondary damage (1 Point)
Ability Score Increases: +4 to Dex and +2 Wis Con and Cha (5 points)
Alternate form: Shambling mound (1 point)
Tremorsense  (1 point)

Stunning fists: Fort DC: 24. A defender who fails this saving throw is stunned for 1 round (until just before your next action). A stunned creature drops everything 

held, can’t take actions, takes a -2 penalty to AC, and loses his Dexterity bonus to AC (6/day)

[B]Spell-Like abilities:[/B]
Speak with Plants: at will (1 point)
Transport via Plants: 3/day (1 point)
Living Oak:  3/day (1 point)  
Heal: 3/day (1 point)
Creeping Doom: 3/day (1 point)

Druid Spells: L0: 4
             L1: 3
	     L2: 2
Prepeared spells
Detect magic x2
Create water x2 (creates 57 gallons of water)
Faerie Fire x2 (cancels concealmente like bluur etc.)
Longstrider x1 (+10ft of movement)
Resist Energy x2 (10 resist energy type)

[B]Domain Spells:[/B]

Plant Domain Spells

  1. Entangle: Plants entangle everyone in 40-ft.-radius.
  2. Barkskin: Grants +2 (or higher) enhancement to natural armor.
  3. Plant Growth: Grows vegetation, improves crops.
  4. Command Plants: Sway the actions of one or more plant creatures.
  5. Wall of Thorns: Thorns damage anyone who tries to pass.
  6. Repel Wood: Pushes away wooden objects.
  7. Animate Plants: One or more trees animate and fight for you.
  8. Control Plants: Control actions of one or more plant creatures.
  9. Shambler: Summons 1d4+2 shambling mounds to fight for you.

Earth Domain Spells

  1. Magic Stone: Three stones become +1 projectiles, 1d6 +1 damage.
  2. Soften Earth and Stone: Turns stone to clay or dirt to sand or mud.
  3. Stone Shape: Sculpts stone into any shape.
  4. Spike Stones: Creatures in area take 1d8 damage, may be lowed.
  5. Wall of Stone: Creates a stone wall that can be shaped.
  6. Stoneskin M: Ignore 10 points of damage per attack.
  7. Earthquake: Intense tremor shakes 80-ft.-radius.
  8. Iron Body: Your body becomes living iron.
  9. Elemental Swarm*: Summons multiple elementals.

Water Domain Spells

  1. Obscuring Mist: Fog surrounds you.
  2. Fog Cloud: Fog obscures vision.
  3. Water Breathing: Subjects can breathe underwater.
  4. Control Water: Raises or lowers bodies of water.
  5. Ice Storm: Hail deals 5d6 damage in cylinder 40 ft. across.
  6. Cone of Cold: 1d6/level cold damage.
  7. Acid Fog: Fog deals acid damage.
  8. Horrid Wilting: Deals 1d6/level damage within 30 ft.
  9. Elemental Swarm*: Summons multiple elementals.

[B]Skills [/B]       Ranks    Mod  Misc  Total

Climb                 20      +3    +1    +24
Intimidate            10      +2    +1    +13
Spot                  20      +3    +1    +24
Listen                20      +3    +1    +24
Swim                  20      +3    +1    +24
Hide                  23      +3   +13    +39
Move silently         21      +3    +1    +25
Concentration         23      +6    +1    +30
Sense Motive          20      +3    +1    +24
Spellcraft            23      +1    +1    +25

Improved initiative
Ability Focus Paralysis
Ability Focus Poison
Spell Focus (conjuration)
Augment Summoning
Lightning Reflexes
Epic reflexes[Epic]
Eschew Materials
Reflect Arrows
Exceptional Deflection


Eons ago, a god long forgotten, forged a world of earth and water, and created creatures of all kind. Humanoids crafted at the god's appearance, and several other creatures for their siblings to feed and live off.
But deep inside, the seed of doubt grew in the god's heart. His creations were not as he meant them. He tried to erase them from the face of his world, but the creatures had grew too powerful. They developed technology and powerful weapons to war against one another. Now, the unnamed god wanted to exterminate them, and they had one single enemy.
Great wars raged over the world, destroying most of it's natural beauty. The irate god destroyed city after city, but his sons found a weakness. Themselves.
Only a handful of creatures remained faithful to the old god. That gave the divinity it's power. Killing his followers, the creatures weakened their former god, and finally defeated him. But before he felt, he unleashed a plague that was incurable, and with that, exterminated his sons, fulfilling his wish.
The world was left godless, with no sentient being over it's surface. With the passage of ages, the plants, the weather and the the time itself, engoulfed the remains of the civilization, until no trail was left of it.

The living organisms that remained in the world developed with the time, a self consciousness. Several sentient plants, fungi and vermin evolved like tribes in the forest. Eventually, these organisms' life force created a new entity. They all acquire the same mind, the same feelings, the same thoughts. A hive mind was born, and fueled with the life forces of an entire planet, it became almighty. It spawned more of itself around the glove, and changed the global weather, effectively destroying desserts and frozen wastes, transforming them into jungles forests and swamps.
In few years, the planet reshaped it's surface entirely, and the life thrived peacefully.
But in the mind of many of the tribal creatures, a new feeling, and new thought began to take shape. "What if we could spread ourselves into another world?" The thought began to spread like a disease. And so, the spiritual form of the entity left Geas and traveled the planes until it reached the Grey mist. There, a new chapter in the history of Geas began to write itself.

The One and the Many is the spawner of forests, swamps, jungles, greasslands, saltmarshes and any kind of vegetated landscapes. He inhabits one and all at the same time, travelling through the plants. It shapes the earth to fit the needs of the plants it spawns. It's chaotic nature distancing it from regular structures, like blocks posts or similar objects. It tends to destroy and reshape things, twisting it's original form. He wanders the forests and jungles, spawning new plants, fungi and mosses, and eating up the dead ones. It also spawns thousand of vermin to help it in that task.
The One and The Many can creat oasis in the middle of deserts, creating rain and lakes, and populating them with evergreen plants.

Geas: A rocky world with bast rivers and lakes, and few oceans. The world's temperature ins high and the entire surface is heavily vegetated, jungles swamps forests and grassplains extent worldwide. The only living creatures in this world are analogs to plants mosses and fungi, along with vermin.

The followers of the One and the Many are sentient plants and fungi, like myconids, shambling mounds and treants for example.


Plants, Fungi and Vermin
Renewal, Soil and Agriculture
Frashwater, Rain and Life

Possible Salient Divine Ability

Divine Earth Mastery
Divine Fast Healing
Gift Of Life
Increased Spell Resistance
Mind Of The Beast
Power Of Nature
Call Creatures
Command Plants
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First Post
weel in my first official funktion as co-dm:
both looks fine cant find any flaws or cheese, but VV I think your Fast heal are 5 not 2 as you can buy 5 fast heal for 1 special to a max of 3 times and 15 fast heal.
and your base save ought to be 20+ unless im missing somthing​
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First Post
Gone for good
“let this be known as Sirions Gift, my parting curse fore your creation

Your Civilations will never last
Your Kingdoms will fall apart
Your Cities will crumble
Your people will turn from you
The knowledge of this world will be tainted by lies and madness

Maybe next time you will have learned about equality between gods and mortal rites”


1) Sirion
- Titles: Keeper of civilization, Scourge of the illithid, The Enlighten One, First among the Elans.
- Symbol: A eye, in a sun, in a Pyramided
- Favored weapon: The Ki (Unarmed)
2) Home plane: Demiplane; The Emerald Bastion
3) Elans
- Worshipers: Psions, Monks, Generals and Elans
4)Domains: Knowledge, Mentalism and Planning
- Portfolio: Civilization, Strategy, Elans, Perfection of body and mind.
5) Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Enlightment is archived thru Perfection of one self, master thy body and mind and thou have mastered all.

Civilization must endure, because thru evolution of nations whole races reach for Perfection and Enlightment.

Preserve Knowledge so that we can build on what came before, Knowledge is never evil.

War is part of civilizations evolution and necessary sometimes, but avoid unnecessary destruction and destruction for destructions own sake.

Illithid and their kind are the greatest enemy of all, the must be fought and exterminated wherever found and at all costs.

Medium Sized Lawfull Outsider 20/Psion [Egoist] 1
Divne Rank 0
Domains: Knowledge, Mentalism and Planning

Knowledge Domain
Granted Power:
Add all Knowledge skills to your list of class skills.
You cast divination spells at +1 caster level.

1- Detect Secret Doors
2- Detect Thoughts
3- Clairaudience/Clairvoyance
4- DivinationM
5- True SeeingM
6- Find the Path
7- Legend LoreMF
8- Discern Location
9- Foresight

Mentalism Domain
Granted Powers:
You can generate a mental ward, a spell-like ability to grant someone you touch a resistance bonus on her next Will saving throw equal to your level +2. Activating this power is a standard action. The mental ward is an abjuration effect with a duration of 1 hour that is usable once per day.

1 - Confusion, Lesser
2 - Detect Thoughts
3 - Clairaudience/Clairvoyance
4 - Modify Memory
5 - Mind Fog
6 - Rary's Telepathic Bond
7 - Antipathy
8 - Mind Blank
9 - Astral Projection

Planning Domain
Granted Powers:
You gain Extend Spell as a bonus feat.

1 - Deathwatch
2 - Augury
3 - Clairaudience/Clairvoyance
4 - Status
5 - Detect Scrying
6 - Heroes' Feast
7 - Scrying, Greater
8 - Discern Location
9 - Time Stop

Str: 10 [2p]
Dex: 12 [4p]
Con: 12 [3p +1lvl.]
Int: 36 [10p +4 lvl. + 16 Divine]
Wis: 14 [6p]
Cha: 20 [10p +4 Divine]

HP: 185 [20D8(160+20),+1D4(4+1)]
AC: 29 [10 +1 Dex, +13 Natural, +5 Deflection]
BAB: +20/+15/+10/+5

Fort: +26 [20 Base, +1 Con, +5 Cha]
Refl: +26 [20 Base, +1 Dex, +5 Cha]
Will: +29 [22 Base, +2 Wis, +5 Cha]
[sblock=Special Traits]
Lawfull subtype [1p]
+ 20 Stats [10p]
+ 16 int
+ 4 Cha

Telepathy (Su) as Formian Queen [1p]
Sirion can communicate telepathically with any intelligent creature within 50 miles whose presence he is aware of.

Paralysis (Ex) as Ghast [1p]
Those hit by Sirions Natural attacks must succeed on a DC 22 Fortitude save or be paralyzed for 1d4+1 rounds. Even elves can be affected by this paralysis. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Resilience(Su) as Elan [1p]
As an immediate action, Sirion can reduce the damage he is about to take by 2 points for every 1 power point spent.

Resistance (Su) as Elan [1p]
As an immediate action, Sirion can spent 1 power point to gain a +4 racial bonus on saving throws until the beginning of his next turn.

Trap Essence (Su) as Devourer kind of [5p?]
To do so, Sirion must forgo his normal melee attacks and make a trap essence attack. This requires a normal attack roll but deals no damage. The affected creature must succeed on a DC 21 Fortitude save or dieinstantly. The save DC is Charisma-based. A slain creature’s essence is trapped within Sirions mind. The trapped essence cannot be raised or resurrected, but a limited wish, miracle, or wish spell frees it, as does destroying Sirion. Sirion can hold only one essence at a time.

<FONT face="Times New Roman"><FONT color=white>The trapped essence provides Sirion with 5 Essence Point for each Hit Die or level of the trapped creature, t
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Myth and Legend

First Post
Heliasillyel Nuevuyar
(shining new light of the sun in High Elven)

The Shining One, The Smiling Maiden, The Goddess of Light

Symbol: An 18 rayed gold coloured sun disk
Home Plane: Solarianderryel
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Portfolio: Sun, Light, New Beginnings, Redemption, Beauty, Passion
Worshipers: Sun Elves primarily, other good aligned Elves and Fey may worship her as well. Bards, Druids, Sorcerers, Commoners.
Cleric Alignments: CG, LG, NG
Domains: Sun, Good, Charm
Favored Weapon: Longbow

[sblock=Dogma]Heliasillyel teaches that as the sun sheds light and warmth over the land, so must it's peoples be bright, warm and kind. She promotes arts and beauty and preaches that creation is superior to destruction. The Goddess endorses passion in her followers, as she teaches that when one is passionate, one's being is closer to the radiance of the sun.

Heliasillyel also promotes new beginnings, traveling, spontaneity and redemption trough acting good. She teaches her followers to always be on the lookout for new adventures, fresh horizons to explore or new challenges to conquer. She is opposed to darkness, evil, selfishness and readily promotes the use of light, fire and charm against evil doers and monsters.[/sblock]
[sblock=Clergy and Temples]Heliasillyel's temples are made of white granite, circular in shape with a single thin and tall tower in the middle, pointing towards the sky. Her Priests and Priestesses are dressed in white, yellow and adorned with gold circlets, and the highest ranking clerics – a golden belt with the Holy Symbol of Heliasillyel, the eighteen-rayed sun disk.

There exists a hierarchy based on experience and skill, as well as personal charisma and strength in Heliasillyel's order. At the very top is a Matriarch or Patriarch, usually granted with extra power by the Goddess herself. He or she acts as Heliasillyel's proxy on the chosen realm. Below him are the council of twelve High Priests and High Priestesses, who rule over the other clergy - accepted Priests and Priestesses as well as Novices in training.

Heliasillyel’s favored weapon is the longbow, because it rains arrows as the sun rains down light upon the earth, and because of the more peaceful use of the bow as a tool for survival and hunting, instead just for killing.[/sblock]

[sblock=Home Plane]Solarianderryel is a land of tranquil beauty, with a touch of surrealism as the sun that ever shines above is one full third the size of the sky. The giant orb of bright luminosity, that would normally leave the earth scorched and barren, sheds warm yellow light that does not hurt the eyes even when looking directly at it.

The land is fields, meadows, lakes and creeks, shrubs and flowers, misty mountains and deep forests, populated by all manner of insects and animals, with an abundant emphasis on butterflies. It is a wonder to behold the Sea of Life - a wide, endless savanna of green grass, that houses every form of butterfly imaginable.

Around the equator of the world is a scorching, bright desert, that is inhibited only by the most adaptive creatures.

Solarianderryel holds one enormous city - Helivyalla, perched atop a plateau thousands of feet up in a mountain, so that it is even closer to the Sun. The city is dominated by a massive temple, with it's single tower reaching for the skies, hundreds of feet above the streets below. Helivyalla is inhibited only by the High Sun Elves, who have chosen to come here from the Prime Material plane, have been called by their Goddesss or have been born here. The Elves in Solarianderryel devote their time to art, sports and exploration, as their Goddess values beauty in all things, as well as spontaneity and creativeness.

It is quite often that the younger Sun Elves born and raised in Helivyalla decide to explore and adventure on the Prime Material plane or even on the home plains of other deities, so long as they are benevolent towards Heliasillyel's followers. [/sblock]

[sblock=Story]Since the primordial chaos of Creation, every world that supported life, had a sun in it's skies. Each and every sentient race in existence, began it's worshiping and religions by revering the Sun. Heliasillyel took form and power once the Sun Elves began to advance as a separate race, and rapidly grew in power as her worshipers were blessed with natural longevity.

The Goddess, true to her children's character, loves beauty in art and form, and encourages new beginnings and spontaneity. She does not equate herself with Lavaria's violence and fiery rage, but instead with a tranquil light and benevolent demeanor.

Heliasillyel enjoys taking up the form of a mortal Sun Elven woman, walking the streets of Helivyalla and intermingling with her people. The Goddess of the Sun enjoys dance, song, music and laughter, and will frequently indulge in the week-long festivals that her followers organize for her.

Now, in the new world, only a tinkle of the river of power she possesses can be utilized. The Goddess intends on spreading her Dogma and relying on her culturally advanced followers to convert the other races.[/sblock]

[sblock=Stats]Chaotic Good Female Outsider 20 / Bard 3 / Sorcerer 3 / Divine Rank 1

Strength 14 (+2) [Base 14]
Dexterity 24 (+7) [Base 14] + [10/deity]
Constitution 14 (+2) [Base 14]
Intelligence 12 (+1) [Base 12]
Wisdom 8 (-1) [Base 8]
Charisma 39 (+14 ) [Base 17] + [6/lvl] + [16/deity]

Size: Medium
Age: 7,369 years
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 136 lb
Eyes: Gold
Hair: Blond
Skin: Copper

[sblock=Appearance]Heliasillyel's mortal form is that of a radiant Sun Elven beauty, visibly young but somehow ageless as well. She has long, flowing light blond hair, that is constantly shifting around as if a light breeze is blowing trough it. Her skin is the usual copper tone of the Sun Elves, and her body is perfect in every detail, tall, slender, with long hips and a full chest.

Heliasillyel's eyes glow with a dim yellow light, but are otherwise golden in colour. When she is enraged (which happens rarely as Heliasillyel is a benevolent and care-free deity), the light grows bright and the colour changes to that of molten copper.

The Goddess's avatar is dressed in a white linen robe with a golden belt tightening her waist, the buckle being Heliasillyel's holy symbol. [/sblock]

Total Hit Points: 232 [160 (Outsider) + 26 x 2 (CON) + 12 (Bard) + 8 (Sorcerer)]

Speed: 120 feet [flight/average]

Armor Class: 45 = 10 + 7 [dexterity] + 14 [deflection/CHA] + 14 [natural/DR]
Touch AC: 30
Flat-footed: 38
Damage Reduction: 15/epic
Fire Resistance: 6
Spell Resistance: 33

Immunities: Fire, Electricity, Cold, Acid, Polymorph, Petrification, Energy Drain, Ability Drain, Ability Damage, Mind-Affecting Effects, Disease, Poison, Stunning, Sleep, Paralysis, Death Effects, Disintegration. Not subject to death from massive damage. Immortal.

Caster Level: 3 (Bard), 3 (Sorcerer) 20 (SLAs), 11 (Domain)
Caster Level vs Spell Resistance: 10, 10, 27, 17 [+6 feats] [+1 Divine]
Spell DC: 10 + Spell Level + 14 (CHA) + 1 [Divine] for Domain Spells

Initiative modifier: + 11 = + 7 [dexterity] + 4 [feat]
Fortitude save: + 39 = 22 [base] + 2 [constitution] + 14 [Luck/CHA] + 1 [Divine]
Reflex save: + 46 = 24 [base] + 7 [dexterity] + 14 [Luck/CHA] + 1 [Divine]
Will save: + 40 = 26 [base] - 1 [wisdom] + 14 [Luck/CHA] + 1 [Divine]
Attack (handheld): + 31 = 28 [base] + 2 [strength] + 1 [Divine]
Attack (missile): + 36 = 28 [base] + 7 [dexterity] + 1 [Divine]
Grapple check: + 31 = 28 [base] + 2 [strength] + 1 [Divine]

The Suncaster Composite Longbow +4: +42/ + 32/ +27/ +22 (-1 if farther than 30ft.)
Attack with Rapid Shot (full-round): +40/ +40/ + 30/ +25/ +20 (-1 if farther than 30ft.)

Damage (M): 1d8 (Piercing) x 3 + 1d6 (Fire) / 2d10 (Fire) on critical + 4 (Enchantment) + 2 (STR) + 2d6 vs Evil + 1 (if within 30ft.)

[sblock=Attack Bonuses]Base 20HD Outsider, 3 Bard, 3 Sorcerer: +23/ +18/ +13/ +8
Feat exchange: +5 BAB
Dex: +7
Weapon: +4
Point Blank Shot: +1
Weapon Focus: +1
Rapid Shot: -2
Divine Rank: +1[/sblock]

[sblock=The Suncaster]+4 Holy Flaming Burst Composite Longbow [2 STR]

Damage (M): 1d8 (Piercing) x 3 + 1d6 (Fire) / 2d10 (Fire) on critical + 4 (Enchantment) + 2 (STR) + 2d6 vs Evil
Range: 110 ft.
Weight: 3lb.
Bestows one negative level on any evil creature attempting to wield it.

Total enchantment levels: 8: (+4) +2 (Holy) + 2 (Flaming burst) (128,000 gp.)[/sblock]

Light load: 58 lb. or less
Medium load: 59-116 lb.
Heavy load: 117-175 lb.
Lift over head: - 175 lb.
Lift off ground: - 350 lb.
Push or drag: - 875 lb.

Languages: all, speak directly to beings around her for 1 mile.

[sblock=Salient Divine Abilities]Alter Reality
Divine Blast[/sblock]

[sblock=Special Traits]1 Fire Subtype – Immune to fire, 50% extra damage from cold.
2 Mage’s Disjunction 1 / day
3 Time Stop 1 / day
4 Time Stop 2 / day
5 True Seeing 3 /day
6 Dimensional Anchor 3 / day
7 Flight Average Maneuvaribility
8 Dexterity + 2
9 Dexterity + 2
10 Dexterity + 2
11 Dexterity + 2
12 Dexterity + 2
13 Charisma + 2
14 Charisma + 2
15 Charisma + 2
16 Charisma + 2
17 Charisma + 2
18 Charisma + 2
19 Charisma + 2
20 Charisma + 2[/sblock]

[sblock=Feats]7 Normal, 1 Epic
1 Spent 1 feat to get + 5 BAB
2 Quicken Spell
3 Spell Penetration
4 Greater Spell Penetration
5 Rapid Shot
6 Point Blank Shot
7 Weapon Focus (Longbow)
8 Epic Spell Penetration (Epic)
9 Far Shot
10 Improved Initiative

[sblock=Skills]Outsider 20: 184 + (2 x 23) skill points. Class Skills: Perform, Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Spellcraft, Knowledge all skills, taken individually), Craft, Gather Information, Tumble, Spot.

Bard: 6 + 2. Class Skills: Appraise (Int), Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (The Planes) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Perform x 3 (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Speak Language (None), Spellcraft (Int), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), and Use Magic Device (Cha)

Sorcerer: 2+2. Class Skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Profession (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int).

Max rank: Class 29, Cross-Class: 14.5

Appraise + 3 = 2 [Int] + 1 [Divine]
Balance + 8 = 7 [Dex] + 1 [Divine]
Bluff + 41 = + 29 [base] + 14 [Cha] + 1 [Divine]
Climb + 3 = 2 [Str] + 1 [Divine]
Concentration + 32 = + 29 [base] + 2 [Con] + 1 [Divine]
Craft + 2 = 1 [Int] + 1 [Divine]
Diplomacy +43 = + 26 [base] + 14 [Cha] + 2 [synergy] + 1 [Divine]
Disguise + 17 = 14 [Cha]+ 2 [synergy] + 1 [Divine]
Escape Artist + 8 = 7 [Dex] + 1 [Divine]
Forgery + 2 = 1 [Int] + 1 [Divine]
Gather Information + 15 = 14 [Cha] + 1 [Divine]
Heal + 0 = - 1 [Wis] + 1 [Divine]
Hide + 8 = 7 [Dex] + 1 [Divine]
Intimidate + 17 =+ 14 [Cha] + 2 [synergy] + 1 [Divine]
Jump + 2 = 2 [Str] + 1 [Divine]
Knowledge (Arcana) + 28 = 26 [base] + 1 [Int] + 1 [Divine]
Knowledge (The Planes) + 31 = 29 [base] + 1 [Int] + 1 [Divine]
Knowledge (Religion) + 28 = 26 [base] + 1 [Int] + 1 [Divine]
Listen - 1 = - 1 [Wis] + 1 [Divine]
Move Silently + 7 = 7 [Dex] + 1 [Divine]
Perform: Stringed Instruments + 41 = + 26 [base] + 14 [Cha] + 1 [Divine]
Perform: Sing + 41 = + 26 [base] + 14 [Cha] + 1 [Divine]
Perform: Dance + 41 = + 26 [base] + 14 [Cha] + 1 [Divine]
Ride + 7 = 7 [Dex] + 1 [Divine]
Search + 1 = + 1 [Int] + 1 [Divine]
Spot - 1 = - 1 [Wis] + 1 [Divine]
Sense Motive - 1 = - 1 [Wis] + 1 [Divine]
Spellcraft + 33 = 29 [base] + 1 [Int] + 2 [synergy] + 1 [Divine]
Survival - 1 = - 1 [Wis]+ 2 [synergy for outer planes] + 1 [Divine]
Swim + 2 = 2 [Str] + 1 [Divine]
Use Rope + 7 = 7 [Dex] + 1 [Divine]
Tumble + 7 = 7 [Dex] + 1 [Divine]

[sblock=Class Features]Bard 2: Bardic music, bardic knowledge, countersong, fascinate, inspire courage +1, Inspire competence

Sorcerer 2: Familliar[/sblock]

[sblock=Domain spells/at will]Good:
Domain Power: Cast [Good] spells at +1 caster level (1/day)

1. Protection from Evil
2. Aid
3. Magic Circle against Evil
4. Holy Smite
5. Dispel Evil
6. Blade Barrier
7. Holy Word
8. Holy Aura
9. Summon Monster IX

Domain Power: Greater Turn Undead (1/day) Effective Cleric lvl 1.

1. Endure Elements
2. Heat Metal
3. Searing Light
4. Fire Shield
5. Flame Strike
6. Fire Seeds
7. Sunbeam
8. Sunburst
9. Prismatic Sphere

Domain Power: Untyped +4 bonus to Cha (1/day, duration 1 minute) as a free action.

1. Charm person
2. Calm emotions
3. Suggestion
4. Heroism
5. Charm monster
6. Geas/quest
7. Insanity
8. Demand
9. Dominate monster[/sblock]

[sblock=Spells and SLAs]Spell-Like Abilities:
Mage’s Disjunction 1 / day, Time Stop 2 / day, True Seeing 3 /day, Dimensional Anchor 3 /day, Greater Teleport/at will (CL 20, 100 pounds of objects per divine rank)

Known Spells (Bard):
0 level - 6: Summon Instrument, Daze, Dancing Lights, Light, Know Direction, Lullaby
1 level - 3: Hideous Laughter, Silent Image, Remove Fear

0 level: 3
1 level: 1 + 4 (Cha)

Known Spells (Sorcerer):
0 level - 5: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Touch of Fatigue, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation, Light
1 level - 3: True Strike, Shield, Magic Missile

0 level: 6
1 level: 5 + 4 [Cha]


[sblock=Special]Senses extend to 1 mile around her.
Remote Sensing (Su) for 2 locations.
Block Sensing (Su) for 2 locations.
Portfolio Sense
Automatic Actions (2 free actions/round)
Create magic items related to portfolio up to 4,500 gp.
Divine Aura (10 ft.)
Grant Spells
Remote Communication
Special Familliar[/sblock]

[sblock=Always Active Spells]At any time, Heliasillyel has the following spells active on her person and recasts them immediately when they expire. For varying effects assume she recasts the spell until the maximum result has been achieved.

Protection From Evil, Aid, Magic Circle against Evil, Dispel Evil, Holy Aura, Endure Elements, Heroism.

Effects (excluded the ones that do not stack with already superior abilites): + 4 resistance bonus to saving throws, + 2 morale bonus to attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, 18 temporary hit points.[/sblock]

[sblock=Oaths]Heliasillyel took a vow not to trespass on other Deity's domains without permission and not to be the first to instigate aggression.[/sblock]


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The Dark Mother
The Mother of Unclaimed Souls
The Weaver Uncaring; The Lady of Seven Eyes

Ubariya (oo-BAR-ee-uh)
Symbol: A spider dangling from a strand of web
Home Plane: the Black Chasm: the walls of the Black Chasm are a fractured black stone supporting strands of web that form intricate and sometimes beautiful patterns. These webs exude a very faint, pearly luminescence that eternally evaporates in curling tendrils of mist and is the only source of light in the Black Chasm. Spiders of all sizes scurry freely along the webs on unfathomable missions and still writhing creatures dangle from the strands in clusters. The heart of the Black Chasm is an enormous and beautifully elaborate sphere of web where Ubariya weaves and lays her eggs.
Portfolio: Life-death-rebirth cycle (transmigration of souls), memory, night/darkness/shadow, weaving, and spiders.
Worshipers: Spinners and weavers revere the Weaver Uncaring. Mothers, midwives and other women follow her in her life/rebirth aspect and beseech her to delay acting as bringer of death for those they love. Creatures of the night and death bringers revere her and seek her blessings.
Cleric Alignments: LG, LN, LE, N
Favored Weapon: spear (represents a distaff)
[sblock=Ubariya, the Weaver Uncaring]
Ubariya is the goddes of death and rebirth though in a different fashion than the One and the Many as she is only concerned with creatures that have souls and not with the natural world. Ubariya brings death to everyone when the weave of their life has been completed. Those who follow a different god move on to whatever afterlife that god provides for them but Ubariya claims the souls of those who are not claimed by any other deity. She is not a greedy god and the souls are wrapped and suspended from her webs where she feeds off their soul speparating it from the husk of personality/individuality. Once the soul is drained the husk of personality fades and leaves a nodule of softly glowing light upon the web where it was suspended. This nodule is the living memorial of that creature. Ubariya having absorbed the soul lays an egg, now a purified soul, in her nest. When the time is right the egg will also fade and the soul will be reborn into the world.

[sblock=stats]TRUE FORM:
Ubariya's unclothed body is full with imminent motherhood and she is beautiful though nowhere near approaching the beauty of Heliasillyel or Lavaria. What beauty she has is all the more jarring for the non-human elements that make up her body: the four spider-leg arms that emerge from the sides of her torso; the two large spider eyes that dominate her face and the six, no... five human eyes that follow the ridge of her cheek bones just below the other, larger eyes. One eye has clearly been violently removed though the skin has healed and sealed the empty socket.

Female Outsider 20 / Cleric 3 / Rogue 3 / Divine Rank 1
LN Large outsider (Law)
Init +2; Senses Listen +22, Spot +22

Str 18 (+4) [6 pts., +4 size]
Dex 15 (+2) [6 pts., -2 size, +2 divine, +1 lv.]
Con 14 (+2) [4 pts., +2 size]
Int 15 (+2) [5 pts., +2 lv.]
Wis 18 (+4) [4 pts., +6 divine]
Cha 29 (+9) [10 pts., +3 lv., +10 divine]

HP 254 (23d8+6d6+52)
AC 35 (10 base, +0 armor, +0 shield, +2 dex, -1 size, +14 natural, +9 deflection, +1 divine)
--Touch AC 21
--Flat-footed AC 33
Fort +36 (24 base, +2 con, +9 luck, +1 divine)
Ref +36 (24 base, +2 dex, +9 luck, +1 divine)
Will +38 (24 base, +4 wis, +9 luck, +1 divine)
Speed 70 ft., climb 20 ft.

Base Atk +29/+24/+19/+14
Melee +33; Grapple +37
-- spear +33 (2d6+6) x2
-- stinger (leg barb) +33 (1d6+4 +poison)
-- slam (leg strike) +33 (2d6+4)
Ranged +31
Full Attack
Distaff of Souls (Spear) +37/+32/+27/+22 (4d6+1d6 cold +10) +
Stinger +33 (1d6+2 +poison) +
Slam +33/+33/+33 (2d6+2)

Subtype: Law [1]
Size: Large [1]
Climb speed: 20 ft. [1]
Stinger (leg with barb) [1]
-- Poison (as Wyvern) [1]
Injury, Fortitude DC 24, initial/secondary damage 2d6 Con
Slam [1]
Web (as Monstrous Spider) [1]
Tremorsense 60 ft. (as Monstrous Spider) [1]
Fast Healing 5 [1]
Spell-like Ability (CL 20)
-- Shapechange 1/day [2 pts.]
+6 Wisdom [3]
+2 Dexterity [1]
+10 Charisma [5]

Armor Class:
+1 divine (divine energy field = divine rank)
+14 natural armor (13 + divine rank)
+9 deflection (CHR bonus)
Attacks: +1 divine to attack (divine rank). Do not fail on natural 1.
Saves: +1 divine bonus (divine rank). Do not fail on natural 1.
Checks: +1 divine bonus (divine rank) to skill, ability, caster level, & turning checks.
Increases by +2 for every 20 extra ranks.
Immunities (do not apply to deities of equal or higher rank):
Transmutation (polymorph, petrification, etc.), Energy Drain, Ability Drain, Ability Damage, Mind-Affecting Effects (charm, compulsion, phantasms, patterns, & morale effects)
Energy Immunity (even if attacker is deity of higher rank):
Electricity, Cold, Acid
Disease, poison, stunning, sleep, paralysis, death effects, & disintegration
Damage Reduction: 15/epic
Fire Resistance 6 (5 + divine rank)
Spell Resistance 33 (32 + divine rank)
Salient Divine Abilities: 2
Domain Powers: use each 1/day (divine rank)
Immortality (not subject to death by massive damage)
Senses: one mile range (1 mile/divine rank)
Remote Sensing: 2 locations; within one mile per rank of worshiper, holy site, sacred object/location, deity's spoken name/title, or portfolio event. Cannot penetrate divine shield or area blocked by deity of equal or higher rank.
Block Sensing: can block sensing of deities of equal or lower rank; 2 locations plus self.
Portfolio Sense: 1,000 people/present.
Automatic portfolio actions (2 free actions/round)
Create Magic Items (must meet prerequisites except item creation feats) related to portfolio up to 4,500 gold value (cost & time to create halved if possessing the relevant item creation feat).
Divine Aura (10 foot radius; resist with Will DC 20) can cause Daze, Fright, or Resolve.
Grants Spells & Spontaneous Casting of any grantable spell (cleric, ranger, & domains)
Communication: understand, speak & read any language. Speak to anyone within one mile (divine rank).
Remote Communication to any worshiper or within one mile of any dedicated site, statue of deity, etc.
Greater Teleport (Sp) at will; CL 20 but only self +100 lbs (per divine rank) of objects[/sblock]

Turn Undead 12/day
Spells - CL 3
0: 4 / 1: 3+1 / 2: 2+1

Sneak Attack +2d6
Trap Sense +1

Combat Enhancement (+5 BAB), Endurance, Multiattack, Improved Multiattack, Improved Natural Attack (Slam), Power Attack, Divine Might, Epic Skill Focus (Craft: Weaving), +1, +1, Blind-Fight*

248 base; class skills 28 ranks max., cross-class 14 ranks max.
(3 cleric unspent; 10 rogue unspent)
*Balance +23 (20 ranks, +2 Dex, +1 divine)
*Climb +33 (20 ranks, +4 Str, +8 racial, +1 divine)
*Craft (weaving) +34 (21 ranks, +10 ESF, +2 Int, +1 divine)
*Heal +28 (25 ranks, +2 Wis, +1 divine)
*Hide +23 (24 ranks, -4 size, +2 Dex, +1 divine)
*Intimidate +34 (24 rank, +9 Cha, +1 divine)
*Listen +23 (20 ranks, +2 Wis, +1 divine)
*Knowledge (geography) +23 (20 ranks, +2 Int, +1 divine)
Knowledge (local) +9 (6 ranks, +2 Int, +1 divine)
Knowledge (religion) +11 (8 ranks, +2 Int, +1 divine)
*Move Silently +23 (20 ranks, +2 Dex, +1 divine)
Perform (Dance) +15 (5 ranks, +9 Cha, +1 divine)
*Spot +23 (20 ranks, +2 Wis, +1 divine)
Tumble +18 (15 ranks, +2 Dex, +1 divine)

(Sp) at will; CL 11 (10 + divine rank); DC 20+spell level (10 + CHA mod. + divine rank + spell level)

Cast Law spells at +1 caster level.
1 Protection from Chaos
2 Calm Emotions
3 Magic Circle Against Chaos
4 Order's Wrath
5 Dispel Chaos
6 Hold Monster
7 Dictum
8 Shield of Law
9 Summon Monster IX

Gain Blind-Fight feat.
1 Obscuring Mist
2 Blindness
3 Blacklight
4 Armor of Darkness
5 Summon Monster V (only 1d3 shadows)
6 Prying Eyes
7 Nightmare
8 Power Word Blind
9 Power Word Kill

Death Touch (Sp) 1/day; w/ successful melee touch, roll 1d6/cleric level; if total equals current hp it dies.
1 Deathwatch
2 Gentle Repose
3 Speak with Dead
4 Death Ward
5 Slay Living
6 Undeath to Death
7 Destruction
8 Surelife
9 Wail of the Banshee

Arms, Armor, and Equipment (encumbrance)
The Distaff of Souls
+4 Vicious, Axiomatic, Frost Spear[/sblock]
[sblock=Oaths]Oath with Duretep (restated by Ubariya) Ubariya: "As the blood of Death and Madness mingle, I swear that I shall not enter the Realm of Dreams uninvited and hold you to respect my realm in kind." Duretep: "I shall respect your realm, your childern, and your being."
Heliasillyel's Promise Heliasillyel: "You, Duretep, as well as the rest of you Gods, have my word that I will not venture in your realms and will not be the first to show aggression. I will readily defend my followers and lands however."
Ubariya's Counter: Between us, let us divide the world in two. You take half and bathe it in your light, and I take half to shroud in darkness. After a period of time, we relinquish our half to the other. In this you fulfill your duty to bring new beginnings to lands touched by darkness and also have opportunity to renew them. And, so that you are not totally powerless during the Shifting Realm of Night I offer you an eye with which you can pierce the darkness even from your blazing palace. In return, though, I would request that mortals and objects standing between us reach out towards me with a shadow of their substance."
Lavaria's Promise: (accepted) "I will give you my life sustaining heat deep under the shambling ones rock, giving the rock freedom to move above my realm. All I ask is vented access to the world above to keep an eye on my minions and fissures for view into your strange world above my flames. I will keep my palace of pure flame hidden deep within the world so your peoples will not fear it and burn from it. But know this my... 'friends', those who step into my realm uninvited are in for an eternity of burning torment. Once you enter my fiery domain there will be NOT return unless I myself grant your leave."
Sirion's Word: "My word of honor is given I will not enter your realm uninvited and know if you come to my realm with friendly intents it will never be closed to you or any of the gods"
[sblock=Secret History]Ubariya is immeasurably old. Among the least of the servants of Death in another realm she has spent thousands upon thousands of years reaping souls for his Dark Eminence. She eventually grew to desire independence and so Death altered his bargain with her and she eventually was able to set off to a new realm with a belly full of souls waiting to be birthed into a world where she can create not only new races but a new self.[/sblock]
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First Post
[sblock=Just jacking M&L's format for now] Torath Vargachkitril
Torath Saurixis
(Torath Goldeneye in Dragon's tongue)

The Silver General, The Shining Champion, The Raging Dragon

Symbol: A Dragon's claw, gripping the blade of a sword
Home Plane:
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Portfolio: War, Battle, Dragons, Honor, Loyalty, Passion, Strength
Worshipers: Dragons, Sorcerers, Warriors
Cleric Alignments: CG, NG, CN
Domains: Glory, War, Protection
Favored Weapon: Greatsword

[sblock=Dogma]Torath teaches that without the strength to uphold one's ideals, it is ultimately meaningless and they will be trampled by those who possess such strength. As such, if a follower of Torath feels strongly about something, they should hone themselves to the pinnacle of their might to protect it against all challengers. He also teaches that in fighting against greater odds for a higher cause, one my achieve glory and exultation amongst not only one's peers, but with Torath himself. While a very warminded individual, Torath's pursuit of power was as much to be a protector as it was for combat. Anyone who is willing to give everything they have to further a noble cause has worth in the eyes of the Shining Champion, and may find their prayers answered by the Silver General himself, or by proxy.[/sblock]
[sblock=Clergy and Temples]Torath has never had temple's constructed in his name, as his ascension was interrupted before it was successful. For Clergy, his hierarchy would be based upon prowess and dedication to their cause. Torath does not descriminate amongest the genders, nor does he stand on traditions. While the honor of one's ancestors is passed to the child, the child can easily destroy their reputation with the god with acts of cowardice or evil. [/sblock]

[sblock=Home Plane]Torath's home plane of Rygat was a chaotic realm consumed by war and strife, where only the strongest stood tall. This was the prime source of his dogma, as his own beliefs were meaningless in the face of the 'Survival of the fittest' dominating the plane. The plane was a harsh place, but it bred power. Physically, it possessed many of the similar features of other planes, with plains, forests, mountains, oceans and the like... but much of it was littered with the scars of war.[/sblock]


[sblock=Stats]Chaotic Good Male Outsider 20 / Fighter 1|Paladin 1

Strength 24 (+6) [Base 14]
Dexterity 14 (+2) [Base 14]
Constitution 18 (+4) [Base 14]
Intelligence 14 (+2) [Base 13]
Wisdom 12 (+0) [Base 10]
Charisma 22 (+6 ) [Base 14]

Size: Huge
Age: 1,268 years
Height: 6' 10"
Weight: 270 lb
Eyes: Gold (with a slitted pupil rather than a circular one)
Hair: None
Skin: Metallic silver

[sblock=Appearance]Torath's form is humanoid, but over the years he's grown increasingly more draconic over time. His body is well muscled and covered in silvery scales. Additionally, a ridge of spines are all that adorn his skull, besides his face itself. His eyes are a piercing golden amber, pupils slitted much like the dragons he so revered. [/sblock]

Total Hit Points: 268 [160 (Outsider) + 21 x 4 (CON) + 10 (Fighter)+10(Paladin)]

Speed: 120 feet [flight/average]

Armor Class: 31 = 10 + 2 [dexterity] + 6 [deflection/CHA] + 13 [natural/DR]
Touch AC: 18
Flat-footed: 27
Damage Reduction: 35/ +4
Fire Resistance: 20
Spell Resistance: 32

Immunities:Transmutation, Polymorph, Petrification, Energy Drain, Ability Drain, Ability Damage, Mind-Affecting Effects, Immortal.

Caster Level: 10 (Domain)
Caster Level vs Spell Resistance:
Spell DC:

Initiative modifier: + 10 = + 2 [dexterity]
Fortitude save: + 28 = 20 [base] + 4 [constitution]+4 (Fighter and Paladin level 1)
Reflex save: + 26 = 20 [base] + 6 [dexterity]
Will save: + 19 = 20 [base] - 1 [wisdom]
Attack (handheld): + 27 = 25 [base] + 2 [strength]
Attack (missile): + 31 = 25 [base] + 6 [dexterity]
Grapple check: + 27= 25 [base] + 2 [strength]

Light load: 58 lb. or less
Medium load: 59-116 lb.
Heavy load: 117-175 lb.
Lift over head: - 175 lb.
Lift off ground: - 350 lb.
Push or drag: - 875 lb.

Languages: Common, Draconic, Celestial, Abyssal (Gets all languages at DR1)

[sblock=Special Traits]1 Large Size – +4 Str, -2 Dex, +2 Con
2 Huge Size +4 Str, -2 Dex, +2 Con
3 Claws Two 1d8 Claw attacks as a secondary weapon
4 Bite One 2d6 Bite attack as a primary or secondary weapon
5 Slam Attack Two 1d8 Slam attacks with wings, one 2d6 Slam attack with tail
6 Wings Flight (Clumsy)
7 Improved Manueverability (Poor Manueverability)
8 Improved Manueverability (Average Manueverability)
9-13 Breath Weapon 2d8 per 2HD maximum 150'(cone), DC 10 +1/2 hit dice +Con mod., usable every 1d4 rounds. Lightning
14 Fast healing 5
15 Charisma + 2
16 Charisma + 2
17 Wisdom + 2
18 Strength + 2
19 Charisma + 2
20 Charisma + 2[/sblock]

[sblock=Feats]7 Normal, 2 Epic
1 +5 BAB
2 Improved Initiative
3 Power Attack
4 Combat Reflexes
5 Cleave
6 Improved Bull Rush
7 Improved Overrun

[sblock=Skills]Outsider 20: 184 + (2 x 23) skill points. Class Skills: Perform, Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Spellcraft, Knowledge all skills, taken individually), Craft, Gather Information, Tumble, Spot.

Bard: 6 + 2. Class Skills: Appraise (Int), Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (all skills, taken individually) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Speak Language (None), Spellcraft (Int), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), and Use Magic Device (Cha)

Max rank: Class 24, Cross-Class: 12

Appraise + 2 = 2 [Int]+ 2 [synergy for musical instruments]
Balance + 6 = 6 [Dex]
Bluff +37 = + 24 [base] + 13 [Cha]
Climb + 2 = 2 [Str]
Concentration + 26 = + 24 [base] + 2 [Con]
Craft + 1 = 1 [Int]
Craft: Musical Instrument + 24 = 23 [base] + 1 [Int]
Diplomacy +39 = + 24 [base] + 13 [Cha] + 2 [synergy]
Disguise + 15 = 13 [Cha]+ 2 [synergy]
Escape Artist + 6 = 6 [Dex]
Forgery + 1 = 1 [Int]
Gather Information + 13 = 13 [Cha]
Heal - 1 = - 1 [Wis]
Hide + 6 = 6 [Dex]
Intimidate + 15 = 13 [Cha]+ 2 [synergy]
Jump + 2 = 2 [Str]
Knowledge (Arcana) + 25 = 24 [base] + 1 [Int]
Knowledge (The Planes+ 25 = 24 [base] + 1 [Int]
Knowledge (Religion) + 25 = 24 [base] + 1 [Int]
Listen - 1 = - 1 [Wis]
Move Silently + 6 = 6 [Dex]
Perform: Stringed Instruments +37 = + 24 [base] + 13 [Cha]
Perform: Dance +37 = + 24 [base] + 13 [Cha]
Ride + 6 = 6 [Dex]
Search + 1 = + 1 [Int]
Spot - 1 = - 1 [Wis]
Sense Motive - 1 = - 1 [Wis]
Spellcraft + 27 = 24 [base] + 1 [Int]+ 2 [synergy]
Survival - 1 = - 1 [Wis]+ 2 [synergy for outer planes]
Swim + 2 = 2 [Str]
Use Rope + 6 = 6 [Dex]
Tumble + 6= 6 [Dex]

[sblock=Class Features] [/sblock]

[sblock=Domain spells/at will]Good:

1. Protection from Evil
2. Aid
3. Magic Circle against Evil
4. Holy Smite
5. Dispel Evil
6. Blade Barrier
7. Holy Word
8. Holy Aura
9. Summon Monster IX


1. Endure Elements
2. Heat Metal
3. Searing Light
4. Fire Shield
5. Flame Strike
6. Fire Seeds
7. Sunbeam
8. Sunburst
9. Prismatic Sphere


1. Charm person
2. Calm emotions
3. Suggestion
4. Heroism
5. Charm monster
6. Geas/quest
7. Insanity
8. Demand
9. Dominate monster[/sblock]

[sblock=Spells and SLAs]Spell-Like Abilities:
Mage’s Disjunction 1 / day, Time Stop 2 / day, Greater Teleport 1 / day, True Seeing 3 /day, Dimensional Anchor 3 /day, Dispel Magic / at will

Known Spells (Bard):
0 level: Summon Instrument, Daze, Dancing Lights, Light,

0 level: 2[/sblock][/sblock]

[sblock=Always Active Spells][/sblock][/sblock]
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Frozen Messiah

First Post
Duretep, The Lost Prophet

Name/s: Duretep, The Lost Prophet, Twisted Messiah, Mad Seer
Symbol: A burning book



Home Plane: Skelsdebraast: This used to be a place of great serenity and peace where the former lord of knowledge used to walk and contemplate many things. When Duretep changed the land also changed, everything becamse warped and illogical. Trees have eyes that watch you, the clouds in the sky shift and change constantly, rocks fall upwards and other manner of the natural order being ignored. Duretep sits on his throne which is at the top of massive plateau that has stairs that while walking forward you can never move up but walking backwards up them will cause you to move up. His throne is carved out of a massive tree that at first glance is covered with black leaves but on closer examination they are actually ravens. His throne is in the center of the ruins of his greatest library, where his change actually occured.
Portfolio: Prophets, Insanity, Dreams
Worshipers: Wandering prophets that speak mad words of the end of the world and insane revelations of that no sane mind can comprehend are the followers of The Lost Prophet. Some diviners still pray to him seeking knowledge that may be lost to some sane dieties. Many Aberrations revere this diety, especially the Illithids who have great respect for his world spaning plans
Cleric Alignments: CN, CE, N, LN (they rever the planning aspect of Duretep)
Favored Weapon: Kukri
[sblock= Zidanrad, The Certain]
Zidanrad, The Certain= +3 Keen Throwing Returning Kukri
Int: 18
Wis: 18
Cha: 10

Darkvision (120 feet)
Blindsense (120 feet)
Telepathy (with wielder)

Common, Auran, Ignan, Terran, Aquan

Spot 14 (10+4)
Listen 14 (10+4)
Lesser Powers:
Zone of Truth (3/day)
Greater Powers:
Detect Scrying (continuous)
Status (at will)

[sblock=Duretep, The Lost Prophet]


[B]Name:[/B] Duretep, The Lost Prophet
[FONT=Courier New][B]Class:[/B] Wilder 1/Bard 1[/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New][B]Race:[/B] Outsider (Chaotic[1])[/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New][B]Size:[/B] Medium[/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New][B]Gender:[/B] Male[/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New][B]Alignment:[/B] Chaotic Neutral[/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New][B]Deity:[/B] Himself[/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New][B]Str:[/B] 12 +1 (2p.)(+2 trait[1])    [/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New][B]Dex:[/B] 14 +2 (6p.)   [/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New][B]Con:[/B] 14 +2 (6p.)   [/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New][B]Int:[/B] 16 +3 (6p.) (+2 level)    [/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New][B]Wis:[/B] 7  -2 (-1p.)   [/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New][B]Cha:[/B] 25 +7 (16p.)(+3 level,+4 trait[2])[/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New][B]Level:[/B] 21[/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New][B]BAB:[/B] 25/20/15/10[/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New][B]Grapple:[/B] +26 [/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New][B]HP:[/B] 224 (160+44+10+2d6)[/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New][B]Speed:[/B] 60' ground, 120' Fly (Average)[1]    [/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New][B]Dmg Red:[/B] 13/+4    [B]Spell Res:[/B] 32[/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New][B]Init:[/B] +10         [B]Spell Save:[/B] +17[/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New][B]ACP:[/B] +0           [B]Spell Fail:[/B] 0%[/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New].          [B]Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size    Nat  Misc  Total[/B][/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New][B]Armor:[/B]      10    +0    +X     +2    +0    +13    +7    32[/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New][B]Touch:[/B] 26              [B]Flatfooted:[/B] 30[/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New].                  [B]Base   Mod  Misc  Total[/B][/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New][B]Fort:[/B]              +20    +2    +7    +29[/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New][B]Ref:[/B]               +22    +2    +7    +31[/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New][B]Will:[/B]              +24    -2    +7    +29[/FONT]
[B][FONT=Courier New]Weapon                   Attack   Damage     Critical[/FONT][/B]
[FONT=Courier New]Zidanrad                  +29     1d4+4      19-20x2[/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New]thrown                    +30     1d4+4      19-20x2[/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New][B]Languages:[/B] Common, Draconic, Celestial, Infernal [/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New][B]Special Abilities:[/B] Gibbering(DC 27)[1], Madness[1], Madness Incarnate (Blinding Beauty)(DC 27)[1], Corporeal Instability(DC 22)[1], Quickness [1][/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New][B]Spell-like Abilities:[/B] at will: Prestidigitation[1], Tongues[1], Haste[1], Displacment[1], Dispel Magic[1], Mirror Image (image AC 12)[1], Major Image (DC 20)[1], Detect Thoughts[1],Detect Magic[1][/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New]3 times-per-day: Teleport, greater[1][/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New][B]Class Abilities:[/B] [/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New]Wilder: Wild Surge +1, Enervation, Psionics, Elude touch[/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New]Bard: Bardic Music (Fascinate, countersong,inspire courage +1), Bardic Knowldge, Spellcasting[/FONT]
Power Points: 9
1st level: Force Screen, Deja Vu
0 level: Summon Instrument, Message, Ghost Sound, Dancing Lights, Mage Hand
1st level: Hideous Laughter, Unseen Servant
[FONT=Courier New][B]Domains:[/B] Dream, Madness, Planning[/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New][B]Immunities:[/B] Immortality, Transmutation,[/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New]Energy Drain, Ability Drain, Mind-Affecting Effects[/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New][B]Resistances:[/B] Fire (20)[/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New][B]Feats:[/B]Improved Intiative, Superior Intiaitve, Power Penetration, Greater Power Penetration, Psionic Meditation, Wounding Attack, Psionic Body [/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New][B]Skill Points:[/B] 244       [B]Max Ranks:[/B] 26/13[/FONT]
[B][FONT=Courier New]Skills                 Ranks   Mod   Misc   Total[/FONT][/B]
[FONT=Courier New]Bluff                    6      +7          +13[/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New]Concentration           24      +2          +26[/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New]Psicraft                24      +3          +27[/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New]Autohypnosis            12      -2          +10[/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New]Hide                    12      +2          +14[/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New]Know(arcana)            24      +3          +27[/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New]Know(history)           24      +3          +27[/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New]Know(psionics)          24      +3          +27[/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New]Know(religion)          24      +3          +27[/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New]Know(planes)            24      +3          +27[/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New]Move Silently           13      +2          +15[/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New]Use Magic Device        26      +7          +33[/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New]Spellcraft              25      +3          +28[/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New]Perform(String)         26      +7          +33[/FONT]
[B][FONT=Courier New]Equipment:               Cost  Weight[/FONT][/B]
[FONT=Courier New][B]Total Weight:[/B]XXlb      [B]Money:[/B] XXgp XXsp XXcp[/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New]                      [B]Lgt   Med   Hvy  Lift  Push[/B][/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New][B]Max Weight:[/B]               XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX   XXX[/FONT]

Duretep is the God of mad seers, false prophets, and any who find understanding within the confines of insanty. His messengers in the waking world are ravens that all have a mental connection to him, so the Lost Prophet senses through them. Duretep used to be a god of knowledge until he found out something that shattered his mind and caused his body to morph into something hideous. The gods of his former pantheon banished him to a demiplane of blackness where he stayed locked away, but the dieties underestimated him and thought his insanity to be a detremental to The Twisted Messiah. He himself is insane although this allowed The Lost Prophet to make plans that are so far reaching and rely on factors that no sane person could come up with, or diety. He waited in his prison for aeons with the patience of an immortal until a creature remebered his name in a dream, this allowed him to break into it's dream and takeover it's dreaming form. He then travelled among the dreams of the sleeping, seeding their unconcious minds with mind shattering thoughts. It is said that whenever someone has a bad dream Duretep passed through their dreamscape. Duretep wandered from dream to dream in search of a place where he can once again gain back a corporeal form, and then he broke through the barrier of theplane of dreams and stumbled into the Grey Mists...

Clergy: The Clerics of The Mad Seer usually congregate around prophets and seers hoping to gain any knowledge through their words, wether actual words or just crazed ramblings. They usually wear large homespun robes that conceal they're forms. The robes allow for them to move unnoticed, hide equipment, and it allows them to hide they're forms which have been altered in many ways in attempts to emulate their hideous god.

Missions: The quests that Duretep looks upon kindly (if he still has that emotion, or emotions at all) are those that have to do with either helping, seeing, or recording the words of a prophet of some sort or seeking retribution of a church or group who labels those who are sacred to the Twisted Messiah as heretics.

Churches: Duretep has few churches, perfering his worshippers to be on a constant pilgrimage to spread his words. Those he does have are usually not far from well travelled roads, if one knows where to look. They are usually abandoned (be it through the original occupants choice or not) church of another faith that has been transformed into a Church of The Mad Seer. Within these churches The Lost Prophet's followers gibber madly in unison instead of sing and take hallucinigens to blur the line of reality. Within these temples there is writing on every surface, this writing is in every language imanginable and all speak prophetically of great events that have happened or have yet to pass, and the lighting is placed to purposfully throw shadows in strange shapes.

[sblock=The followers of The Lost Prophet]


Avatar: Altough Duretep has not stepped foot upon the earth in eons for a small period of time (for gods) he did walk upon the earth. His body was that of a well muscled man that wore simple pants. His head was that of a goats that had eyes that were blood-shot and were constatantly scan the area, but he walked straight as an arrow even though his eyes did not focus on the direction he moved. On his back were two massive black feathered wings and his hands and all over his body was writing that would shift and change. In his hands he held two intelligent kukris, Zhubkim the Whisperer and Tundntbur the Watcher. Zhubkim was made of a bright silver but the sun never glinted off of it. Whenever the wind would blow over it an infernal whispering could be heard that would drive creatures mad and once brought into combat a fog would surround it that would creep up to the elbow of Duretep making it dificult to know where it was going to hit. Tundntbur glowed a dark black and seem to flow and waver as if it was liquid. It was this weapon that Duretep would let go of to fight for it's self and as it cut through people it would scream when it delivered a mighty blow.

Metropolis Lucid: This city is the only manifestation of Duretep's realm on the waking world. On the outside all that can be seen is the black iron walls that are neigh indestructble. When flying over the city nothing of the inside can be seen and it appears thhat all that the walls hold inside of it is a massive fog bank. When the gates open and you step through into the city the you are assaulted by every color and smell imaginable. You have now stepped into The Bazaar Fantastic, a market that anything you want or can think of can be bought or traded for. If you turn off of the main street, the street that houses the Bazaar Fantastic, you may become confused becuase the other end of the alley way leads back onto the main street. This causes many people to become confused and attempt to leave but that is another issue, the city itself has no defined size so you can walk forever and never get to either side of the city. the only way that you can get from one place to another is to will yourself towards them, that is why every visitor is given a list of popular places and a small glass orb that when broken brings to the gate of the city. In the middle of the city lies the Citadel Prophetic, the jewel of the dreaming.

[sblock=Citadel Prophetic]


Citadel Prophetic: This is where Duretep sits in his throne that he pulled from Skelsdebraast and placed in his new throne room. The Citadel slowly spins and changes form so that it never actually hits another building and also to suit the mood of the Lost Prophet. Within the citadel everything moves, works, and lives by the beat and mood of Duretep. The citadel may seem to have much of the duties done by anitmated objects and other magical creations but in reality it is a sentient being that takes care of all of the neccesary functions within itself. At the feet of Duretep there are always a group of gibbering madmen who praise him and tell him secrets, they are able to stay here and worship their master for massive periods of time because no one feels hunger within the citadel. At Duretep's right side stands his advisor Uldealo, the Knower.

[sblock=Uldealo, The Knower]

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Voidrunner's Codex

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