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seasong's Light Against The Dark (FEB 06)


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Note: I didn't write it up below, but shortly before the battle, Captain Agina spoke to the Keraunesti Captain (Captain Morphalles, a burly man of immense strength and hard eyes). The young heroes of Allas snuck off quickly and quietly during the conversation, and then Agina left. What the conversation was about, they don't know.

Battle of Theralis Ridge

When the orcs finally arrived, Theralis was prepared. Runners had been set up, and these sprinted down through the city, raising the alarm at the top of their lungs. Like a well-oiled sword sliding from its scabbard, citizens emerged from their homes and jogged upslope and into position. By the time the orc tribes were halfway up the mountain, a tight wall of shields stretched along the length of the ridge, and spears prickled out from behind.

Greppa was placed in the center of the Keraunesti, and began casting Earth's Strength on the shield carriers until exhausted. The spell would last for hours, and helped fight the weariness they would face and the shoving of desparate orcs. Merideth, beside him, set her face in a grim mask and prepared to heal for all she was worth. Athan stood in the second line, bracketed by more experienced soldiers, where he was to use his spear to open defenses in the orcs for the other two to stab into. He was wielding the spear from the temple, and carried himself with courage.

Five thousand Theralese, most citizen-soldiers, awaited the orcs with spear, shield and spell. Five time their number in orcs swarmed up the mountainside... Greppa's eyes, and a good many others', widened momentarily in alarm. The orcs were attacking en masse, a crushing wave of meat and bone and spear. The few dozen healers stepped in closer to the front lines, fearing the worst.

Then impact.

The shield wall buckled, faltered, held. Morphalles (the Keraunesti Captain) quickly spotted the orcs doing the most hurt and the band of soldiers charged into the fray. The shield line parted for the Keraunesti, and a warband of orcs, the best warriors of their tribe, suddenly found themselves facing the threshing machine of Theralis. It was brutal, ugly, short. One of the youths with the Keraunesti was stabbed in the gut, and Merideth healed it; a veteran took a near-lethal wound to the windpipe, and Merideth sealed it as best she could and pulled him from the front. Then the orcs simply died.

The Keraunesti moved on, hunting the next trouble section.

A roar went up from the Theralese troops. They'd been hit hard, but they were holding. And the orcs were not so fierce when pinned down by tight shield and spear work.

And then Kyriotes began unleashing his spells, at the crux of wavering orc morale. First, a fifty foot stone python that slithered with frightening rapidity through the Theralis line and swallowed orcs whole and crushed their warbands. Next, a firelion, a cat-like creature seven feet at the shoulder, with a mane of fire and eyes aflame. It lept over the Theralese lines in a single bound, and began tearing into orcs, occasionally breathing gouts of flame.

As Kyriotes began summoning a second firelion, orc spears glanced against the shields he'd raised earlier. He glared at the warband that had dared, and sent the second firelion after them. No one else dared, even though Kyriotes sat down suddenly after that, exhausted by his efforts.

The damage was done. The orcs fled, Theralese spears nicking their hides as they ran. The battle, at least for the moment, was over.


Morphalles gather the Keraunesti together.

"The orcs are going to attack tonight. I've spoken with the other Captains, and we've arranged a bit of a surprise for them. In case it goes sour, however, we're going to be sleeping on the killing slope. Sleep light, and may the gods watch over us."

The majority of the night was spent fitfully, and then the heroes were being shaken awake. They looked downslope and could just barely make out a few of the orc warbands, stealthily creeping up the slope. Everyone readied their spears, but Morphalles ordered them to wait.

Then a number of priests of Allas, brought in for this single purpose, called down daylight across the entire span of the orc line. The orcs were blinded, an immensely visible. With a single shouted order, spears arced through the air into the orcs, followed by fireballs into the knots of the most numerous survivors. Greppa managed to nail an orc with flame servant.

The orcs fled.

The Storm

The orcs tried a final tactic. Unwilling to cut down trees, they gathered in a knot of several hundred, and rushed one section of the wall. The strongest, unarmed and defended only by their brothers, grabbed tight hold of the individual shields in the shield wall and pulled them up and into the mass of orcs; their brothers then stabbed the shield carriers.

The orcs had broken through the line, and were making a beeline for Kyriotes.

The Keraunesti immediately began sprinting in a vain attempt to intercept the far faster orcs, and arcanists forgot their roles and began to throw fireballs into the heart of the Theralis military. Some orcs died; more humans did. And meanwhile, more orcs were hauling ass upmountain to take advantage of heads turned rearward to see the first band.

Kyriotes, however, did not lose his head. He summoned a giant eagle, who lifted him into the sky and upmountain. When it dropped him off, he sent it after the orcs yet to arrive, both to hurt them and to warn the others of the second wave.

Then the Keraunesti got to the orcs, and savagely ripped into them. The battle after that was a blur of confrotation after confrontation. Orcs died, but there were so many it was hard to tell if their numbers were diminished.

By the end of the day, the Theralis military was hurting badly, and the Keraunesti had lost a sizable chunk of their force despite Merideth's best efforts. Still, the soldiers were cheerful. The orcs seemed to be losing. And healers were moving through the ranks even now, undoing the orc's hard work, while illusionists brought "reinforcements" in to mingle with the troops.

A day later, the orcs simply left.

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First Post
Esiminar said:
I would love to see the stats for the various summoned creatures.
Really, they're more special for their descriptions than anything else. Where possible, I use pre-existing creatures with some fine-tuning and sometimes different special abilities. The hell hunter, for example, is "merely" a Monstrous Spider with infernal abilities and high intelligence. Still, here's how I built the summoned creatures:

The firelion is essentially a lion, shifted one step to Huge (with appropriate modifiers to STR, AC, HP), with 2d6 fire breath (60 degree 5 foot cone, 5 round recharge), DR 3 (10 vs fire), and just enough intelligence to be really dangerous in its home plane.

The stone python is a straight up Giant Constrictor Snake, shifted one step to Gargantuan, with DR 3 (10 vs earth) and a bit higher STR. Intelligence ranges from low to stupid.

Both are CR 5 in my campaign, although the stone python is at the high end and the firelion is at the low end. As summoned creatures go, however, they are pretty well balanced. The stone python can take a lot more damage, and makes a much better soak wall for the spell caster, while the firelion can dish out a lot more. Against orcs, the firelion killed more than the stone python.

The giant eagle is just an eagle, shifted two steps to Large. Nothing particularly interesting about it, other than that it can carry a grown human (STR 18). It's about CR 3, and did pitifully in fighting the orcs - it was primarily useful in this situation for Kyriotes' retreat.


First Post

After the orcs seemed to be gone for sure, Athan had a chat with the other two... "I need to visit my parents before we set out again."

Greppa nodded, "I could use a visit home, too. Heck, I don't think my family even knows I made it back from Eastpass yet."

Athan goggled, but Merideth just grinned, "I know mine don't. I suppose if you two are going to be responsible, I should be too."

And that was that. Greppa took an extra day to find a wine seller travelling north, and arrange a position as guards, but otherwise all three left the tower for their various homes. Greppa sent runners after each of the other two to let them know that the wine seller was leaving in three weeks, then headed home himself.


Seven older sisters can make for a mean childhood, but despite his grumbling, Greppa had grown up the pampered son of a wealthy and influential family, with a Tartwater vineyard that flowed in waves of leaf-covered walls over a sizable chunk of the mountainside and part of the river. The time among the orcs had exposed him to needs he'd never felt, hunger that wasn't sated at ease, and a lowly status to which he was not accustomed. And while these things did not impact him as severely as they might someone of less sterling character, he was very much looking forward to the luxury of home again.

When he arrived, however, two-thirds of the fields lay wild or rotting, while the remaining third looked understaffed. Worse, it was already midsummer, and the summer grapes were still not entirely picked. When Greppa had left, two summers before, the fields had been filled with workers and the poor who followed behind for their tithe. Now, the fields were over ripe and abandoned.

Kethos, a gentle bear of a man who had often stood watch over Greppa and his siblings when they raced through the vineyards, explained the sad situation as such:

"A lot of people went to fight the war last year, about half came back. Those that did, had to decide to work here, or work on keeping their family's fed by working farmland. The bachelors and old folk, like me, we're better at picking than farming, and it brings in some extra money, so here we are... but most of the young had to go to farm, likely will another year or two. Then it'll even out, and we'll be good again."

His heart heavier by each measured step, Greppa walked down the vine fenced road to his house. Once there, there were fierce hugs and joyous reunions... but Greppa had things to tell the family. They gathered around, broke bread and poured wine, and Greppa began to talk.

He told them of the capture, and why so few had returned from Eastpass a year ago. He told them of Hurath's disappearance, and how he'd come to claim the tower for his own. He told them of the dream from Allas, and his suspicions about the birthmark.

He told them of the visions of draconic rage brought by the kobold, and the most likely end of the slaves, many of them people of Tartwater. By the end, he was crying freely, but he spoke with a steady voice. After, his family, even his feared and hated sisters, embraced him and they wept together for the people lost to the dragon and the orcs.

He spent the next few days hard at work in the vineyard, using shadow servants and his own fingers to help the family get in as much as they could before the rot set in. Then he told them the other part of his story...

"I can't stay. I still think that Hurath is out there, and there's Tartwater people held by that other tribe of orcs. I have to figure out where they are. I'm going north with a wine seller, to see what I can find out."

They took it surprisingly well, and made an incredible fuss over the state of his clothes and equipment. Then, with a few more tearful goodbyes, Greppa got back on the road, and headed home... to Hurath's tower.


First Post
A day later, the orcs simply left.

Let's hope they learn! Since there were 5x the number of Orcs, it is safe to say there should/would be a small contingent of couter-casting next time these two forces meet, which really helped win the day for the humans.

I do like the fact that war has reprecusssions - vis a vis Greppas home visit. Will you detail Meredith's and Athans?
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I think one of the best signs of a good game world (of which MY game most certainly lacks) is logical repercussions of events.

Defintely cool! :D


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Today is bad for any real writing, but I'm hoping to have some time tomorrow morning to write up Athan's trip home. Sometime after that, Merideth's.

Repercussions: I try to track everything, always. I don't always succeed, particularly in the later stages of a campaign when it's a matter of letting go of a few threads or letting go of my sanity, but I do try. This campaign is fairly simple, so far - you should see the superhero soap opera thread list :D.


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let the haunting begin...you will post...or the dog tounge will plague you!


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