Dawn of the Warforged

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Four of the deformed goblins go down without too much of a struggle. The horrible sight of mucher chewing them to bits, however, doesn't seem to give them any pause. Alecto's blade disembowels the third goblin, and the acid, tanglefoot bag and nameless's arrow (there didn't seem to be any other targets) finish off the last one.

Round one.

A lone twisted goblin desperately charges muncher, seeming to be running away from something as much as attacking, but fails to deal any damage whatsoever. The thing that he was running from, however, slithers into view. It is an amorphous mass of mouths filled with razor-sharp teeth and it is covered with eyes shining with madness and hunger. Its mouths emit a gibbering sound of pure insanity that drives straight into your brain. It off it spews forth a strong-smelling fountain of fluid that ignites with a flash, and muncher feels the ground getting soft beneath his feet. From the sound of it, another one of those monstrosities is lurking nearby.

Everyone : will save DC 13, if fail roll d100, as confusion spell.
fortitude save DC 13 or be blinded for 1d3 rounds.
Muncher has two rounds to move 5 feet or he becomes pinned.
No more Mr Nice Guy :)


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Isida Kep'Tukari

Facet, female personality psiforged psionic artificer with packmate homunculous Trundle

The gibbering scream that fills the air makes Facet's vision go dim and blurry. She shakes her head to try to clear it, and when she looks up again there are enemies everywhere. One is right next to her, and she has to defend herself, has to! She staggers a few steps forward and slams her fists against her shadowy enemy, but her blows fail to bend its hard armor!

To those who are a bit more sane, Facet suddenly turns and tries to slug Nameless in the face.

[sblock=OOC]Fortitude save, made: 1d20+3=13
Will save, failed: 1d20+3=13
Confusion spell roll: Attack nearest creature 1d100=96
Punching Nameless in the face, a miss: 1d20+5=18[/sblock]


the magical equivalent to the number zero

The warlock has never heard such an insane sound coming from the gibbering creature, and fails in his attempts to make sense of it. In sheer confusion, Glitch attempts to hit the nearest target with his mace, but his vision is failing him. His mace hits nothing but air.

[sblock=OOC]Confused and blinded. I don't suppose I need to roll an attack, because Glitch cannot see anything.
Will save: 1d20+4=6 ...means fail.
d100: 1d100=84 ...means Attack nearest creature.
Fort save: 1d20+5=8 ...means fail; blinded for 1d3=3 rounds.

Voda Vosa

First Post

"Chop and slice, bite and smash, this is what ol' Muncher does!" Muncher only hears the singing of his battle song in his head and the outside maddening screech doesn't affect him at all.
He slashes savagely at the mass of disturbing flesh, and tries to bite a tentacle off, but the thing wiggles out of reach.

Will: 23 natural 20!
Scimitar attack: 20 for 12 dmg, Bite followup: 5 for 4 dmg.


First Post
Alecto has never been the sort to appreciate music, at least of the insane piping sort. It instinctively shields its eyes from the gush of weird, gross juices and returns with a savage riposte of its own. Organic things were so full of fluids, it reflected to itself as the glowing blade bit deep into unclean flesh. So distasteful.

Will save: 25
Fort save: 16

Natural 20 to hit for 9 damage!
Confirmation is a nat 1 though. :(

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