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D&D 5E Out of the Abyss IC


Kamael gave Ront a wide berth as the orc retreated, then he moved over to the bars. As he did so, he silently clapped his hand on Brinn's shoulder in gratitude.

Looking quizzically at Jorlan, he said, "you don't like the noble houses of Menzoberranzan, do you? Are they the reason for your injuries, perhaps?"

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Kamael gave Ront a wide berth as the orc retreated, then he moved over to the bars. As he did so, he silently clapped his hand on Brinn's shoulder in gratitude.

Looking quizzically at Jorlan, he said, "you don't like the noble houses of Menzoberranzan, do you? Are they the reason for your injuries, perhaps?"

The scarred older drow narrows his eyes slightly at Ront's chest-pounding. Appraising the white-haired man, the wheels in Jorlan's head are slowly turning. But he needs to be sure first. "Trust. Trust caused my injuries." He pauses for a moment, running the Undercommon words over in his mind and searching for a suitable translation into Common, "Those who survive are strong."

"And what would you do, if you escaped?"

For his part, Sarith scoffed and sat back down. He chose a different spot, further away from Ront.

When Brinn returned from flanking the orc, the myconid sprout trundled over and plunked itself down at his knees. The thing oriented its body until its focus was on Brinn; its movement was slow and awkward, and it circled a time or two until it settled. Brinn felt a prickling at the edges of his mind. Someone--or something--sought entry to his thoughts. [sblock=Brinn]Make a Wisdom saving throw DC 8. Alternately, Brinn has the option of voluntarily submitting to the prickling.[/sblock]

The myconid nudged its way into Brinn's thoughts. [sblock=Telepathic Link] "Brinn? There are quaggoths here, twelve of them. And giant spiders to make you quake. You can call me Stool. If you want."[/sblock]

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
She had given the orc enough to soothe her ego, and despite his insults, she was unhurt. As was Eldeth, to whom she returned. The dwarf was still making some noise, but Ront at least would leave her alone for now. Within the dim unlighted of the cave, Solace had noticed other shadows moving. She was grateful for what she took as possible offers of acceptance, but she knew enough not to say anything aloud. Back to tending the dwarf, and perhaps sleeping a little less deep tonight.

Raza had spoken to her directly, this tiny old woman who should not be enduring these indignities. She nodded. "Solace," introducing herself. "I am grateful for your words. I cannot fathom the drow at all."

She needed a knife, she decided.

There were now pressures from within as well; action would be needed. She also started timing how long the guards kept the gate open when they were returning prisoners, and whether they ever came into the cave itself.
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Kamael replied to Jorlan, "as you have seen, there is strength in numbers. But you have to trust your allies, although some times that is a gamble...""If I may answer your question with a question, is there something you would have us do, were we to escape?"


Kamael replied to Jorlan, "as you have seen, there is strength in numbers. But you have to trust your allies, although some times that is a gamble...""If I may answer your question with a question, is there something you would have us do, were we to escape?"

No stranger to couching double meanings within his words, the scarred drow warrior adjusts his weight, eyes just barely flickering to watch the backs of the passing troupe of drow. There was only so much he could say before it was too much, however.

"Trust? There is no trust as strong as fear. Once you understand that, perhaps you'll be prepared to free yourselves." He says broodingly. Turning to depart, he passes close by the bars of the cell. "The priestess and her lap dog are mine." His voice is a harsh whisper, eyes flashing in the dark.

Jorlan left, leaving the cellmates to their bitter darkness. The three deep gnomes left after The Flaying--Jimjar, Topsy and Turvy--occupied themselves by playing bones near the gate. As was his wont, Jimjar fell to gambling his morning broth. "I'll bet you Eldeth doesn't last another two nights." Jimjar shot a surreptitious look at Solace to see if she'd overheard. Topsy and Turvy, a sister and brother pair of svirfneblin, fell to whispering to one another, uncertain whether to accept JimJar's wager. Topsy--the more vocal of the two--emerged from their huddle and confronted Jimjar. "Deal. But your bone dice are the winnings." Jimjar paled. He clutched his bones a little tighter. Nodding, he agreed. "Deal." His eyes shifted to Eldeth, gears turning. Turvy muttered something inaudible.

Credit: Wizards of the Coast Artist: unknown


Topsy and Turvy
Credit: Wizards of the Coast Artist: unknown

Stool bobbed excitedly at Brinn's solicitousness. The sproutling's excitement burbled over into Brinn's thoughts. [sblock=Telepathic Link]"There's a supply contingent that's overdue from Menzoberranzan. They were supposed to arrive yesterday, and now today's passed, and they haven't turned up. That's usually another six drow, plus a fierce one in charge. Brinn? I want to go home to Neverlight Grove. Do you know the way?"[/sblock]

The remainder of the day passed uneventfully. Jorlan did not return. The night stretched interminably.

In the morning, cook arrived with the thin mushroom broth, which she passed through the cage bars. Two male drow armed with short swords, one of them with a light crossbow at his back, stood back a ways, surveilling the feeding of the prisoners. Solace, who had been keeping a sharp eye out for such things, noted these were the same two guards who escorted cook every day.

OOC: If your character has darkvision, you may make a Perception check DC 12, with disadvantage for the dim light condition. If your character does not have darkvision, you may make a Perception check DC 17, with disadvantage.

The kuo-toa who had been sitting cross-legged in the center of the room, mute, for the last 21 days unfolded his legs and sighed. A lax smile lifted the creature's bulbous lips. He yawned. And waggled a finger at Raza, beckoning her to come closer. Kamael noticed. Raza--who could not see in the dark--did not. The kuo-toa waited, then beckoned a second time. He showed no sign of impatience when Raza did not respond.

Shuushar the Kuo-toa
Credit: Wizards of the Coast Artist: unknown
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