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Horror High - Rogues Gallery

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First Post
Character Name: Tasha (Natasha Miriam Grace Rabinowitz; FKA “Natalie Robbins”))
[sblock= Fluff]
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Height: 4’11”
Weight: 95 lbs
>Appearance: Tasha is a rather petite young Jewish woman- while she is only a little under average height for her age, her build varies between ‘noticeably skinny’ and ‘painfully thin’. Her skin is quite pale, with just the slightest hint of olive undertone; she has large dark eyes and slightly wavy black hair (which she has lately taken to wearing in a very short cut; it might look severe on someone else, but actually looks good given the shape of her face). She is generally prone to smiling, and her face is quite expressive. Tasha tends to dress in a very modest fashion, generally favoring long skirts (over tights), high-collared shirts or turtlenecks, and sleeves to the wrist. She like silver filigree jewelry of all kinds. She usually carries a large satchel or shoulder bag (usually containing her sketchbook and drawing materials, several books, a water bottle- and whatever meds she is currently taking).

Personality: Tasha is generally friendly, though a bit quiet. She has a rather dark sense of humor, and a reflexive tendency towards sarcasm and self-deprecation- she tends to avoid the spotlight (She has spent years trying to bury her celebrity status, after all). She also dislikes physical contact- she likes a lot of personal space. She enjoys reading, especially fantasy, and self-identifies as a nerd (much to her mother's dismay). She has a strong fondness for print (books and comics, mostly); she doesn't watch many movies, and often says that "TV rots your brain"- despite this, she has an almost uncanny awareness of what shows and movies are popular, and what happens in them. In visual terms, she does enjoy traditional animation (especially Studio Ghibli)- on her own, she has begun to develop her talent as an artist, and is rarely without her sketchbook. Tasha does not particularly enjoy physical exertion- she would much rather be comfortably curled up with a book or her sketches; a significant part of this comes from the fact that she is more than a bit clumsy and accident-prone (though this is in part due to uncontrolled PK activity). She has, in the past, had seizures (not epilepsy, but similar), so she has quite a bit of sympathy for people with disabilities (especially 'invisible' ones)- it seems like these seizures were triggered by psychic activity, and may have faded out as her brain structure and chemistry have matured...

Background: Tasha was born in Los Angeles- both of her parents were involved in the entertainment industry, and she was ‘acting’ before she could walk, under the ‘stage name’ of Natalie Robbins. By the age of five, she was starring in the TV show ‘Lady of the House’, a modestly popular sitcom. As she grew, though, she began to experience a number of unexplained ‘incidents’ including both visual and auditory hallucinations and RSPK phenomena- these incidents seemed to grow worse as time passed, and soon enough they were impossible to ignore. Tasha retired from acting for ‘health reasons’ at age 10- ‘Lady of the House’ was cancelled less than a season later, but still pops up in syndication.
In the intervening years, Tasha has gone through more than a dozen schools, a handful of institutions, and an army of therapists and counselors (from quacks to geniuses). Unfortunately, her "condition" also destroyed her parents' marriage- while Tasha and her mom have moved to Massachusetts to be close to a number of resources including her grandparents, her father remarried VERY quickly and he has remained in Hollywood. One breakthrough has come quite recently- Tasha spent the first half of the year at the McLean Hospital in Belmont; it is best known as a psychiatric hospital, but it is (secretly?) also at the forefront of research into Psychic phenomena- Tasha hasn't been 'cured', or really even diagnosed, but she has learned some tricks of meditation, and gained some helpful prescriptions (or maybe her body is simply growing into her abilities...). After some significant debate, Tasha was enrolled at Belmont High, for an attempt at a "normal life"- who knows what the future might bring? Her mother, meanwhile, works in Boston, teaching classes on 'entertainment industry' topics at Emerson and Berklee.

[sblock= Tasha's Psychic Abilities: (GM)]
- At this point in her life, Tasha's psychic gifts are almost entirely latent. In game terms, she is a (latent) Telepath, but her strongest gifts are in clairsentience and psychokinesis. She has minor telepathic talent (represented in terms of skills, and in the future in Charismatic levels and Talents). Her earliest manifestations were entirely unconscious, mostly triggered by various stresses, but also 'echoes' from encountering other untrained/latent psychics. Her seizures, which have mostly faded away, were mostly because her immature brain structure wasn't able to handle the neural stimulae her senses were pumping in.
In addition to any abilities she can consciously control, she has significant gifts in Precognition, Object Reading, and other clairsentient powers. Especially since these powers aren't detailed in d20 Modern, these are handed off to the GM, to be used however is convenient- mostly to drive Plot as needed. She also has some excess psychokinetic ability- this manifests in an uncontrolled fashion, especially under stress, and typically acts 'against' Tasha herself; this is part of her 'accident- prone' nature.

[sblock= Crunch]
STR 8 (-1)
DEX 9 (-1)
CON 12 (+1)
INT 14 (+2)
WIS 14 (+2)
CHA 15 (+2)

Initiative: -1
Perception: Listen +2, Spot +2, Search +3
Defense: 9 (-1 DEX; +0 class; +0 Equipment)
HP: 7 (6 +1 CON)

FORT +1 (Base 0, +1 Con)
REFL -1 (Base +0, -1 DEX)
WILL +3 (Base +1, +2 WIS)

BAB: +0 (-1 melee; -1 Missile)

Basic Classes: Smart 1/Charismatic 0/Dedicated 0
Total level: 1
Starting Occupation: Creative (Add Bluff, Disguise, Perform- Acting as class skills)
Reputation Bonus: +1
Action Points: 5 (level 1)
Wealth: +2
(Advanced class possibilities: Telepath, possibly Battlemind)


[sblock= Skills:]
-Smart 1, INT 14= 9+2= 11 (x4= 44)

Bluff +6 (4 ranks; +2 CHA)
Concentrate +3 (2r/cc, +1 CON)
Craft- visual arts +6 (Illustration, Calligraphy)(4r, +2 INT)
Craft- writing +3 (1r, +2 INT)
Diplomacy +3 (1r/cc, +2 CHA)
Disguise +3 (1r, +2 CHA)
Gather information +3 (1r/cc, +2 CHA)
Investigate +3 (1r, +2 INT)
Jump +0 (1r/cc, -1 STR)
Listen +2 (untrained)(0r, +2 WIS)
Perform- acting +4 (2r, +2 CHA)
Profession- student +3 (1r, +2 INT)
Read/write +3 (Yiddish, Hebrew, Russian)(3r)
Research +5 (2r, +2 INT, Savant +1)
Search +3 (1r, +2 INT)
Sense Motive +3 (1r/cc, +2 WIS)
Speak language +3 (Yiddish, Hebrew, Russian)(3r)
Spot +2 (untrained)(0r, +2 WIS)
Knowledge- Arcane lore +3 (1r, +2 INT)
Knowledge- Art +3 (1r, +2 INT)
Knowledge- Behavioral sciences +5 (1r, +2 INT, +2 feat)
Knowledge- Current events +3 (1r, +2 INT)
Knowledge- Pop culture +8 (4r, +2 INT, +2 feat)
Knowledge- Theology/philosophy +3 (1r, +2 INT)

(To Add: Computer use, Perform- comedy, Knowledge- Earth/life sciences, Knowledge- History, Knowledge- Physical sciences)

-Smart 1: Savant (Research, +1))

- Level 1: Wild talent (Far hand); Educated (Knowledge- Behavioral sciences, Pop culture)

>Class Features:
-Smart 1: Talent (Research tree- Savant: Research)

Equipment: (Starting wealth= 5; 2/occupation, +1/Profession- student; +2d4= 2; currently 4)
-Cell phone/smartphone (DC 9, taking 10, but drops wealth by 1)
-Day pack (book bag)
-Sketchbooks and art supplies (For Craft- visual art; dc 5)
-Water bottle
-Penlight ('disguised' as Harry Potter- style wizard's wand)
-School supplies
-Paperback du jour (Stephen King's Firestarter)

Languages: English, Yiddish, Hebrew, Russian
[/sblock] 0cd265a0bb9ab4cad063f156a6457440.jpg

[sblock= Tasha's RG]
1. Mom= Valentina Rabinowitz, returned to maiden name after divorce; an adjunct professor at Emerson and Berklee in Boston, teaching IP and entertainment industry topics (currently terribly overworked and distant)
2. Father= Conrad Goldstein, lives in LA, works in film and TV production; remarried (very little contact)
3. Step-mother= Amanda Goldstein, nee Forsythe; has two 'normal' kids, unnamed; Tasha hates her
4. Grandparents (mother's side)= Arnie and Oksana Rabinowitz, retired, live in Brighton, MA (another Boston suburb); they are far more religiously observant than Tasha or her mother (they keep kosher, and are the reason Tasha had a Bat Mitzvah; they would love it if Tasha or Valentina started going to temple).
5. Great-grandmother= 'Nonna' Olga Barshevsky; still remarkably lucid and healthy for her age (105); full of stories from the 'Old Country', immigrated from Russia just after WW II; currently in an assisted living facility in Brighton; probably has some psychic ability (untrained)
6. Most recent therapist (current?)= Dr. Emma Caldwell (a therapist at MacLean psychiatric hospital in Belmont)(possibly just a skilled therapist and counselor, possibly a scholar of parapsychology, etc.)
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First Post
Character sheet for: Francis

[sblock="Vitals"]HP: 7 (6 + (1 CON x 1))
- Mass dmg: 12 (CON score)
Defense: 14 (10 + 2 DEX + 1 class + 1 EQ + 0 size)
- Touch def: -1 (lose EQ)
- Flat-footed: -2 (lose DEX)
Fort: 2 (1 CON + 1 class)
Ref: 2 (2 DEX + 0 class)
Will: 3 (2 WIS + 1 class)

BAB: +0 (+1 melee, +2 ranged)
Perceptions: Listen +5, Spot +2, Search +0
Initiative: +1
Reputation: 1
Wealth: 0
Action points: 5

Ability scores
STR: 13 (+1)
DEX: 15 (+2)
CON: 12 (+1)
INT : 10 (---)
WIS : 14 (+2)
CHA: 8 (–1)[/sblock]
[sblock="Occupation"]Occupation: Rural

Skills (from Balance, Climb, Drive, Handle Animal, Repair, Ride, Survival, Swim)
1. Repair
2. Drive

Bonus Feat: Brawl (+1 comp. on unarmed atks, 1d6+STR dmg when nonlethal)[/sblock]
- Drive: 4 (2 + 2 DEX)
- Intim.: 1 (2 - 1 CHA)
- Know: 1 (1 + 1 INT; current events)
- Listen: 5 (3 + 2 WIS)
- Re/Wri: 1 (Romanian)
- Repair: 4 (4 + 0 INT)
- Speak: 1 (Romanian)
- Surv.: 9 (4 + 2 WIS + 3 Skill Emphasis)

Balance: +2Investigate: +0
Bluff: -1Jump: +1
Climb: +1Know (other): +0
Comp. use: +0Move silently: +2
Craft (all): +0Navigate: +0
Decipher: +0Perform (all): -1
Demolitions: +0Pilot: +2
Diplomacy: -1Profession: +2
Disable device: +0Research: +0
Disguise: -1Ride: +2
Escape artist: +2Search: +0
Forgery: +0Sense motive: +2
Gamble: +2Sleight: +2
Gather info: -1Swim: +1
Handle animal: -1Treat injury: +2
Hide: +2Tumble: +2
Ranks spent lvl 1: 20 pts ((5 + 0 INT) x4)
- Drive: +2
- Intimidation: +4 (x-class)
- Know (c. events): +1
- Listen: +3
- Read/Write lang.: +1
- Repair: +4
- Speak lang.: +1
- Survival: +4[/sblock]
[sblock="Class features"]Level 1: Dedicted 1
- Talent: Skill Emphasis (+3 untyped to checks with chosen skill; Survival)

1: Track (Survival check can follow tracks over DC 20)
1: Dodge (+1 AC vs target, chosen on my turn)[/sblock]
- Unarmed: +2 to hit, 1d6+1 nonlethal

- Leather jacket: +1 AC

- Mechanical tool kit, basic: make Repair skill checks without penalty
- Learner's permit[/sblock]
[sblock="Bio"]Name: Daciana Pavlenco (aka Francis)
Age: 16

Francis is somewhat tall, especially since she's a year ahead of most of her classmates, standing at about 5'6". She has sharp features and dark brown hair, straight and usually cut not much past her jawline. She usually wears some mix of cheap brandless and military surplus clothing; not camouflage, but heavy cargos and jackets and the like, to cultivate a "not to be messed with" image.

Having come to the country as a third-grader with no English ability, Francis was always quiet. Before changing schools, she would occasionally surprise teachers and classmates who had known her for years with how well she actually spoke. She can't stand long reads, but can often be found reading light novels or newspaper snippets. The TV is nearly always on at home, tuned to some TV drama, public access, or the news, so the latter is the only thing she keeps up with. For this reason, she finds it easier to have casual conversations with adults than with other students, since she can fall back on some recent news item. She sometimes tries poetry or diary entries, but always in Romanian so no one can read them.

About the only thing she has in common with her mother is interest in religious myths and superstitions. Her mother takes these things deadly serious, and Francis isn't sure what's true and what isn't, but given her own condition, she can't be too dismissive. She pays special attention to cryptozoology. Being caught reading a tabloid about some bigfoot sighting precipitated one of her fights last year.

Though talented at physical activities, competition and losing both make her competitive and angry, so she avoids them. She gives in quickly to insults, though she tries to respond by walking away instead of fighting. To combat these tendencies, she involves herself in reading and her own pastime, disassembling and repairing motorcycles, cars, and other mechanical devices. She hates being told what to do, and prefers that others be allowed to do what they want without being bullied or coerced. She gives help freely if asked, but has trouble asking when she needs help herself.

Born Daciana Pavlenco, in Romania. Currently goes by Francis. She was attacked by a werewolf at age 6. Her parents managed to trap her in the basement during her first transformation, and continued this pattern each full moon after, keeping her condition a secret. By the age of 9, her beast form had grown too strong, and broke out of the house. Without waiting to see exactly how much damage was caused, Francis' father contacted family in organized crime in America, negotiating a way for the family to disappear quickly.

After moving, the family started a farm outside of town. Francis was finally taught what was happening to her, and her father began teaching her outdoor survival so that she could be released to the countryside to transform and find her way back safely, without the fallibility of cages. Francis' father is still a regular member of the gang, often away doing things unknown, but works tirelessly when at home. Her mother is the only one who works full-time.

Francis goes to school, but is often absent due to exile during transformation or being called to work for the gang. Last year, these absences, her lack of motivation to keep up with studies, and more than one physical altercation, led to her failing freshman year and being held back. Unwilling to be defined by her condition, she's resolved to get tutoring this year and make it out of high school.

Her mother's name is Antonia, and her father is Grigore.[/sblock]
Rome portrait (bikeless).png[/sblock]
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Janice (Juana) Reyes - Tough 1

Growing up in the Reyes family was difficult for everyone except Janice, it seemed. From a young age, she showed a bevy of talent that her mother worked several jobs to support while her husband was away serving his country in the Afghanistan war. With an absentee mother and father, Janice became the de facto mother and father to her little sister, Juno.

Despite the difficulty of balancing her school and home life, Janice was able to keep her grades above par, much to the chagrin of young Juno. It was like Juno wanted her sister to fail, somehow...

Then their father returned home. After several tours, he returned a shell of his former self. He fell into alcoholism and became withdrawn due to the horrors he had seen in combat (or at least, they all assumed). With her husband's pension, Janice's mom was able to quit her jobs and return home to take care of her family. Juno began spending more time away from home and hanging with the growing gang population in her suburb.

When Janice announced her intentions to go to college, her mother was happy to send her away from the chaos of the Reyes homestead. She had a fine future as a potential scientist, or athlete, or anything she wanted to become.

She tried out for and was added to her varsity basketball team and was working her way to the Dean's list when, during a college outing, a terrible accident had taken the lives of three of her teammates. The autopsies read as animal attacks, but Janice was sure she saw something... different...

The deaths nagged at her, even years later. Nothing of the sort had happened again... or at least, if it had, no one had heard about it. Upon graduation, she enrolled in the Maine Criminal Police Academy and, once graduated, returned home to work for the Town of Belmont.

It was here that she learned of other mysterious deaths, similar to the ones she saw in college...

STR 12 (+1)
DEX 12 (+1)
CON 14 (+2)
INT 14 (+2)
WIS 10 (+0)
CHA 11 (+0)

Initiative: +1
Perception: Listen +2, Spot +6, Search +2
Defense: 11 (+1 DEX; +0 class; +0 Equipment)
HP: 12 (1d10 +2 CON)

FORT +3 (Base +1, +2 CON)
REFL +1 (Base +0, +1 DEX)
WILL +0 (Base +0, +0 WIS)

BAB: +0 (+1 melee; +1 Missile)

Basic Classes: Tough 1
Total level: 1
Starting Occupation: Law Enforcement (Bonus - Know: Civics, Know: Behav Sci)
Reputation Bonus: +0
Action Points: 5 (level 1)
Wealth: +5 (average 2d4 +1 occupation)


-Tough 1, Skill Points = 3+2(Int) x4 = 20
+6 Concentration (Con) [4 ranks + 2 Con]
+4 Craft: Structural (Int) [2 ranks +2 Int]
+4 Craft: Mechanical (Int) [2 ranks +2 Int]
+4 Intimidate (Cha) [4 ranks + 0 Cha]
+4 Know: Behavorial Sciences [2 ranks + 2 Int]
+4 Know: Civics [2 ranks + 2 Int]
+4 Know: Streetwise [2 ranks +2 Int]
+6 Spot [2 ranks + 2 Int +2 Alertness]

-Tough 1: Remain Conscious

- Level 1: Alertness, Light Armor Proficiency, (bonus) Personal Firearms Proficiency

Equipment: (TBD)

Languages: English, Spanish

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First Post
Owen Frost Character Sheet

STR 8 (-1)
DEX 13 (+1)
CON 14 (+2)
INT 15 (+2)
WIS 12 (+1)
CHA 10 (+0)

Initiative: +1
Perception: Listen +1, Spot +1, Search -1
Defense: 11 (+1 DEX; +0 class; +0 Equipment)
HP: 10 (1d8 +2 CON)

FORT +2 (Base +0, +2 CON)
REFL +1 (Base +0, +1 DEX)
WILL +2 (Base +1, +1 WIS)

BAB: +0 (-1 melee; +1 Missile)

Basic Classes: Smart 1
Total level: 1
Starting Occupation: student (Bonus skills-
Reputation Bonus: +0
Action Points: 5 (level 1)
Wealth: +5 (average 2d4 +1 occupation)

Skills (44 points) (9 + Int modifier)x4.
Computer use +5(+2int+3points)
Craft(electronic) +7(+2int+3points+2feat)
Craft(mechanical) +7(+2int+3points+2feat)
Disable Device +5(+2int+3points)
Demolitions +4 (+2int+2points)
Forgery +4 (+2int+2points)
Investigate +4(+2int+2points)
Knowledge(arcane lore) +4 (+2int+2points)
Knowledge(current events) +4 (+2int+2points)
Knowledge(History) +4 (+2int+2points)
Knowledge(technology)+4 (+2int+2points)
Hide +5(+1+6 points cross class skills)
Research +4 (+2int+2points)
Repair +5 (+2int+3points)
Search +5 (+2int+3points)
Move silently +4 (+1dex+6points crass class skill)


Owen was born in Newton Mas, he is your average everyday kid. He got involved in computers and computer gaming at a young age. He had a younger brother named Jeff a mother named Amanda and a father named Rick.His father was a computer engineer,that is where Owen gets his unending thirst for technology.Amanda is nurse at Belmont hospital. but when Owen turned 13 his brother never came home after school one day and has been been missing since,gone without a trace. This destroyed his parents relationship, They divorced two years later and when he turned 15 he moved with his mother to Belmont.

Owen is kind of outspoken about certain subjects but seems very reserved when the subject of his family is brought up. his brothers disappearance hangs heavy on his shoulders.His mother has slumped deeply into depression and that also hangs heavy.His brother is always in his thoughts and the whole thing nags at him constantly. Owen himself tries to stay optimistic about his future

Owens is about 6'1 155 lbs medium light brown hair and blue eyes. He is slightly built but not at all scrawny. He tends to wear mostly T-shirts and sports jerseys and jeans.

Rick is about 6'3 175 lbs short black hair and brown eyes. He tends to lean more towards sport jackets and jeans he tends to wear his reading glasses more and as he gets older.

Amanda is about 5'7 135 lbs long brown hair and blue eyes. She tends to wear T-shirts and leisure pants when not at work. When working she is usually wearing nurse scrubs.

Owen Frost.jpg
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First Post
Juno Reyes - Strong 1

[sblock=Background!]Stuff happened! Yes, there's more coming. :) [/sblock]


STR 14 (+2)
DEX 14 (+2)
CON 14 (+2)
INT 10 (+0)
WIS 11 (+0)
CHA 10 (+0)

Initiative: +2
Perception: Listen +0, Spot +0, Search +0
Defense: 13 (+2 DEX; +1 class; +0 Equipment)
HP: 10 (1d8 +2 CON)

- Unarmed: +4 atk, 1d6+3dmg, spcl (can do lethal or nonlethal at no penalty, counts as armed)

FORT +3 (Base +1, +2 CON)
REFL +2 (Base +0, +2 DEX)
WILL +0 (Base +0, +0 WIS)

BAB: +1 (+2 melee; +2 Missile)

Basic Classes: Strong
Total level: 1
Starting Occupation: Athlete (Bonus Skills: Climb, Jump, Tumble)
Reputation Bonus: +0
Action Points: 5 (level 1)
Wealth: +7


-Strong 1, Skill Points = 3 + 0 (Int) x4 = 12
Climb (2 rank +2 Str +1 occ) +5
Jump (2 rank +2 str +1 occ) +5
Knowledge: Pop Culture (1 rank +0 Int) +1
Knowledge: Streetwise (1 rank +0 Int) +1
Perform (guitar) (1 ccrank +0 cha) +1
Speak Language 1 (Spanish)
Swim (1 rank +2 str) +3
Tumble (2 rank +2 dex) +5

-Strong 1: Melee Smash

- Level 1: Simple Weapons, Brawl, Combat Martial Arts

- Casual, DC8
- Windbreaker, DC 6
- Coat, DC8

Daypack, DC5
Cellphone, DC9

Languages: English, Spanish


First Post
Tasha's reference-o-rama (Perpetually in progress)

[sblock= Places]
1. Belmont, MA: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belmont,_Massachusetts
2. Belmont High School: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belmont_High_School_(Massachusetts)
3. MacLean psychiatric hospital: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McLean_Hospital
4. Pandemonium Books and Games (Cambridge, MA): http://www.pandemoniumbooks.com/

[sblock= Things]
1. RSPK: https://books.google.com/books?id=E...6AEIXjAJ#v=onepage&q=poltergeist rspk&f=false
2. 'Lady of the House' (TV show, 2006-2010)(NOT A REAL TV SHOW, so no link-y)

[sblock= Story Influences:]
1. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
2. Heathers
3. The Craft (original 80's version)
4. Stephen King (lots of it)
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First Post
Horror High Expanded Universe? Fanfic?- Part 1: Ground Rules

The Ground Rules for what is to come (and what might be coming to eat you):

1. Actual overt magic is a thing of the past (Or is it?). Real magic USED to exist- it helped build the pyramids, for instance. Magical power began to decline before the Renaissance, possibly as the genetic gift needed to manipulate magic began to die out. As magic declined, 'wizards' became more rare, and students of the Art turned to darker and darker tactics. So-called Warlocks drew their power from other sources- including emotional or physical pain and injury to unwilling victims. As magic resources became more and more rare, these warlocks committed more atrocities. In time, though, even the gifts needed to harness magical power from such acts died out- this was about the time of the American Revolution. In modern times, some people still have some small manner of arcane ability- some degree of sensitivity to 'magical' energy is the most common talent. At this point, there are no known human practitioners of 'real magic'... (in game terms, this means no Mages or Acolytes or similar 'true' spellcasters- but see below).

2. Alchemy, scrollcraft, and some other forms of artifice-based magic exist, though they are not common. Precise technique and ingredients matter more than magical talent. Certain forms of ritual magic also exist- primarily in the areas of divination and protection/warding- rituals tend to be very complex and slow. In addition, there are a fair number of 'theoretical' wizards- those who have studied arcane history and practice, even if they cannot actually use magic. (In game terms, Occultists and similar occupations ARE possible). While 'real magic' has apparently died out, there are many old spellbooks and tomes of arcane information which still exist- some of them are very old, and some of them have unusual properties... Two of the most formidable collections in North America are not far from Belmont (the 'closed stacks' of the Boston Public Library and the archival vaults at Harvard University).

3. Psychic phenomena of various kinds constitute the majority of paranormal activity. While such abilities are not common (and few 'rational' people really believe in such things), there is a reasonable amount of knowledge and research available- if you know where to look. Psychic abilities which can affect the physical world (Telekinesis, etc.) are much rarer than extrasensory gifts. Some people are naturally resistant to psychic talents- and some actually radiate a field which interferes with such abilities (which fuels popular belief that 'psychic powers' are crazy theories). (Telepaths of some level are actually surprisingly common, but Battleminds are all-but unheard of- people or things with some measure of 'anti-psi' are also rather common).

4. The federal government does have resources tasked with investigating paranormal activity, though this is a fairly closely held secret- most often they operate under the auspices of the FBI (though some conspiracy theorists also mention the FCC, especially where telepathy is concerned). State and local governments do not generally have official resources allocated to paranormal investigations- though most agencies do have one or two people who get to handle all of the "weird stuff" (sometimes it is a punishment assignment, sometimes it is because they are actually interested in the subject- this varies widely from agency to agency).

5. Vampires, werewolves, and similar 'physical' monsters do exist, in a wide range of types- some of which may or may not resemble the popular conception of such creatures. Most such creatures are quite adept at avoiding the notice of the world at large.

6. Demons and some otherworldly beings that are similar to them (Great Old Ones, etc,) do exist, but they cannot take physical form, and are rarely able to DIRECTLY affect the real world. A small number of them can exert mental influence on people, up to and including actual possession- especially if the 'victim' has some amount of psychic or arcane ability...

7. The Fae do not exist, at least not in anything even vaguely resembling normal fantasy traditions (though, like aliens, they may exist and may be actively avoiding Earth). Nature spirits and spirits-of-place do exist, but like demons, they are only rarely capable of affecting the normal world (they are more likely to be able to influence things related to their place or element, and some nature spirits can possess animals like demons can possess people). Certain spiritual entities may be bound into a physical object- which they can then manipulate more easily (a golem, for instance, is a spiritual entity bound into a human-shaped body- which it can animate to move about); one story speaks of a malign spirit bound into a car.

8. Ghosts do exist- like most other spiritual entities, they can only rarely affect the physical world. Ghosts are often closely tied to a place or object- and their strength increases in proximity to that place or thing (some ghosts are also linked to a person- typically a relative). Certain non-human spiritual beings (see demons, above) often masquerade as ghosts, for a variety of reasons...

9. Aliens may or may not exist- there seems to be no real evidence either way. Most scholars of the unexplained believe that aliens do exist, but that they are deliberately avoiding Earth...
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First Post
Horror High EU- Part 2: Places

Some locations of note:

"Dig a bit in the history of this place and you'll find a-a-a steady stream of fairly odd occurrences. I believe this whole area is the center of mystical energy, that things gravitate towards it that-that you might not find elsewhere."- Rupert Giles

1. Belmont High (AKA Horror High): While it is not a Hellmouth, it IS a locus for negative and chaotic spiritual energies- and there are few places on earth that contain or produce more negative energy than a public high school (fear, hatred, lust, depression, envy- you name it). Since it tends to draw in such energies and has no real outlet for the resulting product, things tend to 'ferment' and bubble over, resulting in all kinds of weird, scary, or dangerous occurrences- leading to its reputation as 'Horror High'. It may have been built on the secret graveyard and sacrificial altar of a warlock from Colonial times... The school was completely demolished and rebuilt in 2010, after a series of events which culminated in a mysterious fire. The new school is divided into three wings, each with two main floors: Administration (offices on the first floor, library on the second floor), Main (classrooms and lockers on both floors- mostly freshmen/sophomores on the first floor, juniors and seniors on the second floor), and East wing (Gymnasium, Auditorium, Cafeteria, and miscellaneous storage and support rooms). The East wing also has a basement, with the pool, locker rooms, kitchen, and so on.

2. Belmont Hill School: Local all-boys prep school (where the rich-er kids go); does not have the scary reputation that Belmont High does. Unsurprisingly, there is a strong rivalry between the two schools, though they do not directly compete in many ways.

3. McLean Hospital: Located in Belmont, this is a psychiatric hospital and research facility- one of the largest such programs in the world (and the largest in a private facility). In-universe, it is also one of the foremost centers in research in psychic and paranormal phenomena and abilities- though this is very much NOT common public knowledge.

4. Boston Public Library: The 'closed stacks' at the main library on Copley Square contain what might be the largest non-private collection of 'spellbooks' and other occult materials in North America. Some of the archival vaults at Harvard may contain rarer items, but the BPL has more total material. While Miskatonic University is a fictional place, the BPL is a fair substitute.
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First Post
Horror High EU- Part 3: People (Adults)

Information about characters that are grown-ups (or things that resemble grown-ups)

1. Belladonna Jameson: BHS Principal. Former vampire thrall turned anti-paranormal zealot; very resistant to telepathy and mental coercion/control.
2. Captain Karl Glivinski ("Captain 'Ski"): Belmont police chief. Basically good at heart, but very much a 'real world' guy. Mind blind, and a magic sink.
3. Lina Moretti: BHS school nurse. Former Army medic and Boston EMT, moved to Belmont to care for an elderly relative. Interested in unexplained phenomena, mostly because she has seen a LOT of weird stuff (May, in fact, be a Weirdness Magnet)
4. Robert Stone: BHS school custodian. May be a golem, or a spirit-of-place. Never seems to eat, sleep, or leave the school.
5. Mrs. Anderson: BHS School counselor (Wow is she over-worked)
6. Name TBD: BHS theater program director (Actually guest director for the 2016 school year)
7. Kendra Kane: BHS theater production manager, faculty advisor to the Production Club
8. Name TBD: BPL rare books librarian; occult scholar, urban historian, 'theoretical' wizard; hipster-librarian.
9. Officer Walton Sullivan: Belmont PD rookie police officer; probably the victim of something...
*10. Officer Janice Reyes: Belmont PD rookie police officer; assigned as a 'school resource officer' to Belmont High
11. Jefferson Wright: Former principal of Belmont High (2010- early 2016); institutionalized after unexplained physical and mental collapse- catatonic.
12. "Texas' Jack Webster: A zoo-keeper at the Stone Zoo, north of Boston. Former big-game hunting guide in Alaska and Africa, a renowned expert on large predators. Occasionally consulted by Belmont Animal Control officers...
13. Mr. Turner (Andrew Turner sr.; 'Coach Turner'): Football team 'booster' and assistant coach (Strength and conditioning); actually an alchemist/occultist, who newly improved 'protein shakes' might mean a really good year for BHS football (they tend to have unpredictable effects on those with any kind of paranormal talents, especially in the long term- but such individuals are rare, except at Belmont High...)
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