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2e: The Untamed Wilds: The Caravan Campaign (recruiting, closed)


Creator of The Untamed Wilds

This is the recruiting and character creation thread for the PbP game. This particular campaign can handle 10 beginner level characters with each player having a maximum of 2 characters.

Characters will start as young adults. Please post image and as detailed as possible description of your character. This is all that is technically necessary to create a character. Use separate replies if you are playing two characters. If you have a favorite D&D character any version from 1st to 4th level and would like to try the system, post it and I can convert it. For the purposes of this campaign, D&D races are limited to Human, Elf, Dwarf, Halfling, Half-Orc.
As children, you've grown up traveling with a a silk caravan that journeys between Asylim, the southern port city, and Boga City, the central trade hub of the continent. Being a rather large caravan, there is a cartwright, leather worker, blacksmith, and a master weaver.

he silk is collected from spider webs in the southern part of the Thelanerest Forest and woven as the caravan travels. The caravan returns with iron and tin.

As children, your group became friends and went on mini adventures together like friends would do. As you are now adults, conversations have engaged concerning a different future than the caravan life.

Sheldon is Centrin, having been born in Boga City. He is of medium build and height, light complexion with reddish-blond hair. He does not carry a weapon but shows a talent for weaponless combat. His closest companion is Indigo.

She is a Rhein, having been born to the caravan, her mother, the caravan's herbalist, was born in the Siswa'alo Jungle east of Asylim. She is medium build but relatively short having a bronze complexion and long black wavy hair. She carries twin, single-edged swords the length of her arm.

Sheldon has a quiet, yet direct way of speaking. He states to the group one evening,

"I think it's time we strike out on our own."

Read more: The Untamed Wilds: Caravan Campaign
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Sheldon: Primary NPC


Sheldon was born in Boga City, the trade hub of the continent, to parents who joined the Ansylin Silk Caravan as collectors when he was a small child. Being outgoing and easy to get along with, he quickly made friends with other children of his age group. A friendship that knitted into a tight bond as the children grew to adults. As an adult, he too worked as a collector like his parents but showed a real talent for cooking and spent more time cleaning and preparing game than gathering spiderwebs. Noticing, even at an early age, that he could sense things that others could not, energies in the weather, the land, the plant and animals, and other people almost like strings tying everything together, led him to test his ability to tug those strings when no one else was around.

Sheldon is an Aedaman of average height (6'1") and average build (athletic) having pale skin with freckles, pale ginger hair left unkempt and loose, light green oval eyes.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth

Torvald and Merindell are an unlikely pair; their personalities are almost diametrically opposed, yet they share a bond of friendship that is akin to brotherhood.

Tor Portrait 001.jpg

Torvald Ericsson was born to the caravan, the son of one of the principal silk merchants, a man by the name of Buliwyf Ericsson. "Tor" is tall, taller than his father, being of hybrid Dahmre stock (Norikadian tribe), standing an impressive 7'4" high, and being extremely muscular, with a wide, athletic build. His blonde hair is long, straight, and braided into a single, thick cord. His round eyes are an icey shade of blue, which gives him a piercing, serious gaze. He carries a pair of medium-length, weighted-tip swords that he calls "Hallstatts" which are favored by sell-swords from Asylim. He will use a bow, if his enemy will not come to him; but he prefers close-quarters combat. Tor is fond of saying, "Real men prefer to fight with swords, so that they can see each other's eyes."


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Indigo: Secondary NPC


Indigo was born to the caravan because her mother was its herbalist. Her father, one of the caravan's hunters, was killed by a wild boar during a routine hunt when Indigo was still a child. She is diminutive and agile like her parents, being Faethrins, but showed more a talent for swordplay and less of an interest in herbs as she grew. Shortly after the loss of her father a new family of Centrins joined the caravan from Boga City. Though as opposite in appearance and personality as night and day, she took an instant liking to the pale Centrin child, Sheldon. A liking which grew into a inseparable bond. As an adult, her mother still being the caravan's herbalist, she became a guard that traveled out with the collectors, though maturity also showed her the importance of learning what she could of the herbs, since some were vital in healing wounds, not just flavoring meat.

Indigo is short (5'4") and of average build (athletic). She has mahogany colored skin, shiny, thick black hair kept long and loose, amber colored round eyes, lobeless ears, and an oily complexion.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth

Merin Portrait 001.jpg

Merindell Silveroak is a tall Faethrin, standing 6'2" as a fully-grown adult; his oval-shaped eyes are a light shade of green, which give him a calm, curious gaze that is almost hypnotic. His hair is a blend of dark reds and medium browns, almost auburn; he does not cut it, nor does he braid it, although he does keep it pulled back with a single, simple clip made of oak. Although he is tall, he is slight of build, having lean, spindly limbs, and a narrow upper body. Merin possesses a natural talent with manipulating way, though he as thus far kept this hidden as to not cause a panic or "witch hunt" with the common folk. Merin was adopted by the caravan about 10 years ago, suffering from a bad concussion; he was found among his dead kinsmen, their bodies scattered by the roadside, and stripped of their clothes and gear. His injury suggests that he was rendered unconscious and left for dead, although Merin has no memory of being struck; he remembers only the shouting of his kinsmen, "Evipau! Evipau! Look to the trees!" and then, nothing. The Caravan Master has suggested that Merin fell victim to a sling bullet, which is an uncommon weapon for an Evipau, but one which could easily explain such a sudden head injury. Merin carries a simple, wooden staff, which is plain, and un-adorned. The staff is made of Heart Oak, and is two inches taller than Merin himself. It is his walking stick, but in times of need, it can double as an effective melee weapon. Merin is quiet, and cautious, and continually scolding Tor for his brash, reckless demeanor. He is fond of telling Tor that, "Fools speak when wise men listen, and rush in, where angels fear to tread."


Gamer Extraordinaire

Name: Del Sannit
Gender: Male

Height: Average (5'10''
Build: Athletic
Race: Aedaman
Skin: Light tan
Complexion: normal
Tribe: Asylin
Eyes: round
Iris: brown
Vision: Normal
Hair: thick, wavy
Color: dark brown
Style: short
Beard: trimmed
Ears: Oval
Nose: straight
Birthplace: Silk Caravan (Ansylin Desert)

Description: Del Sannit (called Sannit by everyone) was born to the caravan on the night of a vicious sandstorm that killed three other people. The 'Del' in front of his name means 'trade' or 'switch' since he was coming into life as others nearby were leaving. He is average height and muscled from disciplined training. Sannit was taught combat by his parents as a guard for the caravan. He first killed a man at fifteen, a thief running away from the caravan with a bag of loot. When Sannit looked into the bag expecting money or other valuables and instead found food it shook him to his core and he swore to only kill when necessary from then on. He carries a spear and a bow, but his favored weapons are matching battleaxes that he wields together. He is quick to smile and laugh and has a sense of humor about almost everything except Bolo, his mate, who he is fiercely protective of. Sannit and Bolo are constantly together, so much that the rest of the caravan called them San-Bolo for short.


Gamer Extraordinaire

Name: Bolo
Gender: Female

Height: Below Average (5'2")
Build: Athletic (curvy)
Race: Faethrin
Skin: Light bronze
Complexion: Oily
Tribe: Da'Roneh
Eyes: Oval
Iris: dark
Vision: Normal
Hair: curly
Color: black
Style: Loose, Unkempt
Ears: lobeless
Nose: straight
Birthplace: Ansylin Desert

Adopted by the silk caravan as a child, and bonded to Sannit almost immediately, Bolo has never spoken of her life before the caravan to anyone but Sannit. Her tribe was wiped out in a mysterious event that left her with a jagged scar on her left cheek running from the corner of her mouth to her ear. Bolo is quiet and guarded, letting Sannit do the talking, and follows him faithfully so much that the pair were deemed San-Bolo by their friends. She trained as a caravan guard alongside Sannit, focusing on archery. She is a deadly shot with a bow, but keeps a pair of matching long knives ready in case an enemy gets too close. She has an undeveloped talent for supernatural abilities (or way) that she is not as shy about using as others with the same gift. She described it to Sannit as "Invisible strings tied to everything in the world. If you know how to tug the strings, you can do anything." Something about her demeanor gives others the impression that she has already seen the worst in people, and not much can shock her now.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Abilities and Skills Charts

Core Abilities:
Body, Essence, Mind

Developmental Abilities: (Requires a core ability of 10.)
Health, Motility, Strength
Adhesion, Cohesion, Confluence
Knowledge, Personality, Will

Ability Focus: (Requires a development of 10.)
Vitality, Flexibility, Might
Invocation, Evocation, Hematurgy
Wisdom, Charisma, Discipline

Base Skills
Collegiate, Commercial, Combative

Novice Skills: (Requires a base score of 10.)
Aberrative, Academic, Linguistic
Athletic, Mercantile, Obscurative
Melee, Projectile, Weaponless

Specializations: (Requires a Novice score of 10.)
Divination, Manifest Will, Manipulate Way
Biology, Sociology, Vocation
Literation, Semantics, Verbiage
Coordination, Locomotion, Prowess
Investigation, Negotiation, Security
Awareness, Defensiveness, Stealth

Masteries: (Requires a Specialization of 10.)
Aura Perception, Danger Perception, Way Perception
Alteration, Enhancement, Protection
Constructive, Destructive, Static
Alchemy, Botany, Zoology
History, Psychology, Theology
Metallurgy, Tailoring, Tanning
New Cant, New Language

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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Various Tasks

[sblock=Combat Sequencing]Rate = d100 - (Mind + Motility + Knowledge + Commercial + Wisdom + Flexibility + Athletic) + Hindrance
[sblock=Attack or Defend w/ Melee]Attack = d100 + Core + Motlity + Strength + Confluence + Knowledge + Base + Flexibility + Might + Aberrative + Athletic + Melee
[sblock=Attack w/ Projectile]Attack = d100 + Core + Motility + Cohesion + Knowledge + Will + Base + Flexibility + Wisdon + Discipline + Aberrative + Athletic + Projectile
[sblock=Defend Against Projectiles]Core + Motility + Cohesion + Knowledge + Collegiate + Commercial + Flexibility + Evocation + Aberrative + Athletic + d100(if before attacker in sequence)
[sblock=Charm, Hold, Paralyze, Sleep, Stun, etc.]Affect = Cohesion + Personality
Effectiveness = d100 + Essence + Mind + Cohesion + Knowledge + Personality + Collegiate + Aberrative[/sblock]
[sblock=Resist Charm, etc.]Resistance = d100 + Essence + Mind + Cohesion + Knowledge + Will + Collegiate + Aberrative
[sblock=Generate Electricity or Heat]Affect = Confluence + Will
Effectiveness = d100 + Essence + Mind + Confluence + Knowledge + Will + Collegiate + Aberrative[/sblock]
[sblock=Resist Electricity or Heat]Resistance = d100 + Essence + Body + Confluence + Knowledge + Health + Collegiate + Commercial + Aberrative + Obscurative
[sblock=Heal Body]Affect = Confluence + Will
Effectiveness = Essence + Mind + Confluence + Knowledge + Will + Collegiate + Aberrative + Academic - d100
[sblock=Heal Essence]Affect = Adhesion + Will
Effectiveness = Essence + mind + Adhesion + Knowledge + Will + Collegiate + Aberrative + Academic - d100
[sblock=Heal Mind]Affect = Cohesion + Will
Effectiveness = Essence + mind + Cohesion + Knowledge + Will + Collegiate + Aberrative + Academic - d100
[sblock=Leach, Sicken, etc. (drain essence)]Affect = Adhesion + Will
Effectiveness = d100 + Essence + Mind + Adhesion + Knowledge + Will + Collegiate + Aberrative[/sblock]
[sblock=Resist Essence Drain]Resistance = d100 + Essence + Mind + Adhesion + Knowledge + Will + Collegiate + Aberrative
[sblock=Sense Danger]Effectiveness = Essence + Mind + Adhesion + Knowledge + Will + Collegiate + Commercial + Aberrative + Obscuring +/1 modifiers - d100
[sblock=Sense Motive]Effectiveness = Essence + Mind + Cohesion + Knowledge + Personality + Collegiate + Commercial + Aberrative + Academic + Mercantile +/- modifiers - d100
[sblock=Tracking by Sight]Effectiveness = Essence + Mind + Cohesion + Knowledge + Collegiate + Commercial + Aberrative +/- modifiers - d100
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