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The Untamed Wilds: Caravan Campaign


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Heading West: Trip 2, Day 1


The group departs town heading West following the same route as before. As the day nears its close, the party comes upon the place where the lizard remain had been left. Though not appealing to the company's palates, it appears that pigs and carrion birds have no such revulsion to the meat. Moving on a bit farther to make came. The day proved uneventful.

OOC: State any particulars for the evening and any specific intentions for the next day's travel.

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Gamer Extraordinaire
Knowing a good idea when they see one, San-Bolo also take an interest in plant life as they travel. They help gather ingredients and confer with the others on what they find. At the lizard battle site they will also peer at the tracks left by the animals that fed on the carcass and see if they can determine which creature made what mark. (I don't need specifics I'm just saying they work on their tracking unless they see something significant)

During the day they will hunt and scout ahead as necessary. Any other members of the party are welcome to assist. They still train with weapons but not too hard. They don't want to risk an accident before facing the tribe.

At night before bed San-Bolo sit across from each other on their blankets, taking turns attempting to make one of them fall asleep with way and working on resisting as long as they can. The winner tucks the other one in.

GM: Growing near the creek, Indigo, whose mother was the original caravan's herbalist, points out a witch hazel tree to Sannit and Bolo. So as to not significantly damage the tree, each only takes one measure of bark. You are also able to fell some game thereby preventing the party from having to use rations.

[sblock=Identify Plant]Essence + Mind + Cohesion + Knowledge + Collegiate + Commercial - d100 + past knowledge bonus

Indigo = 39 - 37 + 50 = 52 (success)[/sblock]
OOC: Witch Hazel Bark, 1 measure: Restore Body +10%, Restore Mind +10%
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Sword And Board

As we are leaving town, Tor talks with Raven briefly about the shield. Raven says that adding the skin covering to the shield won't improve its effectiveness in relation to stopping blows, and says that Tor would make better use of his 1/4 hide by using it to add another layer to his corded hauberk, making it into a lizard hide hauberk. Tor agrees, and pays him in advance (100 clams) for the work; he also lets Raven take his measurements, since he will need to wear the corded hauberk on the current expedition. Lastly, Tor buys a round, wooden shield (100 clams) from the store, and takes it with him. He does not sell his extra sword; rather, he re-configures the scabbard to hang on his back, where he will keep it for use as a spare. The other sword remains in its place, in Tor's left hip belt scabbard. Tor will carry the shield in his left hand.

Merin also pays Raven for the chitin overlay armguards, but reminds him that they only need 3, not 4, since Tor will be using a shield. Merin and Tor pool their money to give Raven his 150 clams for the work in advance, as well as leaving the required materials for him.

As the group travels, Tor practices with his new shield, trying to get a feel for how to weave it in and out without bumping into his own sword.

OOC: Total Expenditure: 350 Clams. We're almost broke, ha ha. Merin and Tor pool their clams, for a total of (87+307) = 394 clams. That leaves 44 clams remaining, which the two friends split evenly, so that both will have a little pocket change. (22 clams each.) By the way, what are stats on the wooden shield?
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Hearing no other replies from the other party members, Sheldon and Indigo spoke with Raven about commissioning a suit of armor for Indigo from the remaining 1/2 of the knobbed lizard hide. Sheldon decided they would pool their coin for this and he could wait on choosing a weapon.

OOC: The 200 clams for labor are paid up front.


Gamer Extraordinaire
OOC: If there is anything left of the knobbed hide after indigo's suit I'll take it.
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Aust Thale

Aust & Revan Diversions While Traveling

Having walked this road before, Revan takes advantage of even the little familiarity to work on mental skills, particularly, how to get into Aust's head. To read his thoughts. To communicate with him. To feel the emotions he feels. Manipulating the Way, she attempts about every half hour or so the first day of travel. She holds his hand while she attempts. If successful, she stands next to him walking, and then experiments with the distance. Call it telepathy, empathy, or mind-reading, she works on making herself better at those mental disciplines.

In addition, she practices infusing the Way with her bow, using it to properly measure the pull pressure to reach different ranges. Already an above-average archer, she practices bullseye shots on moving small game as she comes across it, intending to acquire a little extra variety in their evening meals. She does not use her best arrows, and she attempts to hit targets in the open such that she won't have to hunt for lost arrows.

Aust works on tracking and orienteering, mixing the Way as best he can to improve his ability to know where he is, what's around him, and retaining a photographic mental image in his head of where they are on a map, where the settlements are, where they came from, and where they are going. He also keeps an eye out for more usable flora along the road, particularly looking for suitable trees in the region from which to make a staff, more spears, and a bow for himself. As he walks, he uses the way to focus his eyes in on the minute details of what's around him, saving a look or two for his beautiful mate.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Results of Practice

Having walked this road before, Revan takes advantage of even the little familiarity to work on mental skills, particularly, how to get into Aust's head. To read his thoughts. To communicate with him. To feel the emotions he feels. Manipulating the Way, she attempts about every half hour or so the first day of travel. She holds his hand while she attempts. If successful, she stands next to him walking, and then experiments with the distance. Call it telepathy, empathy, or mind-reading, she works on making herself better at those mental disciplines.

OOC: Holding Aust hand, Revan finds that she can indeed read his emotions quite readily, but as to the specifics of thought, they are still a mystery. At a distance, she can get a general idea of complacency then affection then concentration but nothing specific. Having found some measure of success, she feels that this is something she should continue to pursue.

GM: Revan increases Will by 1 point. You will need to update your character record.

Aust Thale said:
In addition, she practices infusing the Way with her bow, using it to properly measure the pull pressure to reach different ranges. Already an above-average archer, she practices bullseye shots on moving small game as she comes across it, intending to acquire a little extra variety in their evening meals. She does not use her best arrows, and she attempts to hit targets in the open such that she won't have to hunt for lost arrows.

OOC: Bolo joins Revan on her archery endeavor. Revan taking tips from the more experienced archer. She finds that by pausing for the measure of about 2 heart beats she can indeed increase her accuracy.

GM: Bolo and Revan collect just enough game for the day's meals and , deliberately, nothing more.

Aust Thale said:
Aust works on tracking and orienteering, mixing the Way as best he can to improve his ability to know where he is, what's around him, and retaining a photographic mental image in his head of where they are on a map, where the settlements are, where they came from, and where they are going.

OOC: Sheldon and Sannit notice what Aust is doing and lend a hand in this study of the surrounding, pointing to various tracks and frequently traveled paths of small animals that no longer leave tracks, intuiting directions for food and water which are more acutely important that the points on a compass.

GM: Aust increases Commercial skill by 1 point. You will need to adjust your character record.

Aust Thale said:
He also keeps an eye out for more usable flora along the road, particularly looking for suitable trees in the region from which to make a staff, more spears, and a bow for himself. As he walks, he uses the way to focus his eyes in on the minute details of what's around him, saving a look or two for his beautiful mate.

OOC: A long felled pine proves to contain a significant amount of rich lighter, a peculiarity to some pine as it becomes harder and infused with turpentine rather than rotting. Merin notes for all that not only is it good for mundanely starting a fire, but a palm sized piece can be manipulated to spontaneously combust which can then be thrown a distance of about 2 paces. (12')

GM: Everyone who wants to record it finds 2 measures of lighter pine.

OOC: Lighter Pine: Generate Heat +20%, affect + 2

GM: Merin notes that he alone, at this point can cause a piece to ignite at a pace distance (6') causing quite a fire. This can be both beneficial and detrimental if the very real fire that ensues is not extinguished or kept in check.

OOC: As an afterthought, Merin and Sheldon both attempt to extinguish a fire by manipulating way. Sheldon cannot. His ability to manipulate way does not yet extend to a distance. Merin find that he can but that the absorbed heat must be sent into something else that is touching the heat source, Sending the heat of the flame into the earth extinguishes the flame as the plane (the word planet is not used) is significantly large to absorb it with null effect.

GM: Everyone also receives 1 XP. This can be saved as it will likely not be useful to any character at this time
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Heading West: Trip 2, Day 2


OOC: The second day is also uneventful as far as hostilities go. The party is able to discover a camp previously used by the hunters that left 3 days before, despite an attempt to conceal it, thereby confirming some improvement in tracking. Game is once again acquired, negating the need for rations. The pack animals are becoming even more receptive to commands and can be given more complicated tasks.

OOC: Some small round black fruit is discovered from a small herbaceous shrub near the creek. The fact that nothing has eaten any of it makes it of interest, but no specific use can yet be determined for it.

GM: Party Collection: 2 handfuls of black berries

GM: The following day should bring the party within range of the reported hostile people. State any specific preparations concern this potential encounter. The party should cross over into the hardwood by mid afternoon the next day.
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Gamer Extraordinaire
Sannit gets the attention of the group and says, "I think we should stay close to each other from here on out. Scouting, hunting, and gathering should be done within line of sight of the rest of the party. If we see anything interesting we should check it out as a group. We'll be able to fully explore on the way back, but they might already be watching us. If they see us separate they will try to pick us off. I think if we see them we should try to speak with them first, but if anyone wants to attack on sight you can make your case. This might be as simple as a misunderstanding, hunters interfering with some tribal matter. It might be game is scarce in this area and they are trying to drive off any competitors. The Da'Roneh back at the road ambush made it clear they wanted to fight, but if we can avoid bloodshed in this matter I think it would be better."

As usual Bolo sits quietly beside Sannit and says nothing, but anyone looking closely can see a slight smile and a look of pride on her face.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Sheldon Responds

"If we can follow the trail of the previous hunters, we may even be able to use their passing to our advantage. If the hostile group hasn't yet made a play for them, we may close the distance and be better suited to protect ourselves and maybe save the hunters while the hostile are focused on them."

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