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D&D 5E To Sail the Olympian Sea: 5E [Setting & Characters]

Charwoman Gene

OOC Thread

[sblock=Setting Info]
  • The Olympian League is a group of allied city states, famed for knowledge and wealth.
  • They view themselves as the pinnacle of human potential.
  • Trade is their main source of wealth.
  • Worship the Olympian gods.

  • Tribal towns and villages. Local leaders style themselves princes or chiefs, their is a largely ceremonial High King who rules over all.
  • The consider themselves guardians of nature.
  • Worship the Celtic Pantheon
  • Feudal Medievalesque Style Kingdoms and duchies
  • Represent a population mixed between Southern Skaldi and Alban Descent
  • Worship at the Great Church, a combination of several pantheons, often equating gods from several pantheons as a single god.
  • Northern Skaldia
    • Land of cold weather, small warrior clans and tribes
    • Agriculture, fishing and raiding are their sources of wealth.
    • Norse Pantheon
  • Southern Skaldia
    • Similar to Bretonnia, but ruled over by a single weak emperor.
    • Worship the Norse Pantheon.
The Dominion
  • Hobgoblin Military Hierarchy overtaking the territory of Tiberium.
  • Totalitarian fascist style state.
  • Not officially at war with any outside nations, for now.
  • Population is roughly split 40% Hobgoblins and 60% other races.
  • Worship is a regimented church of Malgubliyet. Common folk often worship the Tiberian gods, who are mostly renamed Olympian Deities.
  • Desert land, where life and survival depend on the whims or a great River.
  • Ruled by an absolute monarch/god-king
  • Ancestor worship mixed with the Egyptian pantheon

  • Human
    • Ethnicity: Roughly broken down by the 6 major nations, with typical features of the nations Earth analogues
    • Languages: By Nation, all PC’s get common and their native tongue instead of common.
  • Other races are found in small groups within and adjacent to human nations.
  • High Elves are an exception, as they largely hail from the Misty Isles.
  • Aasimar are known as “Godtouched” and are found in small numbers throughout the realms. They strongly pick up the local human cultures.
  • Dragonborn and Tieflings are exceedingly rare in the 6 nations. They exist, but mostly hail from the Dragon Isles and the Devil’s Fang.

Special Regions
  • Elemental Coast - Exotic land of genies and adventure.
  • Dragon Isles - Ruled by dragons, warring between themselves.
  • Devil’s Fang - Cursed land ruled by a cruel Tiefling Oligarchy
  • Misty Islands - Land of High Elves
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Freya Ulfric, Scourge Aasimar Berserker Barbarian Sailor
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First Post

[sblock=RAB KOSMAS]
Race: Human (Variant), Class: Rogue, Level: 4, Archetype: Thief
Age: 18, Height: 5' 4", Weight: 145lbs, Eyes: Brown, Hair: Brownish Black
Abilities (*Proficiency)
STR 11 (+0/+0)
DEX 18 (+4/+7*)
CON 12 (+1/+1)
INT 14 (+2/+4*)
WIS 10 (+0/+0)
CHA 12 (+1/+1)

(*Proficiency/**with Expertise)
Acrobatics (DEX) +6*
Animal Handling (WIS) +0
Arcana (INT) +2
Athletics (STR) +4**
Deception (CHA) +3*
History (INT) +2
Insight (WIS) +0
Intimidation (CHA) +1
Investigation (INT) +4*
Medicine (WIS) +0
Nature (INT) +2
Perception (WIS) +2*
Performance (CHA) +1
Persuasion (CHA) +1
Religion (INT) +2
Sleight of Hands (DEX) +6*
Stealth (DEX) +6*
Survival (WIS) +0
Tools: Thieves Tools +8**
Gaming Set (dice) * +4

Hit Point: 27 (Hit Dice 4d8)
AC: 16 (12 Armor +4 DEX)
Rapier (magical +1): hit +7, damage 1d8+5
Short Sword: hit +6, damage 1d6+4
Short Bow: hit +6, damage 1d6+4
Dagger: hit +6, damage 1d4+4
ALN: Neutral Good
Init: +4
Speed: 40ft
Passive Perception​: 12
Proficiency Bonus: +2, Saves: Dexterity, Intelligence
Language: Menekhet, Common (Olympian)

Racial Traits: Human (variant)
*+1 to two Stats (Dexterity and Intelligence)
*One additional Skill proficiency
*Feat: Mobility – Your speed increases by 10 feet. When you use the Dash action, difficult terrain doesn’t cost you extra movement on that turn. When you make a melee attack against a creature, you don’t provoke opportunity attacks from that creature for the rest of the turn, whether you hit or not.

Background: Criminal
Criminal Specialty: Burglar
Skills: Deception, Stealth
Feature: Criminal Contacts
Personality: “I would rather make a new friend then a new enemy.”
Ideal: People “I’m loyal to my friends, not to any ideals, and everyone else can take a trip down the Styx for all care.”
Bond: “I’m trying to pay off an old debt I own to a generous benefactor.”
Flaw: “I have a weakness for the vices of the city, especially hard drink/”

Rogue Traits
*Expertise: double proficiency bonus with two skills (Athletics and Thieves Tools)
*Sneak Attack: Once per turn, you can deal an extra 2d6 damage to one creature you hit with an attack if you have advantage on the attack roll. The attack must use a finesse or a ranged weapon. You don’t need advantage on the attack roll if another enemy of the target is within 5 feet of it, that enemy isn’t incapacitated, and you don’t have disadvantage on the attack roll.
*Thieves Chant: understand
*Cunning Action: Bonus action on your turn to take the Dash, Disengage or Hide action.
Fast Hands: Bonus action to make a Dexterity (Sleight of Hands), use thieves tools to disarm traps or open locks or take the Use an Object action.
*Second Story Work: Climbing does not cost extra movement and Leaping distance is determined by Dexterity (long 18ft, high 7ft)

Studded Leather armor (45gp, AC12 +dexterity bonus, 13lbs)
Rapier +1 (starting gear, 1d8 piercing, finesse, 2lbs) uncommon magical +1 weapon
Short Sword (10gp, 1d6 piercing, finesse, light, 2lbs)
Shortbow (starting gear, 1d6 piercing, ammunition [range 80/320], two-handed) with 20 arrows (1lb)
2 Daggers (starting gear, 1d4 piercing, finesse, light, throw [range 20/60], 1lb each)
Burglar’s Pack (starting gear, 41lbs; backpack 5#, bag of 1,000 ball bearings 1#, 10ft of string, a bell, 5 candles, crowbar 5#, hammer 3#, 10 pitons 2.5#, hooded lantern 2#, 2 flasks of oil 2#, 5 days of rations 10#, a tinderbox 1#, waterskin 5# full, 50ft hemped rope 10#).
Thieves’ Tools (starting gear, 1lb)
Caltrops (bag of 20; 1gp, 2lbs)
Cloths, Travelers (2gp, 4lbs)
Grapplers hook (2gp, 4lbs)
Dice set (1sp)
Magnifying glass (100gp)
Rope, sink 50ft (10gp, 1lb)
Signal Whistle (5cp)
Spikes, iron (10; 1gp, 5lbs)

Total spent 71 gold, 8 silver and 5 copper

Rab Kosmas was born of parents whom immigrated to the Patrynos city-state from the southern nation-state of Menekhet when he was but a child. They died in a fire and he was adopted by a wealth ‘friend of the family’ who was really an important member of the locate thieves guild.

His adopted father sponsored Rab into the guild at some personal expense and young Rab still feels obligated to pay his adoptive father back (who he also loves as a father).

Friend – Adapted Father, Julius Stinoffis. Julius took Rab in when his parents died and raised him as his own son (whom had died at birth a few years earlier). Julius also introduced Rab into the local Thieves’ Guide, where the young man thrived as a second-story man.
Contact – Fat Zander. Zander is a fence for the local Thieves’ Guide that Rab most deals with. Rab like the man, even though he knows the fence would swindle his own mother if it would net him an extra copper piece. Rab knows where he stands with the man.
Foe – Kenthic Rodoci. Kenthic is a thief at the local guide that took an instant disliking to Rab, as the man is also an enemy of Julius from many years ago. Kenthic is an athletic middle age man of some high rant within the Thieves’ Guide.[/sblock]

[sblock=Build]Strength [3] 11
Dexterity [9 +1 human variant] +2 4th level ability improvement 18
Constitution [4] 12
Intelligence [5 +1 human variant] 14
Wisdom [2] 10
Charisma [4] 12

Hit Points 8 +15 (d8) +4[/sblock]
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Rogue 1, Warlock 3
Name Pyrlig Heardwulf: Race: Human(Variant) Size: Medium Speed: 30 Alignment: LE
Language: Common, Skalda, Olympian Age: 23
Background: Outlander


Human (Variant)
Increase two ability scores by one (DEX, CHA)
Gain 1 feat (Warcaster)
Languages: Common, Olympian

Rogue (Level: 1)
HP: 8
Armour: Light
Weapons: Simple, hand Xbow, longsword, rapier, shortsword
Tools: Thieves tools
Saves: DEX, INT
Skills: Persuasion, Stealth, Perception, Deception
Expertise: Deception, Perception
Sneak Attack : d6
Thieves Cant:

Warlock 3 (Level: 2, 3, 4)
HP: 5, 5, 5
Pact Magic
Cantrips (2): Eldritch Blast; Minor Illusion
Spells Known (4):
Spell Slots: (2) - Spell level: (2)
Eldritch invocations (2): Agonising Blast; Devils Sight
Otherworldly Patron: Fiend – Expanded Spell list, Dark one’s own blessing
Pact of the Chain

Skills: Athletics; Survival
Tools: Instrument: Horn
Languages: (1): Skaldian[/SBLOCK]

[SBLOCK=Abilities and saves]
Abilities (mod/save)
STR: 8(-1/-1)(0 points)
DEX*:16(+3/+5)(9 points + 1 Racial)
CON:11(0)(3 points)
INT*:10(+0/+2)(2 points)
WIS: 12(+1/+1)(4 points)
CHA: 16(+3) (9 points + 1 racial)

AC: 15 (12 Studded leather + 3 DEX)
Initiative: +3
HP: 28/28 (HD 4/4 d8)
Proficiency bonus: +2

Rapier:+5 to hit 5 ft 1d8+3S
Dagger:+5 to hit5 ft 1d4+3P
Dagger:+5 to hit20/601d4+3P

Eldritch Blast: +5 to hit 120 ft 1d10+3
Spell attack: +5 to hit Spell DC: 13
Spell Attack Modifier: +5

*Athletics: 1

Acrobatics: 3
Sleight of Hand: 3

Arcana: 0
History: 0
Investigation: 0
Nature: 0
Religion: 0

Animal Handling: 0
Insight: 0
Medicine: 0
**Perception: 5
*Survival: 3

**Deception: 7
Intimidation: 3
Performance: 3
*Persuasion: 5

Passive Perception:

Warcaster: Advantage on concentration tests, perform spell somatics even with a weapon, AOO with a spell.

[SBLOCK=Equipment and Spells]
Explorers pack (bedroll, mess kit, tinderbox, 10 torches, 10 rations, waterskin. 50ft of hempen rope)
Thieves tools
Hunting trap
Traveller’s clothes
Belt pouch
Focus (Bent demons claw)
Cloak of elvenkind
Grappling hook
Potion of Healing (3)

0 38 0 0 0

Eldritch Blast

Armour of Agathys
Rituals – Find familiar
-Detect Magic

[SBLOCK=DAGDA](Quasit Familiar)

Tiny Fiend (demon shaprechanger), CE
AC: 13 HP:7 Speed: 40ft
STR 5 (-2) DEX 17 (+3) CON 10 (0) INT 7 (-2) WIS 10 (0) CHA 10 (0)

Skills: Stealth +5
Damage Resistance: cold, fire, lightning, bludgeoning, piercing, slashing from non magical attacks
Damage Immunities: Poison
Condition Imunities: Poison
Senses: Darkvision 120ft, passive perception: 10
Shapechanger: Use action to polymorph a bat (spd 10ft: Fly 40ft), a centipede (spd 40ft, climb 40ft) or a toad (Spd: 40ft, swim 40ft). It’s statistics remain the same.
Magic Resistance: advanatge on saving throws vs spells and other magical effects.

Claws: (Bite in Beast form): Melee +4: 5ft: 1d4+3p CON save DC 10 or 2d4 poison and poisoned for 1 minute.
Scare (1/Day): One creature within 20 feet WIS save DC 10 or frightened for 1 minute
Invisibility: Turn invisible until it attacks, uses Scare or concentration ends[/SBLOCK]

Enemy: Huwcyn Heardwulf: Pyrlig’s cousin, who witnessed Pyrlig’s bargain with the fiend. Hewcyn views Pyrlig’s pact as a betrayal of his tribe and has sworn revenge on Pyrlig.

Neutral: Evaristus: A con artist who teamed up with Pyrlig once. The pair scammed a wealthy Olympian lady out of her travelling wealth. Evaristus offered to continue their partnership, but Pyrlig was aware that Evaristus would as con him as easily as partner with him.

Ally: Kallisto Anastos: The now captain of the Iphigenia. Kallisto paid Pyrlig to assassinate the former captain so that Kallisto could inherit the position. Pyrlig was caught in the assignation attempt, but was able to maintain the ruse that it was a bar fight gone wrong, so Kallisto kept his new position.

Pyrlig fits the tall, dark and handsome description perfectly, despite being very hard to remember once he has left.

He has dark hair and is slightly above average height. Possibly the only remarkable thing about him is that he is very skinny.

Personality Traits: I place no stock in wealthy or well-mannered folk. Money and manners won’t save you a hungry owlbear.
Ideal: Might: The strongest are meant to rule
Bond: I sold my soul for power. I hope to find another source to win it back.
Flaws: Don’t expect me to save those who can’t save themselves. It is nature’s way that the strong survive and the week perish

Born the seventh child of a warrior sworn to a tribal lord out on the edge of Skaldia where the wild northerners constantly raid for slaves and cattle and the warriors of Skaldia are constantly warring to get them back. Those who can’t fight don’t live long as they are of little use to the tribes. Pyrlig was on the verge of being one of those, not being particularly good at fighting, preferring to manipulate others into doing what he wanted.

On the cusp of manhood, Pyrlig accompanied is father on a raid into the northlands to reclaim slaves and cattle. There were no cattle to be had, but they managed to capture some slaves of their own. On the way back from the raid they were ambushed by wildmen warriors trying to take back their people. Pyrlig, being the youngest, was assigned the task of guarding the slaves, but being young was more interested in watching the battle.

The wildmen fought well but were losing the battle. Pyrlig spared a glance at the prisoners, only so see a shocking scene of blood and death. One of the prisoners had murdered the other slaves and used their blood to draw hideous patterns on the ground. As she sat at the center of the symbols, her chanting reached a crescendo. A great rip in reality spewed forth an enraged fiend that vented its fury on all the living in sight, slaying both wildmen and Skaldians alike.

Once the last warrior was killed it turned its fury on the one who had summoned it. The witch sat amid her symbols and calmly watched as the Fiend raged against an invisible barrier that it could not pass.

Pyrlig had watched the whole scene, shocked and rooted to the spot. As his senses returned to him he realised he would have to seek revenge if he ever wanted to return home. Clutching his spear he took a step forward, which attracted the attention of the fiend. As it came towards him Pyrlig realised that killing the fiend was like breaking the sword of a wildman in revenge for him killing your kin. It was the witch that needed to die.

Instead of charging to certain death, Pyrlig instead lowered is spear and took a knee before the fiend.

The fiend grabbed Pyrlig around the throat sending excruciating pain down his chest. It looked into his eyes for a minute. Spoke some unspeakable sounds at him then dropped Pyrlig on the ground.

Pyrlig could feel new power running through his being. He reached out a hand and a bolt of energy arced out towards the witch, deflecting off the barrier protecting the witch. He marched forward. Stepping inside the protective circle, Pyrlig reached out his hand again and the energy arced towards to witch, killing her.

The fiend, revenged of being summoned to the mortal realm, returned to whence it came, leaving Pyrlig bound to eternal service. Believing his family honour satisfied, Pyrlig was unaware of a survivor of the blood bath, his cousin Hewcyn, watching injured from beneath the dead.

Hewcyn saw Pyrlig’s submission to the fiend as a betrayal of his kin. Hewcyn returned to the tribe, expecting to find Pyrlig and call him out, but Pyrlig was smart enough to know that any story where he was the only survivor would not be believed so he never returned to the Tribe. Hewcyn, has since sworn revenge on Pyrlig.

Unwilling to go north, Pyrlig headed south to get as far away from his homeland as possible wandering from small town to village, avoiding any attachments. One particularly fortunate encounter left him rather well off. A wealthy landowner’s daughter was visiting her father’s estates and a chance meeting left Pyrlig in a good position to con her out of her possessions. It was one of the few times in his life he teamed up with someone, Evaristus. After the con they parted amicably, both knowing the other would work with the other, or turn on him depending on the circumstances.

Pyrlig’s descent into darkness reached a peak, when he took a contract to assassinate a ship’s captain for the second in command Kallisto. Pyrlig planned to get a bar fight started, kill the captain and flee in the ensuing chaos, but his plan did not fully work. When the bar fight started the captain proved a more able combatant than Pyrlig thought and Pyrlig was forced to use his eldritch powers to finish the job, marking himself out. He was arrested but kept his deal quite, allowing Kallisto to assume his captaincy. Kallisto hearing the stories afterwards was glad to be on the right side of someone wielding such power.
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Dusty Dragon
Alright, let's do this!

(as usual, I won't be able to do all this in one shot so I'll do it bit by bit)

Gamil Illbrew the Alchemist, of clan Sordrot, of Skaldia

Artificer (Alchemist)
Background: Hermit
Level: 4
Race: Dwarf, Hill
Alignment: Neutral Good (Gamil is less tradition bound than most dwarfs, but is a civil fellow)

[sblock=Character Sheet]Abilities:
Str 13
Dex 14 (ASI)
Con 16 (race)
Int: 16 (ASI)
Wis: 10 (race)
Cha: 8

AC: 17 (scale + dex + cloak of protection)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 25
HP: 39 (8 + 5*3 + 3*4 + 1*4)
Hit Dice: 4d8
Proficiency Bonus: 2

Battle axe: +3 to hit, 1d10+1 damage (2 handed use)
Dagger: + 4 to hit, 1d4+2 damage
Hand axe: +3 to hit, 1d6+1 damage
Alchemical acid: range 30 feet, dex save or take 2d6 dmg (one creature. Objects take max damage)
Alchemical fire: range 30 feet, dex save or take 2d6 dmg (5 foot radius)

SAVES (* = proficiency, includes cloak)
Strength +2
Dexterity: +3
* Constitution: +6
* Intelligence: +6
Wisdom: +1
Charisma: +0

SKILLS (*=proficiency)

Acrobatics: +2
Animal Handling: 0
*Arcana: +5
Athletics: +1
Deception: -1
History: +3
Insight: +0
Intimidation: -1
*Investigation: +5
*Medicine: +2
*Nature: +5
Perception: +0
Performance: -1
Persuasion: -1
*Religion: +5
Sleight of Hand: +2
Stealth: +2
Survival: 0

Passive Perception: 10

Tools: thieve's tools, Alchemist's supplies, smith's tools (alchemist); brewer's tools (dwarf), herbalist's kit (hermit)
Language: Common, Dwarven
Weapons: simple, hand axe, battle axe, warhammer, light hammer
Armor: light, medium

Dwarven Features:
Darkvision 60’
Size: medium
Dwarven Resilience
Dwarven Toughness

Alchemist features:
Artificer specialist (Alchemist)
Magical Item Analysis
Tool Expertise
Wondrous invention (Level 2 item: bag of holding)
Infuse magic
Alchemical Formulas: Alchemical Fire, Alchemical Acid, Healing Draught, Smoke Stick
Ability Score Improvement: +1 dex, + 1 int

Hermit feature: Discovery: The Divine Grammaticon

None at this time[/sblock]

[sblock=Contacts/Bio] Gamil grew in the bleak hills of central Skaldia and hails from the Sordrot clan, a small clan of hill dwarves. Raised as a smith, he also picked up brewing from his uncle, although his constant experimentation resulted in many a barrel of peculiar tasting brews. As all dwarves of his clan he was trained in the fighting arts and proved quite sturdy, if not particularly talented at it. As a young adult (barely in his 40s), he met a traveling human alchemist seeking strange stones and northern mosses. He became enthusiastic about this strange new art and showed the alchemist around the hill and learned much from him. The alchemist eventually left, but Gamil's new focus on potions and magic did not go over very well with the clan. Already not well liked and feeling he needed to travel to learn more, after a few years he decided to leave with his cousin on a life of adventure.

Ally: Andraste. His cousin, a dwarven warrior (barbarian, a berserker), was named after a human war goddess and that strange choice set her on a life of conflict. She didn't fit in much with the clan either, and gained a debt she felt she couldn't repay and she left with her strange alchemist cousin to travel the world and seek fortune.. The two together made a 2-dwarf adventuring party, fighting back to back against orcs, brigands and worse. Fierce but generous, not very intelligent but with more common sense than Gamil, she complemented her cousin well and the two made a good team.

Rival: Alphonso, a half elf alchemist. This alchemist was the next student Gamil's master took on after moving on from the dwarven hills. The master suddenly took ill and died. Gamil suspects - but cannot prove - that Alphonso poisoned his master to steal his materials and writings. He also finds Alphonso to be erratic and reckless - a pretty serious accusation considering that Gamil isn't the most cautious of experimenter himself. Alphonso disdain's Gamil's dwarven sensibilities and claims that Gamil's accusation are slander, the products of a paranoid, ill-cultured dwarf of little talent.

Contact: Sister Catherine: The duo eventually reached brettonia, where they made the aquaintance of Sister Catherine. One of "power behind the throne" personages, Sister Catherine is a powerful priest who gets thing done for the Archbishop of the Capital of Brettonia. Always on the look out for skilled agents, she started relying on the two dwarves to solve certain "problems".

Sister Catherine became concerned that her dwarven agents were becoming too well known and dismissed them from her service for a while. Taking their reward (a fat sac of gold and an old religious text), the cousin parted - Andraste taking the gold north to Skaldia to replay an old debt, while Gamil settled on the edges of a small village (renting a barn for a pittance) to study the text.

Gamil intended to keep himself busy selling alchemical supplies, but instead became engrossed in the old text - it was full of religious symbols and glyphs. To his great surprise, even though he was not a priest, Gamil discovered he could *use* them and via them gain access to the God's power. Gamil came to believe that he has stumbled upon elements of a divine language, which he has called the Divine Grammaticon - to master this language is to command the power of the gods. Gamil is well aware that this could be considered high heresy, so he has kept the details of this discovery to himself. However, he is eager to pursue his research.

After over a solitary year of intense study and experimentation, Gamil started becoming worried about his cousin Andraste, who should have returned by now. He booked passage on a ship north to seek news about his cousin, but the ship was captured and he was made prisoner.

Now Gamil is on a liberated ship. He still seeks his cousin, but feels he owed a debt to the party for freeing him.[/sblock]

[sblock=Magic]Spell Known:
Cantrips: None
Rituals: Detect Magic, Identify
Level 1: Alarm, cure wounds, expeditious retreat, shield of faith

Alchemical Formulas: Alchemical Fire, Alchemical Acid, Healing Draught, Smoke Stick

Spell slots (used/total)
LEVEL 1: 0/3

Spell Save DC: 13
Spell attack modifier: +5[/sblock]

[sblock=Equipment]Scroll case (notes etc)
Alchemist tools
Alchemy Pouch
brewer's tools
smith's tools
thieves' tools
Herbalist kit
Healer's kit
Common clothes
Religious Text: Glyphs of the One God
Scale Armor
Light crossbow+20 bolts
Dungeoneer pack (see page 151
hand axe
light hammer
ball bearings
Sack, 2
Winter blanket
Bag of Holding
Cloak of Protection

Chalk (2 pieces)
steel mirror
Tent, 2 person
10 oil flask
Lantern, hooded

GOLD = [/sblock]

Life of Seclusion: Gamil isolated himself for a while to study his art.
Personality trait: I am working on a grand philosophical theory and I love sharing my ideas (although keeping some details hidden as mentioned above)
Ideal: Inquiry and curiosity are the pillars of progress
Bond: Should my discovery come to light, it could trigger a great religious cricis
Flaw: I'd risk too much to uncover a lost bit of knowledge.[/sblock]


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the magical equivalent to the number zero
Xantos Zakynthos

human (variant) mercenary veteran rogue 1 / fighter 3

[sblock=Basic Information]
Name: Xantos Zakynthos
Sex: Male
Race (subrace): human (variant)
Class/Level: rogue 1 / fighter 3
Alignment: Neutral
Size: Medium
Type: Humanoid
Speed: 30ft.
Init: +3
Prof. Bonus: +2
Passive Perception: 14

AC: 18
Maximum HP: 34
Current HP:
Saves: Dexterity* +5, Intelligence +2
* Shield Master: Add shield AC if spell/effect is aimed at me; no damage if saved for half damage

Melee: Rapier +5 (1d8+5 piercing) (Dueling fighting style)
Melee: Spear +3 (1d6+3 piercing; thrown 20/60; versatile d8) (Dueling fighting style)
Ranged: Longbow +5 (1d8+3 piercing; ammunition 150/600; heavy; two-handed)
Ranged: Spear +5 (1d6+3 piercing; thrown 20/60)

Str 13 (+1), Dex 16 (+3) , Con 14 (+2), Int 10 (+0), Wis 10 (+0), Cha 12 (+1)
[/sblock][sblock=Features and proficiencies]
Ability scores: Dexterity +1, Constitution +1
Extra feat: Shield Master
Extra skill proficiency: Intimidation
Languages: Common, bonus language (Goblin)

Mercenary veteran
Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Persuasion
Tool Proficiencies: Gaming set (dice), Vehicles (land)
Mercenary Life: Identify mercenary companies; knowledge of their names and reputations. Can find mercenary work between adventures; maintain comfortable lifestyle.

Armor Proficiencies: Light armor, medium armor, shields
Weapons Proficiencies: Simple weapons, martial weapons
Tools Proficiencies: Thieves’ tools, Artisans tools (cartographer's tools)
Skill Proficiencies: Acrobatics, Deception, Perception, Stealth
Fighting Style: Dueling (+2 damage when wielding one weapon in one hand)
Second Wind: Regain 1d10+3 hit points 1/short rest
Action Surge: One additional action 1/short rest
Martial Archetype: Battle Master
Superiority Dice: 3d8
Unspent Superiority Dice: 3d8
Maneuvers: Feinting Attack (bonus; advantage on next attack roll); Maneuvering Attack (upon hit, move ally up to half their speed); Riposte (reaction upon being missed by attack roll; make a melee attack)
Double proficiency bonus on 2 skills: Perception, Stealth
Sneak Attack: Add 1d6 to damage when opponent has disadvantage, or ally is within 5 feet
Languages: Thieves’ Cant

(Proficient in bold)
+5 (dex) Acrobatics
+0 (wis) Animal Handling
+0 (int) Arcana
+3 (str) Athletics
+3 (cha) Deception
+0 (int) History
+0 (wis) Insight
+3 (cha) Intimidation
+0 (int) Investigation
+0 (wis) Medicine
+0 (int) Nature
+4 (wis) Perception (expertise)
+1 (cha) Performance
+3 (cha) Persuasion
+0 (int) Religion
+3 (dex) Sleight of Hand
+7 (dex) Stealth (expertise)
+0 (wis) Survival
[/sblock] [sblock=Equipment]
Arrows x40
Dagger x2
Studded leather
Shield +1

Leather armor
Mercenary uniform
Insignia of rank
Gaming set: dice
Thieves' tool
Cartographer's tools
Explorers pack:
. backpack
. bedroll
. mess kit
. tinderbox
. torches x10
. rations x10
. waterskin
. hempen rope 50ft.

37 gp
[/sblock][sblock=Appearance & bio]
A tall, somewhat muscular man of obvious Olympian descent, Xantos carries himself with the confidence of the trained warrior. He is not particularly handsome or even remarkable, but there is an ironic grin on his face most of the time. He is usually seen wearing a standard Olympian army outfit - studded leather armor, heavy shield, plumed helmet - but painted black to distinguish it from the standard red-and-bronze army equipment, marking Xantos as a sellsword rather than an army recruit. Although his spear is the most prominent of his weapons, the former mercenary favors a heavy rapier.

Personality Traits: Despite my sarcastic remarks, I love life and all its pleasures. I’ve lost too many friends and I am slow to trust people.
Ideal: I’m only in it for the money.
Bond: I owe a debt I can never repay to a senator, who rescued me from being killed and hired me after I was forced to leave the army.
Flaw: I’d rather kill someone in their sleep than fight fair. I am also a sucker for a pretty face.

"You want to know my story? Seriously? Can’t you just accept that I am a nice guy who fights well, eats your food and takes some of your gold, and leave it at that?”

Xantos Zakynthos grew up in a poor town on an insignificant island of Olympia, scavenging for food after his father died. When his older brother joined the army and returned with shiny armor and coins to pay for what he needed, Xantos wanted the same. Shortly before reaching the required age, the boy stowed away on a ship and came to the capital to sign up as a soldier. Before reaching the military quarters, however, he was robbed and beaten up by some street urchins. If it wasn’t for Lord Helios Totoupolos, a slightly corrupt senator, happening to pass by the alleyway at that moment, Xantos may not have lived to see another day. Instead, the senator chased away the street rats and took the boy home to restore some of his health. When he was healed, Xantos told Lord Helios about his plans to join the army, and the senator, for his own reasons, made sure the boy was accepted despite not being old enough officially.

It turned out to be a bad fit for the young man who was used to making his own way in life and not according to any laws or rules. In particular, Xantos grew an enmity with a young sergeant named Impetos, who went out of his way to make life impossible for the boy. When word came that his brother was killed in some war, fighting against an obviously superior enemy, Xantos decided he did not want to be a soldier anymore. Having an argument with Impetos, Xantos left without permission and went to a tavern, where he recognized one of his robbers and got into a big fight. He almost beat the guy to death outside a tavern, and Impetos had Xantos arrested and court martialed. On the day of his trial, however, Lord Helios visited Xantos in his holding cell and offered him a deal. He would join the senator’s household army of sellswords, defending his manor and occasionally beat up a competitor and his entourage. Xantos would get paid for his efforts and best of all, he would not have to face his trial but be kicked out of the army without a fuss. Like a hungry man offered a banquet, Xantos agreed to everything Lord Helios suggested, repainting his equipment in black to mark him as a mercenary for the Totoupolos Blackshields.

Spending his days fighting, patrolling and spending money on drink and wenches, Xantos could not imagine a better life. Until he got involved in another bar fight where he may or may not have killed a city guard - he had been drinking heavily that night and there were others who were capable of such a feat - and Xantos was imprisoned. Lord Helios told him plainly that he could not be freed that easily; the senate was investigating corruption within their ranks, so bribes were out of the question. Xantos would have to sit this one out. But neither expected Xantos to be sent off to be a slave on some foreign shore. Nor that the slave ship would be attacked by a hobgoblin galleon, only to be rebuked by the recently freed prisoners.

Friend: Baernoth of Skaldia, an exiled elf warrior-mage and former member of the Totoupolos Blackshields. Sharing a taste for fighting, drinking and women, the two fighters got along great from day one. Though Baernoth eventually resigned from the Blackshields and founded his own mercenary band, the two friends have kept in touch. Baernoth kept urging Xantos to join his new crew, called the Green Wrath, and although the Olympian has done the occasional job on the side, he has been hesitant to leave the service of Lord Helios.
Foe: Sergeant Impetos, an Olympian soldier of higher rank with an instant dislike to Xantos. Lawful to a fault, Impetos treats the line of command as a sacred vow and has recently turned to persecuting any soldiers or former soldiers for even the slightest infractions. Xantos is the one who got away, so if Impetos can hunt him down within the bounds of his command, he will do so.
Contact: Lord Helios Totoupolos, an elderly and corrupt senator of Olympia and prime employerof the Totoupolos Blackshields, a mercenary group named after him. Lord Helios saved Xantos’ life once, and although he looks favorably upon the warrior, the senator is a ruthlessly pragmatic man who would rather kill Xantos than expose his own schemes.[/sblock]
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First Post
Seelia Nishnocket
Forest Gnome Mage (Wizard) 4
Background: Far Traveler

Str 8 (-1 sv)
Dex 16 (+3 sv)
Con 14 (+4 sv)
Int 16 (+5 sv)
Wis 10 (+2 sv)
Cha 12 (+1 sv)

HP 26
AC 16 (10 + 3 dex + 2 armor + 1 cloak)
Prof Bonus +2
Init +3

Forest Gnome
+2 Int, +1 Dex
Speed 25
Darkvision 60
Adv on Int, Wis, Cha saves
Natural Illusionist - Start with Minor Illusion cantrip
Speak with Small Beasts - Communicate with Small or smaller Beasts

Ritual Casting
Arcane Recovery (recover 2 slots w/short rest)
Arcane Tradition: Bladesinger
- Training in War and Song - Gain proficiency in lgt armor, 1 one-handed weapon, and Performance.
- Bladesong; Bonus action, duration 1 minute, 2/rest (any)
** +3 AC, +10 speed, Adv on Acrobatics, +3 concentration saves

Weapons: Rapier (bladesinger), Daggers, darts, slings, staves, lgt crossbow
Tools: Music Instrument
Saves: Intelligence, Constitution and Wisdom

Arcana +5
Athletics +1
Investigation +5
Survival +2
Performance +3

Common, Sylvan, Gnome

4 - Resilient: Constitution

Spellcasting (Save DC 13)
Slots 1 - 4, 2 - 3

0 - Light, Chill Touch, Minor Illusion, Booming Blade
1 - Shield, Sleep, Thunderwave, Absorb Elements
2 - Misty Step, Phantasmal Force, Blur

1 - Expeditious Retreat, Detect Magic, Identify, Shield, Absorb Elements, Sleep, Thunderwave, Find Familiar
2 - Misty Step, Phantasmal Force, Blur, Invisibility

Cash: 100

Rapier, +5 atk, 1d8+3 piercing, 25gp, 2lb

Studded Leather, +2 AC, 45gp, 13lb

Traveler's clothes
Cloak of Protection
Music Instrument
Weird Map
Weird Jewelry, 10gp
Mirror, 1/2lb, 5gp
Pouch, 1lb, 1gp
Component pouch, 2lbs, 25gp
Spellbook, 3lbs, free (class item)
Waterskin, 4lbs, 2sp

Background Features
Origin: Exile/Outcast
Feature: All Eyes on You (Misty Islands)
- Your accent, mannerisms, figures of speech and perhaps even your appearance all mark you as foreign. Curious glances are directed your way wherever you go, which can be a nuisance, but you also gain the friendly interest of scholars and others intrigued by far-off lands, to say nothing of everyday folk who are eager to hear stories of your homeland. You can parley this attention into access to people and places you might not otherwise have, for you and your traveling companions. Noble lords, scholars, and merchant princes, to name a few, might be interested in hearing about your distant homeland and people.

Personality: I have a strong code of honor and propriety that others here don't comprehend. There is almost no filter between what I feel and what I do or say.
Ideal: I'm far from home and everything is strange and wonderful!
Bond: If I prove myself worthy, I can earn the chance to return home one day!
Flaw: My dial does not go below 10. It goes up to somewhere around 14.




Familiar (100gp)
Tiny Fey Raven
Armor Class 12
Hit Points 1
Speed 10 ft, Fly 50 ft
Str 2 (–4)
Dex 14 (+2)
Con 8 (–1)
Int 2 (–4)
Wis 12 (+1)
Cha 6 (–2)
Perception +3

Fly speed
100' telepathy
Share senses (1 action)
Deliver touch spell
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