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D&D 5E Days of Blight: The Gray Coven

I am proud to announce that Days of Blight: The Gray Coven (DB2) will release November 24th! This horror themed adventure can be run as a stand alone or as a continuation of Days of Blight: An Offering of Innocents (DB1).

Days of Blight: The Gray Coven will take your heroes to a festering bog known as the Blightmoor. Within the swamp, the heroes will need to navigate the intrigue of a den of bandits and cutthroats, battle monstrous allies of the coven, and lift a curse that has blighted the region for centuries. Nearly thirty subplots will take the heroes closer to the ultimate showdown with the Night Hags of the Gray Coven!

Again, Days of Blight: The Gray Coven can be run as a stand alone but Days of Blight: An Offering of Innocents is ready to immerse your adventurers into a story drenched in horror and suspense! Days of Blight are coming!


<span data-offset-key="ficor-0-0" style="font-family: inherit;">[video=youtube_share;NSESF8tyWdI]https://youtu.be/NSESF8tyWdI[/video]


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Days of Blight: The Gray Coven sneak peak!

Years earlier, the hags of the Gray Coven offered a young Black Dragon a large sum of gold and silver to come to the Blightmoor. The hags believed that strategically placing the dragon's lair would keep nosey adventurers and explorers away from their lair, The Tree of Decay.

Attracted by easy wealth, Shotheorth came to the Blightmoor and moved into the lair that the Gray Coven had prepared for her. Knowing the unpredictable nature of black dragons, the hags used the power of the Tree of Decay to brand Shotheorth with a witch’s mark, turning their ally into a slave. Though she does still have free will, Shotheorth knows that it can be stolen from her if she opposes the coven.

Pictured here is the dragon's lair. Also, there are a number of additional pitfalls to keep your players on their toes!

Days of Blight: The Gray Coven releases this Friday, November 24th!


Days of Blight: The Gray Coven Sneak Peak!

The Night Hag, Sinfoy, has long enjoyed watching people make the mistake of wandering into The Sinking Abyss. At times, she skulks up, as the victim hopelessly restrained, cries for help. While the swamp slowly swallows them, Sinfoy gets close to watch the panic in their eyes as they take that last breath before going under.

The Sinking Abyss has claimed hundreds of lives since the rise of the Tree of Decay. However, recently Sinfoy has realized that each of the victims took with them whatever valuables they carried. Seeing an opportunity, Sinfoy released her hydra into The Sinking Abyss to recover valuables. The hydra takes these valuables to its lair, a raised island at the center of the Abyss, which Sinfoy occasionally visits to claim her boon.

Days of Blight: The Gray Coven releases this Friday, November 24th!

Get Days of Blight: An Offering of Innocents here:


Days of Blight: The Gray Coven Sneak Peek!

Creating the Tree of Decay was Shoarir’s last act of pure evil on the Material Plane. The ritual that created the Tree tore from Shoarir a piece of her essence but forged a place of great power where the Night Hags could enhance their influence. Spawning the Tree changed Shoarir, fracturing her nature, placing one foot in the world of fiends and the other in the realm of undeath. In this way, she assumed the mantle of Hag Lich and returned to Hades to brood over the coven that she had created.

Since its creation, the Gray Coven has steadily grown in size and influence. Perhaps dozens of Hags, of both fey and fiendish nature, have joined the Coven but few choose to stay at the Tree of Decay, preferring to travel abroad weaving their insidious plots and satisfying their foul desires. However, the Tree of Decay is never without its guardians.

Days of Blight: The Gray Coven releases tomorrow, November 24th on www.DMsGuild.com!

While this 5e adventure can be run as a stand-alone, Days of Blight: An Offering of Innocents, is available on the DM's guild here:

Pictured below is the first level of the Tree of Decay.


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