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D&D 5E (IC) (OneShot) JustinCase's Within The Circle



“No, we are not here to harm you,” Magdalena said again in Draconic. “You startled us. I am sorry.” She put down the lizard she held. “What can you tell us about the goblins?” she asked them.

Magdalena crouched down next to the fallen muckdweller, looking to see if she might still be able to save him.

Medicine: 1D20+1 = [8]+1 = 9

OOC: If it’s possible, she will use a point from Lay on Hands to bring him back.

Bonus Action:

AC: 16 (chainmail)
HP: 12/12 HD: 1/1d10
Divine Sense (3/LR)
Lay on Hands 5/5

Prepared Spells:

Spell Slots Remaining/Total

Need to buy torches.

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the magical equivalent to the number zero
As Magdalena studies the fallen muckdweller, she realizes there is little left of its head. The magical fire has eaten through its tiny skull and burned away the inside. The damage is too much for anyone to bring it back to life with healing magic.

OOC: It took 8 damage from the firebolt, while it only had 1 hp. From the Open5e: "Massive damage can kill you instantly. When damage reduces you to 0 hit points and there is damage remaining, you die if the remaining damage equals or exceeds your hit point maximum." So it was dead on impact, not just unconscious.

"Startled us, big ones too!" the big-eyed muckdweller that Magdalena had held aloft just moments ago, said in hushed tones. Big Eyes dares to take a step closer as the paladin studies its fallen comrade.

The talkative one responds immediately. "Goblins home stealers! Bully and steal! Food and shinies bring to lizard home tomorrow. Lizards steal and bully goblins! Tomorrow!"

It takes a few moments for the awkward grammar to make sense, but then Magdalena realizes that the muckdwellers were planning to ambush goblins tomorrow, probably Belig after he's collected the bounty from Thistle. The creatures also blame the goblins for flushing them out of their former home.

OOC: For clarity, I'm going to give the muckdwellers nicknames. There's Big Eyes (#1), Biter (#2), Spitter (#4), Chatty (#5) and Runner (#6).



Magdalena said a quick prayer to Helm to watch the muckdweller’s soul on its journey to the Fugue Plane and on to wherever its final rest was. She looked back up at Big Eyes.

“We are here for this goblin, too. We are supposed to meet him tomorrow to give tribute. I intend to capture him, perhaps kill him. If you would like to help us, you may. Perhaps without their leader, your warriors might be able to drive away the goblins from you homes,” she told them.

She looked up at her companions and explained in Common, “The goblins have driven them from their homes. They were setting a trap for Belig after our meet. I have invited them to aid us in our goblin hunt.”

Turning back to the muckdwellers, she said in Draconic, “I am sorry for what happened to your friend.”

Bonus Action:

AC: 16 (chainmail)
HP: 12/12 HD: 1/1d10
Divine Sense (3/LR)
Lay on Hands 5/5

Prepared Spells:

Spell Slots Remaining/Total

Need to buy torches.


Thadius looks at the ruined boot the murkdweller's teeth had made. He grunts and throws up his hands. "You and your new pets can do whatever you wish to the goblins. But we still have our true mission to be about, and about it we should be."

OOC: Thadius is neither smart nor wise, anyone else want to ask where they murk-dwellers former home was?



“Where is this home the goblins drove you out of?” Magdalena asked the muckdwellers. It would be a good idea to know where to find the goblins if the deal with Belig didn’t go as planned. “Perhaps we may be able to drive them out. It is the least we could do for your friend. But after we finish our business.”

Bonus Action:

AC: 16 (chainmail)
HP: 12/12 HD: 1/1d10
Divine Sense (3/LR)
Lay on Hands 5/5

Prepared Spells:

Spell Slots Remaining/Total

Need to buy torches.


Traubon picked up a small rock as Magdalena talked to the little muckdwellers. He felt bad about the one he had killed, the pitiful little things didn’t know what they were getting into, but things died when you went into the battle that was the way it worked.

Traubon skipped the rock across the ground to his right away from everyone else, just because it was the way it worked doesn’t mean he had to like it. “We should bury the body, or burn it. Whatever is their custom.”


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Chatty points a clawed little finger in a generally northern direction. "Goblins in home there! Lizard home, big hill home. Gods home made, lizards gift. Goblins stole home!"

The muckdweller describes a place built into a hill, partially collapsed but mostly intact, with several rooms including a kitchen, storeroom, bedrooms and a library. It sounds as if the creature is describing the depot Baron Wildhurst has tasked you to explore, and the shortlived reptiles are convinced it was made by godlike creatures several generations ago.

As you prod Chatty and the others, they describe the place in some detail. Eventually you are able to figure out the general layout of the place.

OOC: depot crude map.png

The corridor at the bottom has collapsed. The first chamber upon entrance from the north is the kitchen, the next room with the large rectangle used to be the muckdweller's dining room with a huge table. The other rooms were used as bedrooms, storerooms and the chamber that connects both to the room with four doors and the easternmost room, used to be a library with books the lizards never read.

Of course, the muckdwellers only know what the place looked like when they were in charge. If you want to know specifics about the rooms or stuff to find therein, ask and I'll describe what the creatures know.



Magdalena blinked in surprise at what the muckdwellers were telling her.

“I think they live in the place we’re meant to explore anyway,” she translated to the others.

Magdalena talked more with the muckdwellers and then started drawing out in the dirt what they were saying. There was some back and forth as Chatty made corrections, but soon they had a functional layout of the place, and she explained which rooms were what, at least as they were when the muckdwellers were there.

“So it seems by the will of the gods our paths align,” she told the others. “To the north.”

Bonus Action:

AC: 16 (chainmail)
HP: 12/12 HD: 1/1d10
Divine Sense (3/LR)
Lay on Hands 5/5

Prepared Spells:

Spell Slots Remaining/Total

Need to buy torches.

Voidrunner's Codex

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