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If you were in the Star Wars universe which side would you pick?

Which Side would you pick?

  • The Resistance

    Votes: 8 57.1%
  • The First Order

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jawa Curry

    Votes: 6 42.9%

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I am the mysterious professor.
I borrowed this question and poll from Star Wars Twitter. Some people got bent out of shape over it. I wanted to see how folks here reacted.


I'd have to throw in with the Jawas.

Afterall, based upon what I've seen in TFA & TLJ of the other options it's dumb & dumber in space - without any of the humor(?).


With how they stink in military strategy, I'd form my own group and actually have competent military commanders. With just a few of those in charge we could probably defeat ALL the other factions with just a few fighters, much less starships.

No need to choose either or any of the factions, heck, the bounty hunter guild (if there is one) probably should be ruling the galaxy with how stupid the factions have acted so far, at least portrayed in the movies.

Keeping all your fleet around one planet? Dumb. We could take over the rest of the galaxy using criminals with that type of stupidity.

Not able to comprehend 3 dimensional space and do a pincer movement to capture or destroy three enemy ship? Dumb. With tactical minds like that we could use the same criminals to basically shoot from all directions and wipe that two dimensional thinking fleet caption out.

Not sending fighters who can out run and fly faster than the three enemy ships in front of you because you are afraid they might run out of fuel or can't be supported when none of them are really being shot out of space to begin with? Dumb. With that type of ridiculous logic, we could simply stay farther out of range than their fighters and send waves of our fighters in (once again, from all directions since their minds cannot comprehend this type of warfare) to basically wipe out their fleet.

These guys should have been destroyed by common criminal gangs looong before the movies took place with the type of military strategy and tactics they use and think of.

Have invisible ships that can take off and hyperspace to gambling planets without being stopped, but instead of putting a ton of people and ferrying them away you try a plan where the enemy can see slow moving ships visibly by just looking out a window? Once again, pincer movement with the same logic that you destroy any ships that jump away from the main fleet.

Have ships that can come and go via hyperspace as they wish...with fuel for an entire fleet for years being able to fit into it's hold...but instead of getting fuel you simply ignore that you could do that and have all your ships destroyed? Well, let's just blast any ships that come from them and let them run out of fuel. Maybe they'll run out of atmosphere eventually as well and they'll all kill themselves without us doing anything except making it so they can't escape.

I'd choose the original Rebellion who had much better leaders and never go into this alternate universe where everyone seems to have no idea of how tactics or strategy work.
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Mod Squad
Staff member
Episodes 4-6 are a little more vague, but they do establish that the Rebellion is a violent terrorist organization.

Um, which side, exactly, has destroyed entire inhabited planets to strike fear in the hearts of the populace?

Do we have any in-canon record of the Rebellion targeting civilians, or, in fact, attacking anything other than military installations or vessels? Even if we include the action against Jabba the Hutt as "Rebellion" (a dicey posit, at best), that is action against an acknowledged crime lord engaged in slavery, bloodsport, extortion, kidnapping and extralegal imprisonment.

Being in power does not mean you aren't the terrorist.
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Um, which side, exactly, has destroyed entire inhabited planets to strike fear in the hearts of the populace?

Do we have any in-canon record of the Rebellion targeting civilians, or, in fact, attacking anything other than military installations or vessels? Even if we include the action against Jabba the Hutt as "Rebellion" (a dicey posit, at best), that is action against an acknowledged crime lord engaged in slavery, bloodsport, extortion, kidnapping and extralegal imprisonment.

Being in power does not mean you aren't the terrorist.

For starters, there's the Endor Holocaust. And even though I would categorically reject your arbitrary decision to remove military targets from the discussions, there's the well known problem that the Death Star II was unfinished and wouldn't completely fit in that category.

Even beyond those examples, though, Rogue One openly discusses the fact that they are violent terrorists. A central point of the movie is that the Rebels are formed by an Alliance of existing terrorist cells. And there is significant debate around the fact that many of the cells find other groups (e.g. Saw Gerrera) to be too violent to work with. Nevertheless, the leadership is eventually willing to work with all of the most violent members in the name of taking down the legitimate government.

On a very related note, can you think of any examples of the Rebels doing anything non-violent for the people of the galaxy? Their victories are all battles. Their bases are all military installations. It's not like we ever see them involved in humanitarian efforts or even see families on their ships or bases. They are a religious military organization bent on physically destroying the politically established government and replacing it with their theocracy. Violent terrorists.

Note: I am only considering the movies. IMNSHO, the discussion of politics in the EU is very different than politics in the movies.


Jawa's make a good curry? Then I'm definitely on their side; resistance otherwise. ;)


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