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The Untamed Wilds: Electric Skies


Gamer Extraordinaire
Weekly post: 5 xp

HPD: Not so much authority as hired goons

OOC: The Runners have character knowledge that the Houston police will not interfere with your investigation. You are free to pursue the shadowy figure unhindered. You could have the target of your contract on their knees in front of them and blow their head off and HPD wouldn’t do a thing except process your contract as completed. Therefore, it strikes you as strange that Towers would come by to speak with you, and her warning is ridiculous. Of course it’s illegal to kill someone you don’t have a contract for.

You scrutinize Captain Towers, her partner still in the car, and the squad cars. Nothing seems fake. Not only do they have the right equipment, but it shows the right kind of wear and tear from regular use. None of you have seen Captain Towers before, but there are thousands of HPD captains scattered over the city.

How are we to contact you?

Captain Towers replies, “Let me know personally in the VR if you got the proof of guilt and death.” She shakes her finger at you in a playful manner, but you feel the weight of the threat behind it. “Don’t you try to go to anyone else once you’re through. I have a personal stake in this case, but the Billingtons wanted Freelancers to handle their justice.”

Deciding you’ve heard enough, the three of you turn your attention to the dark figure in the skyscraper across the street.

You see the figure turn to go and you pursue.

State intentions and give rolls for actions that you think would need rolls. If you wish to use previous rolls that you have not been used yet from your latest post, you may repeat them.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
OOC: Hawkeye will stick with his previous, lucky rolls.

Hawkeye intends to give chase, but he will not outdistance his friends if he can help it. He will also not fire on the figure unless he is fired upon first.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Nodding to Towers, somewhat dismissively, Trollick turns his attention to the task at hand. Seeing Hawkeye has the same intentions, he decides to try to outflank the shadowy figure to see if they can cause it to halt without conflict before conversation. Has he runs, the natural shadows seem to coalesce around him, making his own shadowy figure.

~It would be nice to get to talk to this person.~
[sblock=Active Search]16(mercantile) + 33(tranquility) + 95(d100) + 44(luck) = 188
This is to strategically flank and keep an eye on the quarry.[/sblock]
[sblock=Bend Light]18(bending) + 28(darken) + 50(d100) = 96
Projectile defense bonus & one time melee defense bonus = +96 - active search of opponent[/sblock]
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Syd knows he has to double time it just to keep up with his fellow runners. He trails behind Hawkeye and follows his lead.
He has his machine pistol and blade at the ready. He looks around to make sure this isn't an ambush.

Defense: rolled a 77
Perception; rolled an 89
First attacks (if necessary; rolled a 59 and 43 (Hrm)


Gamer Extraordinaire
Weekly post: 5xp

Shadow Boxing

Leaving the unpleasant Captain Towers and her entourage behind, the Runners pursue the dark figure. It is not moving that fast, and with your heightened motility you quickly cross the street and reach the skyscraper. As you draw closer you notice more details. The skyscraper is a mere empty frame, although it still towers to the same height as the others in the city. The one you are chasing is running along the girders and supports with superior agility. You see that your lack of detail on the figure is because he is cloaked in shadow as you are. The figure leaps to the ground and drops through a trapdoor into the subbasement of the skyscraper.

You are careful and don’t detect any traps or ambushes as you open the door and follow the figure down. Down a ladder the Runners find themselves in a bright corridor with metal walls. At the end of the corridor the shadow figure beckons you forward and opens a door. As soon as the steel door is open you hear the sound of cheering and animal grunts and screams. The shadow figure leads the way and you follow. Through the door you find a balcony overlooking an underground arena filled with about three hundred patrons, cheering for a fight in a caged area. A hog three meters long with hooked tusks is fighting two snakes five meters long. The hog is wounded in several places, but a third reptile is already trampled and unmoving on the ground. Focused on the action, the crowd doesn’t notice you as the shadow figure drops his cover.

Who you were chasing is an orc wearing a long coat over light armor. He has a pistol on his hip, but he holds his hands up in a gesture of non-hostility. He is young, with small tusks protruding from his bottom lip and coarse dark brown skin. His hair is fashioned in a tall black wave.

He says, “I mean you no harm, in fact, we can help each other. My name is Obrik Shadowstep. I’m a member of a druidic order. Billington was also a member. I discovered this disgusting den of death and asked him here to advise me on what to do, but the fool brought his family. His wife, daughter, and son. They reported this illegal arena to Captain Towers, but Towers and her crew are on the payroll of Scarlet Pips, the gangster that runs this place. Scarlet Pips had his thugs kill the Billingtons, but Billington’s father works for a member of the city council so he can keep pressure on this to find justice for his murdered son and the family. That’s where you three come in.

Scarlet Pips is onto me. I was sent by the order to investigate some disappearances in the animal reserves outside the city. The gangers are kidnapping exotic animals, fighting them to the death for the gambling money, then sell the meat and parts. It’s disgusting; the kind of thing that used to happen before the Violent Shift. Anyway, I can’t fight them on my own, but if you help me then I can point you at the ones that killed the Billingtons and you can collect on your contract.”

As Obrik finishes his pitch three humans walk through the door you came through, two men and a woman, all with light brown skin and straight black hair. They are carrying long black batons, and they look eager to use them.

The lead man says, “Obrik, you snake-spawn. More outsiders? These more of your druid buddies?”

[Sblock=Reaction] Syd 65+96=161, Hawkeye 61+91+100=252, Trollick 70+95+44=209, Obrik: 74+62=136,
Scarlet Pips enforcers- 1: 80+94+84=258, 2: 80+11=91, 3: 80+67=147 [/Sblock]

Speed of Action
Enforcer 1, Hawkeye, Trollick, Syd Vicious, Enforcer 1, Hawkeye, Enforcer 3, Obrik, Trollick, Enforcer 2, Syd Vicious, Enforcer 1, Hawkeye, Enforcer 3, Obrik, Trollick

Unused numbers I have catalogued:
Hawkeye: 95+67=162, 71, 88
Syd: 90, 77, 89, 59, 43
Trollick: 50

Enforcer 1 foolishly used his first action to taunt Obrik. It is Hawkeye's action. Declare intentions for the number of actions that you have under Speed of Action.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
OOC: Since no perception or sensing actions were needed, these rolls can all be attack rolls, I guess.

Hawkeye, who had been recording ever since the party began chasing the shadowy figure (who turned out to be Obrik) pulls his pistol and intends to shoot the 3 goons, starting with the smarty-mouthed leader. He will put bullet after bullet into the first goon, until he falls. Once down, only THEN will he switch targets. Although amiable and garrulous, there is also a cold, methodical side to Hawkeye, one born of barely-controlled anger, a quiet rage which seeps out from time to time, to seek justice against the unrighteous. This is one of those times.

OOC: First attack: 162 base roll + Aggression (19) + Combat (5) + Fury (17) = 203.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
OOC: 5/16/19: Awarded 5. Spent 3 to raise Aberrative to 4 and 1 to raise Divination to 2. Saved 1.

Not defaulting to gunnery, Trollick, who has constantly been improving in his talent for magic, tugs on the Mystic Way Lines he senses to to stiffen the motility of the enemy directly to his front. He knows enough time has passed to return his own motility to normal and for the shadows to no longer coalesce around him, but a good offense is the best defense.

He charges forward as he performs his his mental assault, physically engaging his foe. He punches both of his fists forward at the cretin's chest followed by an arcing ridge-hand at his head.

OOC: His target is Enforcer 2.
[sblock=Paranormal Assault]Lethargy = 10(essence) + 10(collegiate) + 8(confluence) + 4(aberrative) = 32
Effectiveness = 18(bending) + 32(lethargy) + 50(d100) = 100[/sblock]
[sblock=Physical Assault]Punch = 26(aggression) + 16(athletic) + 37(bolster) + 55(d100) = 134
Ridge-hand = 26 + 16 + 36 + 54(d100) = 132[/sblock]
[sblock=Physical Defense (if necessary)]21(readiness) + 16(obscure) + 29(analysis) + 55(d100) = 121[/sblock]
[sblock=Projectile Avoidance (if necessary)]16(obscure) + 29(analysis) + 54(d100) = 99[/sblock]
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Gamer Extraordinaire
If you made a weekly post: 5 xp

Bringing Guns to a Magic Fight

[Sblock=Hawkeye Ruger] Hawkeye: 59+95+67=221; Enforcer 1: 80+97+94=271 [/Sblock]
With a cold glint in his eye, Hawkeye levels his Ruger revolver at Enforcer 1 and fires. Enforcer 1 moves his baton in a reflexive defense gesture and amazingly, it works. The bullet ricochets off the baton into the wall, dealing no damage. Enforcer 1 looks as surprised as anyone.

[Sblock=Trollick Lethargy] Trollick: 100; Enforcer 2: 65+07=72, Motility damage: 5 [/Sblock]
Trollick can feel the Aberrative power take hold of Enforcer 2 to drain her Motility and slow her down.
Reaction adjust: Enforcer 2: 91-5=86, no Speed of Action change

[Sblock=Syd AK4700] Syd: 64+90+77=231; Enforcer 3: 80+45=125, Damage: 31
Medium Armor: 25-31= 6 Damage, Body: 10-6=4 [/Sblock]
With a sneer at their brazen aggression, Syd Vicious pulls out his AK4700, steps around Obrik to clear his line of fire, and rips out a burst at Enforcer 3. Enforcer 3 is focused on Obrik and is unprepared for the burst that rips across the chest of his Medium armor, spraying the balcony with blood and forcing him back a step.
Reaction damage: 6x5=30, Enforcer 3: 147-30=117, no Speed of Action change

[Sblock=Enforcer 1 Weaken] Enforcer 1: 60+40=100, Hawkeye: 55+71=126 [/Sblock]
With an elated grin Enforcer 1 points his baton at Hawkeye, who can feel magic power slip around him to steal his strength, shattering against his resistance. Enforcer 1’s grin fades as he feels his magic attack had no effect.

[Sblock=Hawkeye Ruger] Hawkeye: 59+88=147, Enforcer 1: 80+19=99, 14 Damage
Medium armor: 25-14=11 [/Sblock]
With Enforcer 1’s lucky baton out of the way, Hawkeye fires again with his Ruger. This time the bullet hits in the torso, but the Medium armor deflects the impact.

[Sblock=Enforcer 3 baton attack] Enforcer 3: 80+42=122, Syd Vicious: 64+89=153 [/sblock]
Enforcer 3 pushes a hidden switch and four razor sharp blades pop out of the end of the baton. He leaps forward and swings at Syd Vicious but the faster Syd evades the attack.

[Sblock=Obrik Sap] Obrik: 60+47=107, 65+83=148 [/sblock]
Obrik furrows his brow as he concentrates on Enforcer 3 in front of him, but there is no visible effect.

[Sblock=Trollick Jab] Trollick: 134; Enforcer 2: 75+98+20=193=counter-attack=11 Damage
Trollick: Armor Clothing: Soak 5-11=6 Damage, Body 12-6=6 [/sblock]
Trollick steps up and jabs a punch at Enforcer 2. Despite the damage to her Motility, she ducks the strike and thrusts her baton under Trollick’s chin, snapping his head back and filling his mouth with the taste of blood.
Reaction damage=6x5=30, 209-30=loss of action

[Sblock=Enforcer 2 baton attack] Enforcer 2: 75+53=128; Trollick: 121=1 damage
Trollick Body: 6-1=5 [/sblock]
Snarling at Trollick, Enforcer 2 strikes again with her baton and Trollick brings his arm up to block, taking only minor damage.

[Sblock=Syd Vicious AK4700] Syd: 64+59+25=148, Enforcer 3: 80+27=107=12 damage
Body 4-12=8 Mind Damage [/sblock]
With an eager glint in his eye, Syd Vicious blasts away again at Enforcer 3 at point blank range. The bullets rip through Enforcer 3 and he staggers back against the railing, falling into a sitting position as he loses consciousness.

[Sblock=Enforcer 1 Light Pistol] Enforcer 1: 80+88=168, Hawkeye: 59+100+71=230 [/sblock]
With Enforcer 3 down, panic sets in on Enforcer 1’s face and he pulls a light pistol to fire at Hawkeye. Hawkeye deftly sidesteps the bullet and hops toward Enforcer 1, who’s body language is declaring his intent to run.

[Sblock=Hawkeye Ruger] Hawkeye: 59+77+25=161, Enforcer 1: 80+05=85=22 damage
Medium armor: 11-22=11 damage, Body 10-11=1 Mind damage [/sblock]
Hawkeye blasts again with his Ruger at point blank on Enforcer 1, catching him in the gut. The man crumples around his wound and drops to knees before flopping over.

[Sblock=Obrik tackle] Obrik: 65+80=145, Enforcer 2: 75+57=132=minimal success [/sblock]
Obrik leaps past Syd and Trollick to tackle Enforcer 2 to the ground, but he only succeeds in awkwardly grabbing her around the waist and spinning around. She looks with wide eyes at her fallen comrades and drops her baton, ending the fight.

The Runners hear a commotion from the arena and glance over the balcony. The crowd noticed the fight and security guards are pointing up at the balcony with angry expressions.

Obrik lets go of the last standing enforcer and says, “This is Scarlet Pips territory. We better go before the bouncers show up.”

State intentions
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Syd reacts quickly:
"All right, guys.", he says to Trollick and Hawkeye,"Grab the woman so we, or Shatterframe, can question her. Obrik, you follow them. I'm right behind you while giving us some cover fire. Go!"

Voidrunner's Codex

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