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Speeding Up Play (Without Being a Jerk)

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aramis erak

They sound OCD...
... and that's not OK. Mostly because it's an issue for a member of the group.

Time for the houserule: "a roll calling for 2 or more dice must be rolled all at once; otherwise only the first batch rolled hitting the table count."

But also, be honest with them that you dislike towers; give them an option for dice cups and shallow trays... and if it didn't go into the cup before the roll is dumped, it doesn't count.

But also, tell them what you want out of a game. A rapid resolution of the mechanics, I'd guess, so play focuses on more story.


Stuck in the 90s
I like @Xaelvaen's method too, as long as the players know they are getting rewarded. imo, by having them add the advantage, they know they are getting it. Sure, a few will add it when they shouldn't, but some will forget too. And though +1 is noticeable, it won't really impact game balance.

Thank you - and you are quite correct, they know the mechanics beforehand. More importantly, I always ask the new table when I GM at gameshops if they would enjoy the rule. I've also set it to 2 minutes before when introducing new players, and slowly worked down the time limit. I've had a considerable number of people thank me for improving their turn speed, and helping them focus on the strategy of watching other peoples' turns and calculating their own in response.


Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
Seriously? I've known people who roll dice individually, but picking them out of the dice bag every turn?

I don't know if anything you can say would make a difference because it sounds like those people aren't really there to play D&D, but rather to indulge a polyhedral fetish.

Yeah, I've seen players do that too and I find it peculiar. If you fail to get all the dice you need out once, then I can understand going back to fish for more. But putting them in the bag after every roll? It drives me a little batty.
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Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
Should I grin and bear it? Should I try to teach them faster rolling methods?

A mixture of both.

The whole dice back into the bag after every roll thing is weird - very weird. Dice towers are also a bit of a weird affectation, but I've seen how people go for them to weed out some shady dice rolling techniques. Seems to me you should be able to ask them to dump all the dice involved in at once though. And the noise can be grating. So I can see banning them for that.

But the dice trays? I suggest you get used to it. The group I've been with for over 20 years has been migrating toward the trays, in no small part, because they keep dice from scattering across or off the table. And when playing with D&D artillery spells and Shadowrun, that comes in handy.


I use a wooden bowl that I put a piece of felt at the bottom:
space dice 2.jpg


Small God of the Dozens
Let's not kid ourselves, we migrate to trays as it gets increasingly more difficult to to go down on bended knee every 15 minutes to pick up a rogue die. I've seen people buy more dice rather than go hunting under a bookcase (playing at a FLGS).

One technique I use with slower players is to give them a certain amount of time to resolve the action, and then move on to the next person. So ..

GM: Sam, you're up; Zeb, you're on deck
Sam: Let me see think which power I'm going to use ... I'll charge the orc ... [rolls] ... that'll hit AC 22
GM: That hits. How much damage?
Sam: Let me get my dice ...
GM: OK, let me know when you've added them up. Zeb, you're up.

I also sometimes switch to simultaneous action:

GM: OK, everyone, pick a target and attack. 25 will hit everything, 16 will miss everything. Yell out if you're not sure and roll damage when you hit.

Does it cause issues sometimes? Yeah, but not very often -- and if it people complain, then let them know that you're doing it to speed up the game, but you're happy to stop if the game moves fast enough.

Voidrunner's Codex

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