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So, I continue to refuse to believe there was a fourth movie. I have this vague recollection of going to see some "Resurrection" movie at the theater when it came out, one that claimed to be part of the Alien franchise, and having such a visceral and intense dislike of it that I have excised that memory from my brain.

I think that the reason a lot of people were lukewarm to the last two is that they are, well, different than the earlier ones (esp. Prometheus). Personally, I consider that a strength. Not as good, but enjoyable. :)

And certainly much better than the constant reboots of Terminator!

The cast of Resurrection was great, plus it's a Joss Whedon interpretation of the franchise, which is lighter in feeling than the others. Prometheus I like more than Covenant, though I like them both, I sort of don't care for the "Aliens are Everywhere" disease mode.

I liked the last couple of Terminator movies, though nothing can match the cheesy goodness of the 1st one ...
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Cheesy goodness? Everything about the first one is amazing. That's just a stripped-down, amazing movie, from beginning to end. And one of the few movies of its time that still holds up (IMO).

Man, the early 80s were a rough time for cinema.
Rough? You mean like with ESB, T1, Aliens, Conan, The Thing, and The Road Warrior? To me it looks pretty awesome. All of those still hold up too; then again there are fine cheeses vs the more run of the mill horror, sci-fi, post-apocalypse varieties that could be super cheesy. Circling back on to the whole Star Wars, etc. franchises; they are technically great in production value, except the writing is meh. Watching Aliens last night, I loved how the music signaled the end of the movie before the last fight scene in the Sulaco's cargo bay, and then they spring it on you. It totally worked, even though I knew it was coming, and Sigourney Weaver's "Get away from her you bitch!" line is full of feeling; fine cheese indeed.


I actually like Alien Resurrection FAR more than alien 3. Alien 3 is the one that should NOT exist.

I'd have preferred if they had gotten that reboot they wanted to do a few years ago where 3 and Ressurection never happened and it was a sequel to 2.

But HATED Alien 3. Dislike it to this day. Resurrection may not be a favorite, but at least it is watchable for me.


I couldn't disagree more.

Would it have been good if Fincher had a little more time, and a little less studio mismanagement? Sure.

Alien3 is not an easy film to like and it's a hard film to appreciate, but it's worth the effort to love.

It is the perfect return to the feel of the first film, while still undercutting and subverting audience expectations from the beginning to the end. It's not a haunted house; it's hell.

James Cameron's opinion of Alien 3


Yes, there are some truly great movies as you transition from the 70s to the 80s. But, again, the overall 80s (especially the mid 80s) tends to be a cinema wasteland. There are many more great movies in the 70s, for example. The main issue is that the movies tend to be very specifically dated, so that unless you have a nostalgia factor for it (grew up watching it) they aren't very good.

I'd also throw in, for example, Predator, Gremlins (the first two), GB (first one), Raiders, Blade Runner and Evil Dead.

If I ever forget thee oh Blade Runner ... That period was so brilliant, we're still in the afterglow, the whole thread is talking about Star Wars. It's faint praise that any movie could even be compared to some of those. I mean, Luv really is the best one, and that was the problem with BR 2049, it should have had more of her, and less of everything else (dream mashup: Luv3 is sent to the Covenant colony planet to collect the David/Walter synth); which is also sort of my critique of TLJ, where it seemed to lose focus, they are trying to hard to put too much into the time of the film.


I actually like Alien Resurrection FAR more than alien 3. Alien 3 is the one that should NOT exist.

I'd have preferred if they had gotten that reboot they wanted to do a few years ago where 3 and Ressurection never happened and it was a sequel to 2.

But HATED Alien 3. Dislike it to this day. Resurrection may not be a favorite, but at least it is watchable for me.

I like 3 & 4 both, except they both have one huge problem, how to live up to Alien & Aliens? It's impossible, those movies simply set the bar too high, I mean both are exceptional.

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