• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

ZEITGEIST Are high resolution maps available for VTTs?

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So excited!!! I'm looking forward to buying it and happy to serve as a member of the hype squad to promote it to others.

Not meaning to come across pushy, but: Is there any news on this? My group is ready and itching to go, and I'm waiting to throw my money at you ;)
Just as a point of interest, is there an expected rate at which you plan to release the modules? Just so I can try to kinda of roughly pace my sessions to match.


Update: There will be a small delay.

I found some CSS styling issues on Roll20 that made the handouts difficult to read through the external journal. This caused me to redesign all of the handouts to work around this. I wish that I had found the issue earlier. In the end, the redesign has made it a better product, but it is never fun having to redo something.

I will put up another update around Tuesday next week. In the meantime, here are some highlights you can expect, aside from just having all of the content (including the beautiful artwork) fully set up in Roll20:
  • The parts of the Player's Guide have been recombined into a single narrative for the players.
  • The dramatis personae of the entire adventure path is in the Player's Guide, but hidden. As the PCs meet new NPCs, the GM can reveal new entries in the dramatis personae list, and the players can write notes against those entries.
  • The artwork in each adventure is available as handouts (separate from the adventure text) to show your players as they reach key points or meet new characters in the adventures.
  • Each guide and adventure can be read like a book through the external journal. This is one of the main complaints about many adventures on Roll20: that you can't just read the adventure. Well, you can with Zeitgeist. Each handout lets you move forward and backward between pages, allowing you to read from beginning to end. Each sidebar is set apart. Handouts are linked to each other for easy access. Here's a bit from the Player's Guide from the external journal, showing the feat as a sidebar, links throughout, and navigation at the bottom.

EDIT: 11 Nov, putting on the finishing touches.
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Thank you for the updates in the edit!

As impatient as I'm feeling, I'm also happy to see that the preview looks great and that there will be some additional formatting goodies in the Roll20 version. I'll be purchasing some of these adventures for the 3rd time (pathfinder just for the story, as a long-time Patreon subscriber, and now again on Roll20), so it's great that there are some bonuses that will make it easier for DMs and players.


They are done except for the product pages for the marketplace. Over 80 hours have gone into Island at the Axis of the World, the Player's Guide, and the Campaign Guide, and I have developed some great new techniques in Roll20 along the way, including allowing you to read each adventure or guide like a book from the external journal, so you can even read on your mobile device if you are so inclined.

The Campaign Guide comes with maps of Lanjyr, Flint, Central, and the RHC headquarters in case the GM wants to come up with other story elements along the way for side quests or roleplay.

The Player's Guide is already accessible to the player's when added to a game. This includes a dramatis personae folder of ~100 major NPCs the players will meet throughout the campaign. These have pictures and information for the GM and come with a token so the GM can drop an image on the page when needed, but the stat blocks on these are blank to not give anything away. The players can see information on NPCs they would know at the beginning of the campaign, and the GM can make more handouts available as they meet new NPCs. The players can keep notes on these NPC handouts, separate from the GM-only information. 40 additional NPCs are "red herrings" that the GM can use to create new NPCs on a moment's notice, and the players won't realize that it is not a "real" NPC.

Island at the Axis of the World has 32 handouts of art and information to show to the players as the adventure progresses. The three towers puzzle can be manipulated directly by the players. The Hedge Maze map has adjustable Dynamic Lighting lines; you can actually resize the lines if the PCs start burning portions of the maze.

Once the images for the product pages are captured, these will be submitted for approval.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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