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Miniatures that Inspired Character Creations


My other gaming related hobby is painting miniatures and I try to incorporate them into my games when possible. What typically happens is that I have an idea in mind and I go out in search of a miniature that comes as close to matching it as possible. But once in a while I come across a weird miniature that just screams, "Paint me like one of your French ladies!" Uh, I mean, it screams, "I should be a character in one of your games!"

So what miniature did you see and immediately think to yourself that you must use it in a game? If so, post a picture of it if you can and tell us about the character it inspired. It doesn't have to be a miniature you actually own, you can be inspired by something you didn't buy, nor does it have to be a miniature you yourself painted. Do try to give credit to any painters out there though and tell us the name of the miniature and the company so we can buy it.

This lovely miniature below is Avatar of Strength (Elephant) made by Reaper for their Dark Bones line of miniatures. When I walked into the game store I didn't know I was going to buy a weird elephant man thing but when I saw it I knew I wasn't walking away without it. I'm of two minds on how I want to use this miniature.

Conan: I'm thinking of making this an avatar of some Kushite god the PCs have to defeat. It's just bizarre enough to look like something from a pulp magazine story.
D&D: I kind of what to make this a Bard whose instrument of choice is a trumpet.


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Gelatinous Dungeon Master
Fellow mini painter here; Many of my campaigns have been written because I found a cool mini and wanted to find a way to incorporate it into the game. It's a fun challenge trying to find a statblock that best represents the mini.


He / Him

This guy has inspired a whole campaign! As I painted him I started imagining a filthy vampire hunter in rusty, blood-stained armor... I imagined the world he inhabited, how he would be the prisoner of a vampire in a village that raised giant pigs to sate the vampire's bloodlust...

That became the first adventure of my current campaign, which is now nearing its 50th session!

Oh, and the vampire hunter's name is Udgar Vance.


It's not a miniature, but it's in the same spirit - I often save images that appeal to me for use in D&D adventures. I once discovered a sculpture of a centaur-style pig man online and decided I definitely needed to use him in an adventure. Eventually I came up with a storyline involving wild magic transforming people into strange forms; the pig-centaur was a wu jen transformed into that shape and he and his team fought the PCs as an additional threat when they were trying to fetch a magic item from the volcanic lair of a red dragon (who had likewise been warped by the magic fluxstone in his treasure hoard).

Fat Pig-Centaur 01.jpg
I printed the image above onto a sheet of cardstock and cut it out with two triangular "flaps" that I folded in to allow the token to stand up, after having manipulated the image to the correct size to be scaled with my players' PC miniatures.



This guy has inspired a whole campaign! As I painted him I started imagining a filthy vampire hunter in rusty, blood-stained armor... I imagined the world he inhabited, how he would be the prisoner of a vampire in a village that raised giant pigs to sate the vampire's bloodlust...
Oh, man. That dude looks like a little adventuring Krampus!

t's not a miniature, but it's in the same spirit - I often save images that appeal to me for use in D&D adventures. I once discovered a sculpture of a centaur-style pig man online and decided I definitely needed to use him in an adventure.
It's not a miniature but it's close enough for government work. I like that two different people mentioned pigs in back-to-back posts! And your guy kind of reminds me of the BBQ pig man from The Solar Opposites.


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